There are 11 pages of literature review, 78 different articles books and internet sites of which been part of the research and study of Blacology in the African Studies PhD Program at Howard University in Washington, DC the research and study of Blacology at Howard University has been very enlightening and rewarding it began Fall 1999 to 2006. The actual research and study of Blacology at Howard University begin in the fall of 1989 in the Sociology Graduate program for PhD. Each one of the following documents were actually assignments given in the class by the instructors of the classes in the graduate school of African Studies. These are not all of the literature upon which has been reviewed by Blacologizt Profesa Wulta Zamani Xrozz in this study. This is not even 1/8 of the literature that has been document, collected and placed under review in the archive of the Blacology Research and Development Institute (BRDI). Also BRDI was developed from the ongoing research and study of Blacology a Cultural ZcyNzz. After conducting research, study and development of Blacology in other institutions it became obvious that Blacology needed it own institution to grow and avoid the potential of being co-opted. So, this is the essence of what produced BRDI. The literature acquired consist of audio, video, Black Newspapers, Books, pamphlets, Black Television Program, Black Movies, Sports documentaries, Documentaries on BlacZcholarz and Black Talk Radio Shows and Internet WebPages on aspect of BlacCulture. There are 78 different books articles and internet literatures in this review. The literature review includes 3 geographic areas in the United States in the Mid-West in Chicago, Illinois, in the South West in Dallas Texas, and in the Central East Coast area in Washington, DC and Prince George County Maryland in which was apart of the living experience of the Blacologizt conducting this study. There were visit to Atlanta, Georgia for Family Reunion Research and Study also Track and Field Junior Olympic. This study was also taken Boston Massachusetts for the African Study Conference in 2004 to promote and introduce Blacology to the overall African Studies market. Blacology was also taken to North Carolina Central University in which this research and study was participation in the Liberian Studies Conference in 2004.

1. The Isis Papers, The Keys To The Colors by Dr. Frances Welsing, Black Women Moving Towards the 2lst Century (May 1975)

  1. Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango African People & European Holidays: A Mental Genocide ISBN:1930097514
  1. Dr. Chancellor Williams in his book, “The Destruction Black Civilization”,
  1. Asientos . Dir. Francois Woukoache. 1995. 52 min. Dr. Mbye Cham
  1. History of South Africa, Course 202, Semester Fall 2001,, Dr. Robert Edgar, African Studies Ph.D. Program, Howard
  1. Woodson, Carter G. The MisEducation of the Negro. Trenton: Africa World Press, Inc. 1993 ,
  1. Newton. Huey P. PhD, To Die For The People, RANDOM HOUSE, NEW YORK, FIRST EDITION, Introduction by Franz Schurmann, Copyright © 1972 by Stronghold Consolidated Productions, Inc Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data ISBN: 0-394-48085-6
  1. John Mbiti, “African Religons and Philosophy
  1. Clarke, John H., Dr. John Hendrik Clarke, A Great and Mighty Walk (Video), Produced by Wesley Snipes, Black Dot Media, Inc., Sound Castle Recording Studio, Senterville, CA 1996
  1. Nancy L Arnez, EDD, Henry E. Hankerson, P.H.D., Doris J. Levi EDD, The Afro-American and U.S. Constitution From Colonial times to the Present, Historical Affects, Education and the U.S. Constitution, Implications for Blacks, 1986.
  1. King, Jr., Martin Luther. STRIDE TOWARD FREEDOM: THE MONTGOMERY STORY. NY: Harper & Row, 1958. P.
  1. Amos M. D. Sirleaf, Ph.D. “African System of Thought
  1. Dr. Gloria T. Emeagwali, “African Indigenous Knowledge Systems (AIK)”
  1. Jedi Shemsu Jewheti, “The Invention of Africa” and Intellectual Neocolonialism”
  1. Dr. Molefi K. Asante of Temple University, Africa - a source of pride and as the cradle of the world's earliest civilization
  1. Runoko Rashidi, “Race Men And Race Women Lives And Contributions Of Great African Historians”,
  1. Hon. Minister Chen Chimutengwende, African Thought In Defense of Pan-Africanism and Socialism,
  1. Mazrui, Ali A. Africans: A Triple Heritage 8: A Clash of Cultures, LAC, DAF097v.8, WETA/BBC 1986 60:00,
  1. Thiong'O, Ngugi wa Decolonizing the Mind: The Politics of Language in A Literature, London: James Currey/Heinemann. 1986. Chapter 1, Language of African Literature," pp.4-33. (in Course Reader) Dr. M. Cham Instructor.
  1. Lardner, T. 1996. "From Afro-Pessimism to Afro-Pragmatism". West Africa (March 21-31): 460
  1. Globalization and the New World Order, Promises, Problems, and Prospects for Africa in the Twenty-First Century, Edited by Felix Moses Edoho, Praeger Publishers. Westport, Conn. 1997. 240 pages, LC 96-42464. ISBN 0-275-95517-6. C5517 $62.95
  1. Neuman, Stephenie, G. ed., International Relations Theory and the Third World. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998
  1. SCHOLARLY ARTICLE, This article appeared in the New York weekly The City Sun March 22, 1995, SORROW AND SHAME: BRUTAL NORTH AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE IGNORED AND DENIED By Samuel Cotton; An African Perspective
  1. Scholarly Articles of Major and Minor, Ali A. Mazrui THE CAMPAIGN FOR BLACK REPARATIONS: AN AFRICAN INITIATIVE , Problems with Westernization by Ali A. Mazrui
  1. Angelo Fiombo, "Africa Up For Auction," Ecrans d'Afrigue, No.2, 1992, p 27. (In Course Reader
  1. Richard Porton, "Hyenas: Between Anti-Colonialism and the Critique of Modernity," Iris, No.18, Spring 1995, pp.95-104. (In Course Reader)
  1. Julius Nyerere, Tanzania’s midwife A rare African leader who left the political scene on his own By S. Predrag SPECIAL TO MSNBC HARARE, Zimbabwe, Oct. 14 —
  1. Senghor, Léopold Sédar (1906- ), president of Senegal (1960-1980), and an internationally respected poet, philosopher, and theoretician.
  1. Cabral, Amilcar (1924-1973), leading nationalist politician in Guinea, Cape Verdem and Angola from the late 1950s AMILCAR CABRAL - OUTSTANDING LEADER OF AFRICAN LIBERATION MOVEMENT - A TRIBUTE(4)
  1. Sekou Toure Guinea History, In 1891 Guinea became a French colony. In 1958 independence was granted under the leadership of Sekou Toure, his party was the Parti Democratique de Guinee,
  1. Jomo Kenyatta: Kenya's first statesman KENYA NEWS QUIZ LINKS
  1. Chronology of Mandela
  1. Internet Article: A. AFRICAN CINEMA IN THE NINETIES.©, ,
  1. SECOND EDITION, THEORIES OF COMPARATIVE POLITICS,THE SEARCHFOR A PARADIGM RECONSIDERED, BY RONALD H. CHILCOTE, Westview Press, Boulder, San Francisco, Oxford, Copyright© 1981, 1994, ISBN 0-8133-1016-4.
  1. Samuel Cotton, Executive Director of CASMAS, LETTER TO WASHINGTON POST BY DAVID HECHT, A RESPONSE BY MESSAOUD OULD BOULKHEIR, Messaoud Ould Boulkheir, President of El Hor "The Free",
  1. Secondary Education Reform in Kenya: The Quest for Quality, Relevance, and Equity, By Leonora A. Kivuva, pg. 2, E-mail: ,
  1. Clarke, John Hendrik Dr. A Great and Mighty Walk (Video), Produced by Wesley Snipes, Black Dot Media, Inc., Sound Castle Recording Studio, Senterville, CA 1996 .
  1. THE GLOBAL AFRICAN COMMUNITY, HISTORY NOTES: DR. CHEIKH ANTA DIOP AND THE CULTURAL ROOTS OF THE DALITS: INDIA'S BLACK UNTOUCHABLES, , By V. T. RAJSHEKAR Runoko Rashidi. All Rights Reserved.Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.Copyright © 1998 [Saxakali],Last modified: February 19, 1999,
  1. The Cultural Unity of Black Africa The Domains of Matriarchy and of Patriarchy on Classical Antiquity, Karnak House, London, 1989,
  1. "Blyden: African Life and Customs, CHAPTER XIV: RELIGION " Microsoft® Encarta® Africana 2000. © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  1. Chinua Achebe, "The African Writer and the English Language," in Chinua Achebe, Morning Yet On Creation Day, Anchor Books, 1976, pp. 74-84 (in Course Reader),
  1. Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth. Read Section IV, "On National Culture," pp. 206-248.
  1. Ngugi wa Thiong'O, Decolonizing the Mind: The Politics of Language in A Literature, London: James Currey/Heinemann. 1986. Chapter 1, Language of African Literature," pp.4-33. (in Course Reader,
  1. Djibril Diop Mambety's Hyenas, by Djibril Diop Mambety, Senegal, 1992, in Wolof with English subtitles, 113 minutes, California Newsreel 149 Ninth Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, 415-62106196,
  1. SCHOLARLY ARTICLES, Sufism, Sufism," Microsoft® Encarta® Africana 2000. © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. Contributed By: Leyla Keough[1]All rights reserved.
  1. Islam and African Americans, Islam and African Americans," Microsoft® Encarta® Africana 2000. © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ,
  1. Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers, Common Grant Application Format, Class Handout, Regent University, Grant Writing Seminar, 1650 Diagonal Rd., King Street, Alexandria, Virginia, ,
  1. Walker, David. "David Walker's Appeal." The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1997.[2]
  1. TPCN - Great Quotations (Quotes) By Julius Kambarge Nyerere To Inspire and Motivate You To Achieve Your Dreams! Let these quotes help you become more successful and achieve your dreams ,
  1. African Foreign Policies edited by Stephen Wright ISNB 0-8133-2406-8 (INC)Northern Arizona University, Westview Press, Published in 1999in the United States of America, A member of the Perseus Books Group Copyright © 1999, 5500 Central Avenue, Boulder, Colorado 80301-2877, and in the United Kingdom by Westview Press, 12 Hid's Copse Road, Cumnor Hill, Oxford OX29JJ,
  1. The New Deal by Dr. Amos M. D. Sirleaf as Finance Minister of Liberia West Africa,
  1. Indigenous Liberian Independent Cultural Development,
  1. IN SERACH OF CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT, A. Political History of Liberia by Dr. A. M. Sirleaf ,
  1. What Liberia Is Really Like, Info, links, and images related to Liberia, a country which sends students to Jefferson State Community College in Alabama, USA.
  1. The Liberal Trend in South African Historiography up to the end of the 1960s, History of South Africa, Book #I,
  1. Major in Pan African Studies , http://www.csun.edu/~pasafdep/undergrad.html,
  1. A Profile of Charles Hamilton Houston, Charles H. Houston and the Gaines Case by Douglas O. Linder (c) 2000 [Footnotes will be added to this essay at ... with violating a recently enacted state law—one of many Jim Crow laws enacted in the late .. www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/trialheroes/charleshoustonessayF.html ,
  1. African Foreign Policies edited by Stephen Wright ISNB 0-8133-2406-8 (INC) Northern Arizona University, Westview Press, Published in 1999in the United States of America, A member of the Perseus Books Group Copyright © 1999 5500 Central Avenue, Boulder, Colorado 80301-2877, and in the United Kingdom by Westview Press, 12 Hid's Copse Road, Cumnor Hill, Oxford OX29JJ,
  1. The African Diaspora: Revisionists Interpretations of Ethnicity, Culture and Religion under Slavery by Paul E. Lovejoy Comments/questions to SWHSAE mailbox at © 1997, Studies in the World History of Slavery, Abolition and Emancipation. ISSN: 1090-6231
  1. African Foreign Policies edited by Stephen Wright ISNB 0-8133-2406-8 (INC) Northern Arizona University, Westview Press, Published in 1999in the United States of America, A member of the Perseus Books Group Copyright © 1999 5500 Central Avenue, Boulder, Colorado 80301-2877, and in the United Kingdom by Westview Press, 12 Hid's Copse Road, Cumnor Hill, Oxford OX29JJ
  1. The Conversation of Economic Development, Historical Voices, Interpretations, and Reality", by Dr. Wilfred L. David, isnbn 0-7656-0116-8 copyright © 1997 by M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 80 Business Park Drive, ArMonk, New York 10504
  1. THE AFROCENTRIC EXPERIENCE, WHY REPARATIONS? REPARATIONS Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act Sponsor: Rep Conyers, John, Jr.(introduced 01/06/99)
  1. Woman & Change in the Developing World, Transforming Capitalism and Patriarchy-Gender and Development in Africa By April A. Gordon, Lynne Rienner Publisher, Inc. 1800 30th street, Boulder, Colorado 80301,
  1. Mark Horsey, The Demise of Traditional Religion in African Culture Essay discusses how European colonization of Western Africa during the 18th and 19th centuries changed its people's religious practices forever. http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~bill/316/paper1/hor
  1. Course Readers 1 & 2, Scopes and Methods, 230-211 Robert Edgar, Spring 2002, Graduate School,, , African Studies Howard University, Howard Copy’s, College Publishing Program, 2618 Georgia Avenue N.W. Washington, DC 20001 (202) 462-2679 , ,
  1. SCHOLARLY ARTICLE, This article appeared in the February 7, 1995, issue of The City Sun. ARAB MASTERS—BLACK SLAVES, By Samuel Cotton: The Race Factor
  1. Black Leadership, Organization, and Movements, Theory of Movement: A Blacological Evolutionary Theory, Political Science Graduate School Class Room 143, Douglass Hall, Dr. Louis Wright, Instructor 10-03-02, Fall Semester 200, Black Leadership Organizations and Movements, Howard University, Washington, DC 20059,
  1. Woman & Change in the Developing World, Transforming Capitalism and Patriarchy- Gender and Development in Africa, By April A. Gordon, ISBN: 1-555-402-9 Lynne Rienner Publisher, Inc. copyright© 1996, 1800 30th street, Boulder, Colorado 80301
  1. The Feminization of Development Processes in Africa, Current and Future Perspectives Chapter12, Page 203, Women and Development in West Africa: Traditional Views in Contemporary Literature, ISBN: 0-275-95946-5, Edited by Valentine Udoh James & James S. Etim copyright© 1999, Praeger Publishers, 88 Post road West, Westport, CT 06881,
  1. Race and Reparations : A Black Perspective for the Twenty-First Century by Clarence J. Munford,
  1. The Isis Papers, The Keys to The Colors, ISBN:0-88378-104-2,

LC#: 90-071890, Copyright © 1991 Dr. Frances Welsing First Edition, THIRD WORLD PRESS, P. O. BOX 19730, Chicago, IL 60619

  1. Transforming Capitalism & Patriarchy, Gender and Development in Africa by April Gordon
  1. Dubnick, Melvin J and BarBara A. Bardes, Thinking about Public Policy, a Problem-Solving Approach, The Roots of Modern Public Policy Analysis, page 255, © 1983ISBN0-471-86464-1
  1. Howlett, Michael /M. Ramesh, Studying Public Policy, Policy Cycles and Policy Systems, Policy Science and Political Science Chapter 1, OxFord University, ©1995, ISBN0-19-540976-0

[2]"From David Walker's Appeal," Microsoft® Encarta® Africana 2000. © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved