21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education

Desktop Publishing

Business and Marketing Cluster

E-Business Publishing Concentration

Title: / Desktop Publishing (WVEIS 1429)
Standard Number:
BE.S.DKP.1 / Desktop Publishing Concepts
Students will evaluate the purposes, functions and features of software and hardware utilized in desktop publishing.
Question: / Why is it important for students to study desktop publishing?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.DKP.1.1 / classify terms related to desktop publishing / Access the web site www.scsite.com (version used in classroom) for crossword puzzle and interactive activities. Create a bingo game of frequently used terms in desktop publishing. Collect samples of desktop publishing techniques and compile into a digital file.
BE.O.DKP.1.2 / recognize the hardware components used in desktop publishing / Create a physical scavenger hunt of hardware components such as monitor, scanner, digital camera, keyboard, color printer, and b/w printer.
BE.O.DKP.1.3 / compare and contrast software used for desktop publishing. / Textbooks, internet and periodicals. Visual aides such as venn diagrams. Examples include Publisher, word, Adobe in design, Pagemaker.
BE.O.DKP.1,4 / identify tools in toolbars and palettes. / Screen diagrams displayed on whiteboard of the formatting toolbar and custom toolbars. Use www.scsite.com for on-line quizzes.
BE.O.DKP.1.5 / demonstrate knowledge of measurement tools. / Compose a newsletter with articles relating to student organizations using the following measurement tools: text scaling, tracking, kerning, and line spacing.
BE.O.DKP.1.6 / choose effective color utilizations. / Compile a list of do’s and don’ts in desktop design. Create a color wheel.
BE.O.DKP.1.7 / determine Web features of desktop publishing software. / Explore software templates. Plan and create a web site to convert to a web page; an example is a personal web site.
Standard Number:
BE.S.DKP.2 / Software Applications
Students will develop and demonstrate desktop publishing software skills.
Questions: / What desktop publishing skills are necessary for creating a good publication?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.DKP.2.1 / use editing techniques. / Use proofreading guidelines to edit FBLA-PBL Chapter Management Handbook and teacher generated handouts. Use software editing features to edit inaccurate publications electronically. Students can edit each other’s work. Edit a preexisting file using edit, insert, and delete commands, etc.
BE.O.DKP.2.2 / access available resources for software assistance. / Use the help feature in software for on-line assistance including on-line bulletin boards and software manuals. Create a problem and have student use the help feature to solve the problem.
BE.O.DKP.2.3 / modify document setup default. / Demonstrate through use of an interactive media. Students can manipulate and change document settings using interactive media.
BE.O.DKP.2.4 / create master pages. / Students can create master pages that can be used throughout the school year. Demonstrate how to create master pages using interactive media. Create a master page for the school newspaper using the school’s emblem and mascot.
BE.O.DKP.2.5 / apply knowledge of printing options. / Demonstrate and discuss printing options. Give examples of various printing styles. Select appropriate printer options and qualities, print preview, selecting printing range and paper size.
BE.O.DKP.2.6 / modify and create templates. / Provide students with templates to modify. Students will create a template for a resume and share the template with other classmates for modification.
BE.O.DKP.2.7 / use special and advanced formatting features / Demonstrate special and advanced formatting features using interactive media. Create a rubric for students to use as they apply formatting features to a document. Create a flyer about an upcoming school event using reversed text, drop caps, kerning, and text wrapping.
BE.O.DKP.2.8 / apply layering techniques. / Create multiple objectives and practice layering techniques. Demonstrate layering techniques utilizing student creations. Have students to demonstrate and explain the technique. Using basic shapes (stars, banners, ovals, etc.) layer with a text box.
BE.O.DKP.2.9 / create sample publications for both print and web. / Student can create an alumni brochure that can be converted to a web page. Create an FBLA-PBL membership flyer and then convert it, if possible, to the school’s web site. Create an advertisement for the class to print and publish on the school’s web site.
BE.O.DKP.2.10 / incorporate database features in desktop publishing. / Create and manipulate a database using a compatible software program and import the document to Publisher. Create an address list of businesses to contact for donations for a silent auction for FBLA.
BE.S.DKP.3 / Generating Publication Content
Students will import, manipulate and integrate data and graphic images.
Question: / How will imported data and graphics improve a publication?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.DKP.3.1 / incorporate text files and word processing documents into publications. / Students can create or import text and word processing documents provided by the teacher. Use these files for a newsletter project. Insert a text file into a current text box or shape within a document.
BE.O.DKP.3.2 / insert graphics from various sources. / For the newsletter project, insert graphics from clip art, photograph files, web sites providing copyright references. Demonstrate insertion techniques via interactive media. Review copyright laws.
BE.O.DKP.3.3 / utilize scanner and digital camera. / Review scanning techniques. Students need to provide items to scan for the news letter project. Encourage students to bring pictures from home, use pictures from other media such as digital camera and cell phones. Use digital cameras to take pictures for the project. Discuss photograph release statements. Create a magazine cover about yourself using a scanned picture and a current picture using a digital camera.
BE.O.DKP.3.4 / modify text and graphic files. / Review and edit imported text and/or word processing documents. Edit scanned and/or inserted graphics for sizing, appearance, colors, context and appropriateness. Use shortcut menu, change size or rotate objects, text, and graphics.
BE.O.DKP.3.5 / export publication files. / Finalize the newsletter project from paper copy to other media; forward the newsletter electronically to the teacher for evaluation. Use import/export option to move objects to another program.
Standard Number:
BE.S.DKP.4 / Design and Layout
Students will apply principles and techniques of publication design and layout.
Question: / Why is it important to apply the principles and techniques of design and layout?
Objectives: / Students will
BE.O.DKP.4.1 / determine appropriate audience, purpose, requirements, and production schedule for the project. / Show students a variety of completed projects and conduct discussions on appropriateness and audience appeal. Students will create a rubric based on a project for their completion. Create a timeline or plan of work for a project for a community organization.
BE.O.DKP.4.2 / implement principles of design, layout, and typography. / Show examples, using interactive media, of designs, layouts and typography for student visual comparisons. Use a student created rubric to compare good, mediocre, and poor samples. Invite a guest speaker from a graphics or media company to speak to the class. Review a preexisting file to determine point size, typeface, letter spacing, and kerning.
BE.O.DKP.4.3 / design a layout for ease of readability and attractiveness (e.g., white space, column width and spacing, grids/guides, page margins, and graphic text placement). / Show examples, using interactive media, for students to evaluate. Students can create a magazine cover representing themselves. Schedule a speaker from a newspaper, magazine, or web company to discuss readability, advertising techniques, and layout for attractiveness. Select a local newspaper, choose an ad to modify
BE.O.DKP.4.4 / enhance appearance of document using desktop features (e.g., graphic boxes, lines, illustrations, color,
and images). / Demonstrate advanced features of publication enhancements. Continue the magazine cover or newsletter project to include advanced features. Redesign a cereal box to enhance appearance.
Standard Number:
BE.S.DKP.5 / Producing Desktop Publications for Distribution
Students will gather, compose, and layout documents for distribution.
Question: / What is the purpose of the publication and to whom is it addressed?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.DKP.5.1 / follow journalistic principles in layout and design. / Invite the journalism instructor or newspaper editor as a guest speaker. Create a video to demonstrate and/or explain layout and design procedures in a publication. Show examples of layout and design procedures for artistic discussions. Use a historical event and create a one-page newspaper using newspaper columns.
BE.O.DKP.5.2 / determine appropriate software and materials based upon the purpose, audience, and time and cost constraints. / Evaluate publication software. Use the Internet, or other sources, to research software, companies and costs associated with publication development. Develop a spreadsheet to illustrate and compare costs. Refer back to BE.O.DKP.4.1 and create and add a budget to the community work plan.
BE.O.DKP.5.3 / generate a variety of publications for distribution. (flyers, bulletins, business cards, greeting cards, brochures, transparencies, handouts, web pages and etc.) / Develop a logo, tag line, letterhead, business card, and home page for a business. Review local publications for effectiveness. Create publications for your FBLA chapter for promoting membership and local and State events. Create an invitation of student choice. Enhance the appearance of a handout.
BE.O.DKP.5.4 / produce style sheets. / Create style sheets to use in future publications. Show and discuss style sheets by use of interactive media. Develop a style sheet for a local supermarket.
BE.O.DKP.5.5 / incorporate original/imported text, graphics, tables, and charts from a variety of software applications. / Students will create an electronic career portfolio to highlight their work, skills, and abilities utilizing desktop publishing software. Expand and revise the newsletter and/or magazine projects.
Standard Number:
BE.S.DKP.6 / Legal and Ethical issues
Students will explain and comply with copyright and licensing issues.
Question: / Why should students identify the methodologies that individuals and businesses can employ to protect the integrity of technology systems?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.DKP.6.1 / investigate and comply with copyright and patent laws pertaining to scanned images and documents, electronic clip art, scanned photography, trademarks, and other elements. / Invite the school’s Technology Integration Specialist (TIS) to speak on and provide examples of copyright and patent laws pertaining to electronic materials. Research the Internet for current articles related to ethical and unethical publication laws and policies. Develop a guide for student usage.
BE.O.DKP.6.2 / discuss and incorporate ethical and legal standards. / Students can research media do’s and don’ts to debate; example: is it legal to post or upload a fight on school property to YouTube.com. Research and discuss legality of posting to social networking sites under a false name with the intent of harm. Invite an attorney to speak to the class.
BE.O.DKP.6.3 / recognize and comply with licensing agreements. / Review and discuss licensing agreements for software and graphics. Use on-line sources such as Microsoft.com.
Standard Number:
BE.S.DKP.7 / Employability Skills
Students will explore employability skills.
Question: / What are the necessary skills students will need for leadership, personal management, and communication in the career of desktop publishing?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.DKP.7.1 / explore careers / Utilize college catalogs, Internet, counselors, resources speakers, interest/aptitude surveys, field trips, Occupational Handbook to research careers in the publishing industry. Access the Internet to search for desktop publishing careers.
BE.O.DKP.7.2 / describe ways that desktop publishing can be used in business and industry. / Students can collect a variety of publications used in their communities for discussion and evaluation. Produce a visual presentation to showcase and explain samples.
BE.O.DKP.7.3 / assemble a student portfolio that includes a resume, a variety of printed documents produced in the course. / Include in electronic portfolio (documentation of activities)—Resume, cover letter, application letter, follow-up letter, resignation letter. Participate in mock interviews or create a digital job resume to include a self-interview.
Standard Number: 8
BE.S.DKP.8 / Participating in a Local Student Organization
Students will participate in a local student organization.
Essential Question: / What are the benefits of a career, technical student organization?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O. DKP.8.1 / assess the purposes and goals of the local student organization. / Invite students to participate in an FBLA chapter event. Invite State FBLA Officer to present at a chapter meeting or to a class on the activities, purpose and benefits of membership. Show the FBLA promotional video located on www.FBLA-PBL.org web site. Have students to locate and discuss the FBLA-PBL goals, mission statement, and pledge.
BE.O. DKP.8.2 / discover the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student organization as an adult. / Invite FBLA-PBL alumni members to be guest speakers in the classroom and during chapter events. Coordinate a chapter event with another service organization in the community (such as Lion’s Club, Women’s Club, Jaycees, Rotary, etc.).
BE.O. DKP.8.3 / demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organization activities such as meetings, programs, and projects. / Have the local FBLA officer team to develop a program of work for the school year and form various committees to complete the task using chapter members. Encourage students to actively participate in State, regional, and national conferences and vie for leadership positions.
21st Century Skills / Learning Skills & Technology Tools / Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity / Evidence of Success
Information and Communication Skills: /


/ The student will access, analyze, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information in a variety of forms using appropriate technology skills and communicate that information in an appropriate oral, written, or multimedia format. / Students use search engines to complete an online search for information to prepare an electronic portfolio. The portfolio should contain samples of publications created in class and job application documents, such as resume, letter of application, cover letter and etc. / Students will present the electronic portfolio to a multiple of audiences to include peers, faculty, potential employers, college scholarships, and could be used in FBLA-PBL and/or other student organizations.
21C.O.9-12.1.LS2 / Student analyzes and interprets visuals and recognizes the impact digital media influences (e.g. design, technique, and rate of speed) have on audiences. The student’s visual products reflect a sophisticated understanding of subject, digital media and design techniques.
Thinking and Reasoning Skills: / 21C.O.9-12.2.TT3 / Student uses multiple electronic sources of information and multiple technology tools and resources tools (e.g., digital cameras, graphing calculators, probes, mp3 players, handheld devices, other emerging technologies, simulations, models, browsers, word processing, authoring tools, spreadsheets, databases) to collaborate with others, to formulate a hypothesis, to solve problems, make decisions, and present and justify the solutions. / Students will work in groups to analyze professional publications that are used in the business world to determine the feasibility of using them in a simulation. / Students will blog their findings and conduct class discussions.
Personal, and Workplace, Skills: /


/ The student will exhibit leadership, ethical behavior, respect for others; accept responsibility for personal actions considering the impact on others; take the initiative to plan and execute tasks; and interact productively as a member of a group. / Students will research, discuss, and debate ethical and legal procedures as applied to media production and social networking. / Student creations, presentations, publications, and postings are available in a portfolio.
21C.O.9-12.3.TT5 / Student models ethical behavior relating to security, privacy, computer etiquette, passwords and personal information and demonstrates an understanding of copyright by citing sources of copyrighted materials in papers, projects and multi-media presentations. Student advocates for legal and ethical behaviors among peers, family, and community regarding the use of technology and information.
Learning Skills & Technology Tools / Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity / Evidence of Success
Entrepreneurship Skills: / H.04-06, .14-.18 / Understands concepts and strategies needed for career exploration, entrepreneurial and opportunities, development and growth. / Students will process collaborative work, decision-making processes and draw career conclusions. / Students will draw conclusions regarding educational requirements, job duties, and salary expectation in their area of interest.
Culminating Assessment:
Culminating Assessment: / You are interested in owning your own business. You decide to open a new restaurant, and you need to create desktop publications for your company including: business cards, menus, flyers, brochures, letterhead, and a web site. Present your publications to the class. Your presentation will be judged using a rubric.
As a business professional, you have been hired to introduce a new product to the international market. Your objectives are to create an eye-catching design comparing and contrasting your product to others. Familiarize yourself with the competitor’s products and how you can garnish the market for your new company. You will be judged on the quality of your publications and on a peer review of your ability to verbally communicate your findings effectively.
As a high school student, you plan to continue your education and enter a business/marketing profession. You will research a selected career utilizing a variety of resources and methods such as web searches, interviewing local professionals, etc. From our research, you will develop a career portfolio to enter into a competitive event. You will be judged by the event guidelines in the FBLA Chapter Management Handbook or other career and technical student organization guide.
FBLA-PBL Competitive Event Participation
End-Of-Concentration Performance Assessment
Links and Other Resources
Links and Other Resources / http://www.consumersearch.com/www/software/desktop-publishing-software/reviews.htm
Contacts: / Business Teachers: Utilize K12 Business Marketing Listserv at
Business Coordinator: Abby Reynolds,
OCTI Assistant Executive Director: Donna Burge-Tetrick
OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson