26, 27 January 2013 * Sunday of the Righteous and Just

St. Joseph Maronite

Catholic Church

3 Appleton Street, Waterville, ME 04901-6630

Office: Phone: 207-872-8515E-Mail:

Pastor: The Rev. Larry Jensen

Deacon: Rev. Mr. Peter P. Joseph 872-2225 Subdeacon: Steve Crate 872-9257

NEW Web Site Address: http://www.sjmaronite.org

“The Eastern Rites are the Treasure of the Catholic Church” Pope John XXIII

Liturgies: Saturday 4:00 p.m., * Sunday 10:00 a.m. * Tuesday - Friday 9:00 a.m. in the St. Jude Chapel

The Miraculous Medal and the St Jude Novenas are on Tuesday following the 9 a.m. Liturgy

Sick Calls: To receive the Eucharist and/or the Anointing of the Sick, Please call Fr. Larry.

Confessions: A Half-hour before all scheduled Liturgies, emergencies, and by appointment.

Baptisms: Call the Office

Marriage: Call the Office 6 months before you finalize a date for your wedding and book your reception.

*Suggested donation for the Sanctuary Candles, St. Jude Chapel $20, St Joseph Church $20, for the Altar Bread, $25, and the Wine, $25.

Suggested offering for Liturgies: $10 for weekdays - $15 for weekends.

Choir Director: Fefa Deeb Sacristans: Yvonne Nemer, Theresa Nemer & Laurie Nale

Teachers DRE: 3-5th Lenore Boles K-1st Rosanna Joseph 2nd Jane Lee

Parish Council: David Elias, Frank Griffin, David Lee, Gerald Joseph, Rosanna Joseph, Kevin Michaud,

Susan Mitchell, Katrina Plourde, & Aaron Rowden.

Ex-officio: Deacon Peter Joseph, Subdeacon Steve Crate, Lenore Boles DRE, & Paula Mitchell. Rosary Sodality

Luke 16:19-31

“There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who longed to satisfy his hunger with what fell from the rich man’s table; even the dogs would come and lick his sores. The poor man died and was carried away by the angels to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was being tormented, he looked up and saw Abraham far away with Lazarus by his side. He called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in agony in these flames.’ But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that during your lifetime you received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in agony. Besides all this, between you and us a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who might want to pass from here to you cannot do so, and no one can cross from there to us.’ He said, ‘Then, father, I beg you to send him to my father’s house — for I have five brothers — that he may warn them, so that they will not also come into this place of torment.’ Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the prophets; they should listen to them.’ He said, ‘No, father Abraham; but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’ ”

Dear Parishioners and Friends:

If we say the rich man who died is suffering, we also have to say that he is close enough to Paradise to recognize who is there and that they are happy and filled with joy. This man can see and wants what Lazarus is enjoying.

No person is in a place of suffering because they were rich, or in a place of Paradise because they were tormented on earth. Those with plenty can be generous and loving, and the poorest of the poor can be happy and feel fulfilled. This is an observable fact through personal observations and national studies.

There are unique dangers for all according to their personalities and talents. Without hope, life can be torture for anyone. Without being able to empathize with others, we can drown in our self-centeredness.

In the Eastern Church, there is the concept that heaven and hell is the same place. For those who have the cross to walk on and the Eucharist inside of them; the flames are a constant touch of God’s Divine love. For those who rejected the cross and the Eucharist the flames are a constant reminder of how they rejected the ways in which God loves what He creates.

It is like the story of the Prodigal Son, the scent, the taste, the sound of a wonderful party is right in front of the oldest son but he is too angry to walk in.

In this case the Living Water of compassion is setting right there, but since his hands withheld food and drink from Lazarus, he has no hands to hold the cup. He took on the cloven hoof of a goat because he couldn’t do for the least of the brethren. He was dead to comfort, empathy, and peace.

Spiritually dead people are those who always give a reason and an explanation for why it is unnecessary to help those in need and are blind to their own spiritual needs. This is the type of man who argued his whole life that his understanding of spirituality would save him. Christianity is not trying to figure out the least one can do but the most one can do in a thoughtful balanced manner, because the heart becomes capable of containing the infinite love of God. Eternal peace and joy starts with a life lived with loving Faith, does something wonderful for oneself by doing something compassionate for others. Aboona

Commission Talk

Thank you Lenore Boles and Aaron Rowden for speaking Saturday, and Frank Griffin and Paula Mitchell for speaking on Sunday. We hope to in the future implement commissions and ministries that will benefit our parish and the community we live in.

The Bishops’ Worldwide Charities envelope is in the new packet for Feb 13th, this is Ash Wednesday for the Latin (Roman) Rite. We took this collection Jan 26,27 as directed by the Eparchial Bulletin for Second Collections. If you did not give and would like to still do so, you can use this envelope on Ash Monday.

I can have peace of mind only when I forgive rather than judge.

~ Gerald Jampolsky
Liturgy Helps:

Be sure your cell phone is off or silenced

2nd Collection – Feb 10th Catholic School Subsidy.

Liturgy will begin page 66, Creed p 76 Pre-Anaphora p-79Anaphora of St. Peter on page 85.

Liturgy Intentions

Sat 2 4:00 p.m.

† Nancy Joseph

By Herbert Joseph, Sr.

Sun 3 10:00 a.m.

† Christopher Henry

By Theresa Lee

When the servers go to the side altar, those who will be carrying the gifts may go at this time.

Mon 4 Father’s day off

Tue 5 9:00 a.m.

† Jacqueline Karter

By the Family

Wed 6 9:00 a.m.

† Stanley & Dorothy Martin

& Lena Bourgoin

By Pat Martin

Thu 7 9:00 a.m.

† Jeannette Marie Sleiman

By John Sleiman

Fri 8 9:00 a.m.

† Caroline Nale

By Mark & Laurie Nale

Sat 9 4:00 p.m.

† Ann Joseph

By Herbert Joseph, Sr.

Sun 10 10:00 a.m.

† Marion L. Maroon

By John Thomas, Sr.

Mon 11 Ash Monday 12 Noon and 7 p.m.


Heal Your servants, who are sick,

O Lord, and send them help

And comfort from Your holy place.

Those who seek our prayers: Grace Crowther, Dianne Fjeldheim, Herb Jabar, Albert Joseph, Kendra Maroon, Hope Murphy, Tala Poulin, and Virginia Poulin.

Be sure to let Aboona know if you would like a name added or removed.

Church Etiquette

Refrain from long and loud conversations, no food or drinks in church, no leaving of pews during the reading of the Gospel and the Consecration of the Bread and Wine, Check to see if your cell phone is off. Modest clothing is expected and appreciated.

February Devotions

Sanctuary Candles
St. Joseph 14 days Sanctuary Candle

Intention Avialable
& St. Jude 7 Day Sanctuary Candle

Special Intention

By Gerard E. Brouillard

Altar Bread & Altar Wine:

Both Intentions are Avialable

Last Weeks Collection

Regular Collection $1,766.00

God bless you for your generosity

If you are not receiving envelopes and would like to start, please let the office know.

Gone a lot? Please consider electronic giving.

2013 Contribution reports are ready to give out.

Food Pantry - February

Empty egg cartons Macaroni and Cheese

Mustard Ketchup

Thank you for caring!


The Super Bowl Breakfast is this Sunday February 3rd. We will have breakfast (scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, sausage) on that day. MYO members will be selling tickets after Liturgy. Adults: $3.00, 10 & Under: $2.00, Under 5: Free. The Super Bowl "lottery" deadline is Sunday afternoon.

Mjadra Dinner and Talent Show

Sunday, February 10th at 5:30 PM

A great Lenten meal and free entertainment.

$5.00 for an Adult $2.00 for children under 12

The Nale family has continued their mother’s (Caroline) tradition of preparing the Majdra.

Menu: Salad, yogurt, olives, Lebanese Bread, Mjadra (Lentils), Macaroni & Cheese, and Bahlewe (Baklava) for desert.

If you attended the Talent show last year, then you already know how much fun it is to participate in this yearly event. From the singing of the 12 days of “Lent” using Lebanese words for foods, Aboona playing his accordion, Deacon Peter’s jokes, and the sharing of other talents by young and less young alike makes for an enjoyable time to be together.

Share with your community of faith your song or dance, or maybe as a musician or magician or entertainer. Come and be entertained and have a great meal too. See Marie Deeb to add your name to the list of distinguished entertainers.


Sunday of the Faithful Departed

1 Thessalonians 5:1-1-11 Luke 16:19-31

4 p.m. Feb 2 Lenore Boles

10 a.m. 3 Lauraine Mansur

Cana Sunday

Romans 14:14-23 John 2:1-11

4 p.m. Feb 9 Lila Hallowell

10 a.m. 10 Mary Jo Hodgkin


Sun 3 Relgious Education & MYO

Super Bowl Breakfast

Tue 5 7-8 p.m. Eucharistic Holy Hour

An hour of silent Spiritual Prayer. You can

bring a Bible or a spiritual book for reading. If you are not able to stay a full hour, be sure there is at least one

person there before you leave.

Wed 6 6 p.m. Parish Council Meeting

Sun 10 Rosary Sodality Meeting

Sun 10 Majdra Dinner and Talant Show

Mon 11 Ash Monday 12 Noon and 7 p.m.

Fri 15 4:30 – 6:30 Haddock Dinner

15 6:45 p.m. Lenten Devotions


Sa Su 2&3 Lenten Retreat – DVD program from

John Michael Talbat

Sun 3 Relgious Education & MYO

Super Bowl Breakfast

Tue 5 7-8 p.m. Eucharistic Holy Hour

(Special Intentions for Vocations)

Sa-Su 17 25th Anniversary Celebration

Coffee Schedule

02/10/13 / Jody Veilleux / Mary Hawes
02/17/13 / Mary Nader / Roseanna Joseph
02/24/13 / Laya Joseph / Jan Bourque
03/03/13 / Maureen Lee / Jeanne Thomas

Hafli this year - October 5, 2013

Dust off your Hafli jar, ink in this date for a great time.

American Red Cross blood Drive will be held at:

-Kennebec Valley Community College Center Hall in the Multi-Purpose Room on Wednesday, Feb, 13 from 10 to 3 pm -Winslow VFW on Thursday, Feb 14 from 1 pm to 6 pm.-Colby College in Cotter Union/page Commons on Tuesday & Wednesday, Feb 19 & 20 from 12 to 5 pm.

New Liturgical Books

If you would like to have your own New Liturgical Book you may purchase one for $30, which includes shipping and handling.

Fuel Collection

Not only is our parish warm in its welcome to others, we also want to keep the church at a warm comfortable temperature throughout the winter.


CANA SUNDAY, February 10, marks the beginning of Lent, GREAT FRIDAY, March 29, marks the end of Lent. The following fasting and abstinence regulations are observed in the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn:

Abstinence from meat is observed on all the Fridays of Lent by all faithful from the ages of 18 to 65.

Fasting from all food and drink (except water and medicine) is to be observed from midnight until noon on Ash Monday and Great Friday of the Crucifixion. Optional would be the traditional abstinence from meat on Wednesdays. Those who are unable to fast because of ill health must perform other penances and acts of charity.

Anniversaries for February

1 / Kathy & Jeffrey Corey
1 / Bob & Renee Mower

Birthdays in February

1 / Lauraine Mansur / 15 / Gareth Belton
4 / Kathleen Nale / 16 / Cody Maroon
5 / Jane Lee / 17 / Laurie Joseph
6 / Charles Plourde / 19 / Dylan Veilleux
7 / Sally Derosby / 20 / Katrina Plourde
7 / Jeanne Joseph / 22 / Jared Maroon
9 / Gerard Nadeau / 22 / Mary Hawes
10 / Kenneth Clark / 23 / Jeffrey Corey
13 / Alan Derosby / 27 / Ida George
13 / Brad Hallowell / 28 / Pam Trinward

Let Aboona know if you would like your name added to the Birthday and/or Anniversary list.

Thank You

from the Greater Waterville Area Food Bank

Thank you for generously supporting the Greater Waterville Area Food Bank through your contributions of food. Your support is greatly appreciated. Our food bank would not be able to provide vital community service without the generosity of its donors. Your contribution greatly helps in supplying much needed emergency food.