26th Sep 2017 Fire Wise Committee Monthly Meeting

SC Firewise Volunteer Clearing Crew Input

1. Clearing Update: Starting time has been moved back to 9am as of 26 Sept 17.

New work location–N47, at 310 Pedernales area. 10 Oct 17, at 9am. (In thegreen space, behind the CA Maintenance Building.) We will meet in the dirt parking lot just pass the building, on the right.

Completed Work locations:

- 3 Oct 17, Clearing cancelled. The Crew has been asked to support the Firewise Town Hall Meeting instead of clearing this day.

- 26th Sept Cancelled due to rain and possible slippery terrain issues. Jon notified me in time to send out notices to the Clearing Crew as well as the Neighborhood Representative. Since this notice went out an hour before starting time, Jon and I were at the location to tell who ever might have come.

- Completed 19 Sept 17. N19. We had Randy and Howard (N19) come out and help us. 5 Crew members on hand and no incidences reported. CA Rep, Jon, dealt with an residents’ negative concerns on our clearing efforts. Unfortunately our efforts to clear areas to prevent spread of fuel for potential fires are regarded as invading personal privacy screening. The Crew keeps this in mind but finds it necessary at times to cut/trim brush to prevent fire from spreading. No injuries reported.

- 12 Sept. Green space behind 313 ArmstrongDr., N19. 8 Crew members on hand. Work continued in the green space, oppose side of Lampasas Pass. Work continued from previous week. A bit more poison ivy present in this peculiar area. Crew was cautioned. Had neighbor express concern on clearing area, loss of privacy screening. Explained that we would try to do minimal clearing, but the purpose of our clearing was to reduce fuel for fire. Jon had the mulcher working hard. No injuries or incidents reported.

- 5 Sept, Lampasas Pass, N18. First day back from our “summer”break. We welcomed Jon’s (CA Rep) new assistant Jacinto to our crew and promptly put him to work. Along with our 5 crew members we had 3 neighbors (Kurt, Brenda, and Donna) come out to support our work. We started clearing the green space area closest to the SC Blvd and work inward. This area was much thicker than it looked and had quite a few vines “to boot”. Jon had the mulcher working hard, turning cut limbs into mulch. Jacinto had the chainsaw “singing to the beat”.  Quite a few of the N18 residents came out to express their appreciation for clearing this area. Many understood the need for reducing fuel for potential fires and had wanted this done.

2. Residents Request for neighborhood area Brush clearing: Requests: 3 new requests.

Golden Rod Way- CA Ground Maintenance should handle this Level 4 area. Resident notified.

26th Sep 2017 Fire Wise Committee Monthly Meeting

SC Firewise Volunteer Clearing Crew Input Cont.

Summer Ridge Lane & Piedmont Lane- Almost in the Level 4 zone. This area will be combined into one workday. Its’ been added to our list to be completed at a later date. Residents will be notified.

3. Volunteer Crew List Total as of 26 Sep: 43

4. A reminder was provided to crew members that may not want to continue to receive the weekly FW Vol. Clearing Crew email, to let me know by the 22 Sep 17. (They can always contact me to receive them at a later date.) StatusUpdate : current tally on Crew members whether to continuing to receive weekly notices vs. special events only:

43 crew members:

23 Continue

1 Discontinue

20 No response as of yet

5. Coming soon- Photos have been submitted of our workdays to be posted on the Firewise website. “Proof that the team really works hard on workdays.” Be sure look for them.

6. Note: Request information concerning the CA’s Volunteer Appreciation Event to be held 4 Oct 17. Crew members need a RSVP person or web link to respond.

Submitted by Petra Garren, Firewise Volunteer Clearing Crew Leader