Profesora Domenica Nichols
(252) 453-0014 ext 3070 Room: F16 Currituck County High School
Spanish II,III,IV and V, 2016-2017
¡ Bienvenidos a la clase de español!
Welcome to Spanish Class
Spanish is a fun and easy language to learn, and knowing a second language opens many doors for students, both to future employment opportunities and to opportunities to travel outside of the United States and interact with other people, cultures, and ways of life. In this class, we will focus on four major skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking, and well will expand our knowledge of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking worlds as well. We will read, play games, act out scenarios, and carefully study grammar to improve our Spanish skills.
The time is short, and we have a lot to learn, so we must hold ourselves to high expectations and meet the following expectations every day to ensure we are successful:
1. We come to class with all necessary materials every day.
2. We are respectful in our words and actions toward every person in the room.
3. We follow directions the first time they are given.
4. We follow all school and district policies.
5. We don’t make excuses.
The following consequences will be used for any violations of our classroom expectations:
1: Warming/reminder of Class Expectations.
2: Move seat (Isolation) and parent/Guardian Contact.
3: Office referral
· Please note that the severity of a consequence depends on the misbehavior. Please review the Student Handbook for more information about expectations and discipline policies.
Learning a new language can be intimidating, so it is going to be essential that we work together as a familia,encouraging one other as we learn and make mistakes together. Making mistakes is part of learning a new language, and even native speakers make them at times. If every person in class works every day to show respeto to everyone else,we will all learn a great deal and will have a great time doing so. Disrespect is not tolerated in room F16.
Grading Policy:
Projects/Portafolio (proyectos)/oral quiz / 25%Test(Exámenes) / 30%
Quizzes/edgenuity(Pruebas) / 20%
Classwork/homework(trabajo en clase,tarea) / 10%
Writing composition/ speaking / 15%
In this class, we are going to strive to be estrellas (stars) both academically and socially. Student achievements will be noted on the back bulletin board.
Grading Scale:
A -100-90= 4.00 B- 89-80=3.00 C -70-79=2.00 D- 60-69=1.0 F- 59 OR BELLOW=0.0
VII-Getting Help:
I will be available for tutoring during “Power Hour” from Tuesday to Friday . Check my web page weekly to find out quiz, test, and other important due dates. My web page—accessible via the CCHS Teacher Pages link—will be updated weekly with important dates, links to helpful study aids, etc.
The following procedures are in place to make sure we always make the best use of our time:
· Dismisal: la profesora (not the bell!) dismisses class. Class is dismissed when all trash is discarded, all materials and desks are returned to their proper locations and all students are seated.
· Eating/drinking: Gum, food, and drinks are no allowed in class. Water is always permitted.
· Electronic Devices: cell phones and other electronic devices (except chromebooks) are not to be used in class unless otherwise directed by la profesora. If la profesora sees or hears any devices, they will be confiscated and taken to the office. No warnings or “second chances” will be given.
· Finishing work early: If a student finishes his or her work early, he or she may choose a book, artifact, or other item from the “Explora tu mundo” (table to explore).
· 10 minutes rule: No bathroom pass 10 minutes after the class starts and 10 before the class finish.
· Make-up work/late work: Students who fail to complete an assignment by due date will still be allowed to complete the work up to 3 days. Anything tuned in after the 3rd day will not be accepted. See profesora about any questions or concerns related to missing work.
Day (s) late / Grade Impact1 day / -10 pts
2 days / -20 pts
3 days / -40 pts
After 4 days / Student will receive a 0
· Procedure in place if the students are absent/ICE/OSS: On the top of the front table I will place a folder for each class, with the handouts, worksheets, homework and notes for absent students.
· Materials: Along with paper, a writing utensil, and his/her Chromebook, each student is required to have 1 ½ binder and earphones/earbuds. Binder must be neat and organized by classwork and grammar/ vocabulary/homework/quizzes and projects
· Noise Level: Because we are learning a new language, we are going to be conversing a great deal and acting out different words and situations as well as watching and listening to authentic media. Thus, we are always going to have to be conscientious of our noise level as not to bother other students learning in rooms around us.
· Out passes: Each student will have five passes for the semester to leave during class time. Classwork time (never during lessons) is the perfect opportunity to ask for permission to leave the room.
· Personal Belongings: Bookbags, purses, sports equipment, and all other personal belongings that you bring with you to class must be placed under your desk. No walkways, doors or desks should ever be blocked by students belonging.
· Respecting the speaker (during lessons or discussions): Whenever someone is speaking to the whole group, all eyes should be on that person and no one else should be talking. This is a huge part of showing respeto to everyone in the room.
· Translation Site Usage: GOOGLE TRANSLATE AND OTHER SIMILAR SITES ARE NEVER ALLOWED TO BE USED, use of any translations sites is a violation of our class and school honor code and will result in automatic zero and referral to the Honor court.
· Unauthorized Chromebook/internet use: If you choose to use your Chromebook in a manner not approved by profesora (games, chatting, translation site, etc.), you may lose the ability to use your device in this class. Technology is a privilege and can be revoked at any time.
At any point and time, you may come to me with any questions or concerns you have or if you feel you might need extra help to succeed in class. Zap/tutoring is held from Tuesday to Friday during Powerhour. I can’t wait to see you all improve your Spanish skills this semester and learn more about Hispanic and Latino cultures. ¡Empecemos ya!.
XI-General Class Outline- Realidades 1 book (chapter 5 to 9)
-Chapter 5
-Describe families, Talk about celebrations (birthdays, graduation, weddings, etc.)
-Express possessions, The verb tener : to have, Possessive adjectives
-Expressing extremely in Spanish using "isimo",Use of ser and estar, Restaurant menus
Chapter 6
Describe bedroom items and electronic equipment, make comparisons.
-Name household chores.
Chapter 7
-Talk about clothes, shopping and prices, describe your plans, talk about what you want and what you prefer, talk about buying gifts.
-Tell what happen in the past.
Chapter 8
-Talk about things to do on vacation, describe places to visit.
-Discuss volunteer work and ways to protect the environment.
Hello Student’s Family Member/Guardian,
I am Domenica Nichols the Spanish teacher, and I’m very excited to start this semester in this excellent school. Please return this paper signed to Sra. Nichols by Wednesday. Feel free to contact me with questions/concerns at (252)-453-0014 Ext 3070, or by e-mail at .
The syllabus can be found in at my classroom website: or Currituck county high school online under teacher web page.
We have read, discussed, and understand the expectations for Spanish class.
Please fill out the information below after reading this syllabus and send it back with your student.
Domenica Nichols