The College of Szolnok,
keeping up its tradition, is organising the
21st International Student Conference on EnvironmentAL Protection AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT
29May 2015
We kindly invite talentedcollege, university and PhD students to the conference who intend to give lectures and/or to present posters in the fields of nature and environmental protection as well as rural development.
The objective of the conference is to provide opportunities for college, university and PhD students - as part of talent management during the course of their studies - to take part in professional programmes, exchange different ideas and develop national and international scientific relations.
The official languages of the conference are Hungarian and English.
The application form for the conference (downloadable: should be returned by 4th ofMayr 2015 to and/or
We will hand out the one summary of the presentations at the time of the meeting and in order to be able to do this we would like the summaries (abstract) to have been sent until 4th ofMayin 2015. The formal requirements can be found on our webpage.
The materials of the presentations will be issued in Economica which is the scientific magazine of the Szolnok Collage and it is issued in every quarter.
The materials of the performances should be made according to the formal requirements and they have to take the section leader’s recommendation in consideration and they have to be sent until 31st of May in 2015 with the attachment of a professional editorial opinion.
The participation on the 21st International Student Conference is free. We provide food for the participants and we send one issue of the ECONOMICA for those who give presentation.
Conference venue:
College of Szolnok
14 Tiszaligeti sétány, H-5000 Szolnok, Hungary
Planned programme of the 21st International Student Conference On Environmental Protection and Rural Development
29May 2015930–1000 / Registration
1000–1200 / The role of talented young people in rural development conference
1200–1300 / Lunch
1300–1700 / Section Meeting Session, assignment of applicants into sections will be finalized after the closing of conference application
Dated in Szolnok, on 11March2015
Dr. ImreTúróczi / Dr. Attila Szabórector / on behalf of Organising Committee
Address: College of Szolnok
Organising Committee of Student Conference
Regional Development and Innovation Knowledge Center
14 Tiszaligeti sétány, H-5000 Szolnok, Hungary
E-mail: ;
21st International Student Conference On Environmental Protection and Rural Development
(Szolnok, 29May 2015)
(Please, return by 4th ofMay 2015)
Position: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Postal address: ……………………………………………………………………………………..…………
Phone: ………………………………………….. Email: ………………………..…………………….……..
Institution, organisation unit: ………………………………………..…………………………….………...
At the conference
I will give lecture(s) I will give posterI will take part only as a participant
(Please indicate your choice.)
Author(s): …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Title(s) of lecture/poster: …………………………………………………………………………….……
(If lecture is given by more authors, you have to fill in application form for those authors who willing to taking part in the conference.)
One-page summary of the lectures/posters please send to and/or email address by 4th ofMay 2015.
Accommodation is provided by the college dormitory or placement hotel on individual request. (ÁÉV Dormitory, 8-10 Mártírok útja, Szolnok, Tel: +0036 56342201, email: or Liget Hotel***, 1 Tiszaligeti sétány, Tel: +0036 56515043, email: ).
for the summaries and lectures to be published in the ECONOMICA
Time limit of lectures: 15 minutes
The lectures will be published in the length of maximum ten pages (including tables and charts) either in Hungarian (together with an 8-10 line English Summary) or in English (together with an 8-10 line English Summary) as an ECONOMICA journal. Please consider the recommendations of section meeting leader. When lectures/posters are submitted, please attach one peer review as well.
The written summaries of lectures and posters to be published in the booklet should be sent by
31st ofMay 2015.
To support pre-press preparations please follow the guidance on the written materials underneath:
Please forward the text in e-mail to us edited with Microsoft Office Word and saved in editable format. The names of the files sent should be Author’s_Name_printed. The booklet will be printed black and white, so the diagrams and graphs should be made accordingly.
Formal requirements of the ECONOMICA journal():
Length:max. 10 pages, including diagrams and tables
Margins:left and right:2.5 cm
bottom and top:2.5 cm
Font:Times New Roman 12 p
Title14p bold italic, capital
Author’s name and address10 p normal
Name and address of institution10 p normal
Subtitles: 12 p bold, italic
Format of text: one line space after each paragraph, no indentation or tabulator at the beginning of paragraphs
Space (between lines):single
Formal requirements of the printed paper (abstract):
Length:max. one A/4 page, including diagrams and tables
Margins:left and right:2.5 cm
bottom and top:1.5 cm
Font:Times New Roman 9 p
Format of text: columned pages, 2 columns of the same width (7.5 cm), space between columns: 1 cm, one line space after each paragraph, no indentation or tabulator at the beginning of paragraphs
Space (between lines):single
Title:11 p bold, italic, capital
Author’s name and
the name of the institution:9 p
Subtitles: 10 p bold, italic
The first four lines of the prepared written material should contain the title of the topic, the writer’s name, the name and address of the institution , the name and scientific degree of the expert titled as contributor, the programme organiser or consultant respectively. At the end of the written text please give a five-line summary in English.
Layout sketch of the one page paper
Environmental protection, rural development
Kate Environment
College of Szolnok, Department of Rural Development, 14 Tiszaligeti sétány, H-5000 Szolnok, Hungary
Peer reviewed by dr Albert Tóth, Holder of a Candidate Degree in Biology, College professor
Elrendezési vázlat a kiadványba kerülő egy oldalas összefoglaló elkészítéséhez
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Environmental Protection
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Agricultural Sector
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Figure 1. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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- Horváth R., Lisztes L., Molnár A. (ed.): A Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park természetvédelmi kezelési szabályzata. Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, 2001.
- Kovács G-né, Salamon F. (ed.): Hortobágy, a nomád Pusztától a Nemzeti Parkig. Natura, 1976.
- Lisztes L. (ed.): A Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park bemutató területei, Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, 2000.
- V.Sipos J., Varga Z.: Hortobágyi Krónika, Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, 1993.
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