Approved Rule Changes

216.1(c)Masters records are recognized only for USTF members.

9.2 (new)USATF rules are applied in full to those taking part in elite and other defined sections of mass participation events outside stadiums.

119.4(a)The Jury of Appeal, as its sole function, shall determine whether a Referee’s decision is based on adequate evidence and within the scope and authority of the Referee. If in doubt the Jury can consult all relevant persons including the Referee and consider other available evidence including video . A Referee’s decision is to be upheld unless clearly erroneous.

123.4The Technical Manager will ensure a surveying certification requirements are met.

124.4+5The Announcer shall ensure the public is informed of competition

(new)information. Official results should be conveyed at the earliest possible moment. The USATF will approve the Announcer at Rule 10 and 11 events.

125.1The Video Referee shall operate from the Video Control Room and consult with appropriate Referees.

125.2The appropriate Referee can overrule a decision of a judge.

125.9In disciplinary matters the clerking area Referee has authority from the Warm Up area up to the competition area.

126.1(new)Judges may reconsider any original decision if made in error.

126.8Judges may change flags raised in error.

134(deleted) Edited 146 to include log of events announced.

135(deleted) Surveyor deleted.

142.3Competitors are disqualified from all events in the competition where the competitor violates participation/honest effort rules. Passing a field event trial does not constitute failure to participate.

143.3Shoes used in competition must be reasonably available to all. Notes provide coverage for adaptation to a particular foot and USATF review.

143.5Bib numbers can be worn on back or front in ALL jumping events.

144.3(f)It is not assistance to communicate with a competitor without a technical device from outside the competition area.

144.3(i)Personal safeguards for medical purposes expanded with examples.

144.3(m)It is not assistance to have hats, gloves and other clothing provided by

(new)official stations.

144.3(f)It is assistance for a competitor to receive physical support from another

(new)(other than helping to recover to a standing position by a competitor in an event or meet personnel) that assists in making forward progression in the race.

144.7Sponging and refreshment stations may be added for races of 10k+. Water is still required. Receiving refreshments from anywhere else is assistance.

146.6(b)A competitor may continue to compete in an event while a protest of a trial that may advance the competitor is proceeding. A competitor who is excluded incorrectly should have the opportunity to compete after appeal but should compete in the round unless the Referee or Jury of Appeal determines other factors preclude it.

147.1(new)Universal competitions, where men and women compete together with a single set of results, are permissible. Mixed competitions can occur only when entrants are insufficient to justify separate races or in field events with separate results. Mixed competitions cannot allow pacing by another gender in the same race.

148.1(new)The accuracy of record measuring devices shall be verified at all National Championships. The accuracy of facilities shall be certified by a surveyor.

149.2Temporary facilities inside a stadium need surveyor certification.

149.2(c)Certification of facilities shall occur on the day of the event.

161Starting blocks are two rigid foot plates mounted on a frame. The plates must be easily adjustable by the competitor but remain rigid throughout the start and not interfere with any competitor’s running course. The entire assembly shall be anchored with pins of spikes which will not damage the track and can be removed from the track easily.

162.14The evidence from the start information system shall be used by the relevant officials to make a decision.

162.15Signals for a false start should include a sign on the lane marker when used.

162.17False starts include movement that disturbs other competitors.

163.4Competitors responsible for obstruction are liable for disqualification. The Referee can rerun the race for some or all the competitors affected by the obstruction or allow such competitors to compete in subsequent rounds. The Referee can also rerun for competitors affected or allow them to compete in subsequent rounds when the obstruction is unintentional or caused by someone other than a competitor.

163.5The Referee shall disqualify a competitor out of their lane if a material advantage is gained.

163.6(b)(deleted) Clause edited into another rule.

165.15Places in transponder timed races can be determined by 165.4

166All information concerning competition in a meet should be published. ‘Qualification’ replaces ‘preliminary’ in the text.

166 NoteIf there are more competitors than lanes available the Games Committee

(new) shall determine which individual lanes will start more than one competitor.

166.1(new)Qualification rounds shall be held in track events in which the number of competitors is too large to allow the competition to be conducted satisfactorily in a single round (final). Where qualification rounds are held, all competitors must compete in, and qualify through, all such rounds except that the body having the control over a competition may, for one or more events, authorize the conduct of additional qualification round(s) either at the same or at one or more earlier competition(s) to determine some or all of the competitors who shall be entitled to participate and in which round of the competition. Such procedure and any other means (such as achieving entry standards during a specified period, by specified placing in a designated competition or by specified rankings) by which an athlete is entitled to participate, and in which round of the competition, shall be set out in the entry material for each competition.

166.2(new)In single day invitational competitions, competitors may be seeded, ranked and/or allocated to lanes in accordance with published procedure in the entry material for the competition or by any other method determined by the Games Committee but preferably notified to the competitors and their representatives in advance.

168.3A competitor must go over each hurdle in his/her lane without deliberately knocking it down or affecting a hurdle in another lane so it obstructs another competitor.

170.3The relay exchange zone for sprint races includes the previous ‘fly zone’, making it 30m.

170.12All runners must start inside their exchange zone.

170.20Time limit to make changes to relay teams is from arrival in team room to exit from team room and only for medical purposes.

180.4If the competitors’ three attempts in a field event are identical those tied for the last spot in the finals will compete.

180.5If, for any reason beyond his/her control, a competitor is hampered in a trial, is unable to take the trial or the trial cannot be correctly recorded, the Referee shall have the authority to award the competitor a substitute trial or to re-set the time either partially or in full. No change in the competition order shall be permitted. A reasonable time shall be allowed for any substitute trial according to the particular circumstances of the case. In cases when the competition has progressed before the substitute trial is awarded, the substitute trial should be taken before any other subsequent trials are then made by the competitor.

180.7A qualification round shall be held in field events in which the Games Committee determines the number of competitors is too large to allow the competition to be conducted satisfactorily in a competition proper. Where a qualification round is held, all competitors must compete in, and qualify through, that round except that the body having the control over a competition may, for one or more events, authorize the conduct of additional qualification round(s) either at the same or at one or more earlier competition(s) to determine some or all of the competitors who shall be entitled to participate and in which round of the competition. Suchprocedure and any other means (such as achieving entry standards during a specified period, by specified placing in a designated competition or by specified rankings) by which an athlete is entitled to participate, and in which round of the competition, shall be set out in the entry material for each competition.

180.10(c)The Referee shall not allow a competitor to take a trial out of order in the final round but may in any earlier round.

180.11New time limits for field event trials. Youth maintains the old time limits. Add 1 minute to time for record attempts. Consecutive attempts are consecutive no matter when they occur-use the greater time limit when more than one applies.

180.11Official confirms verbally and visually that all is ready for a trial. If after the time for a trial has begun, a competitor subsequently decides not to attempt that trial, it shall be considered a failure once that period allowed for the trial has elapsed. Youth compete with the old table (no change).


# AthletesIndividual EventCombined Event

Competing at the

Start of the RoundHJPVOtherHJPVOther

More than 3 or the0.510.50.510.5

very first trial for a


2 or 31.5211.521


Consecutive trials232232

181.11Crossbar must be colored to be visible.

185.5The plasticine board is part of the ground beyond the takeoff board.

187.1Touching outside the back half of the circle during a spin in a shot put or discus throw attempt is not a foul. The top edge of the iron rim and shot put stop board are outside the circle.

187.2A competitor interrupting a throwing trial can put the implement down anywhere and leave the circle anywhere (back half requirement deleted).

188.3Technical smoothness standard adopted for shot.

200.3(c)Signals for a false start should include a sign on the lane marker when used.

200.12Ties are no longer broken in combined events.

214.1(b)iThis rule now applies to the 800m Run.

230.3(j)The applicable period in the[Race Walk] Pit Lane will be the following. For races:

Up to 5km: 0.5 min Up to 10km: 1 min Up to 20km: 2 min

Up to 30km: 3 min Up to 40km: 4 min Up to 50km: 5 min

232.4(d) Noteand New assistance rules regarding refreshment are edited into here.


243.2(a)Umpires should be placed at regular intervals and in each key point. Other (new) umpires should move along the course during the race.

251.6(new)Cross Country relay zone defined.

253This rule has been reorganized. If you are involved in Mountain Running please review this before starting your season.

254.1(d)(deleted) The old (e) is now labeled (d).

262.6Records in mixed competition are accepted in field events per 147 and events held outside the stadium ONLY.

265.4(c)For World and National Open records course verification shall conform to IAAF 260.20 and 260.21.

267Events eligible for National records will no longer include the 8k, 12k, 15k, 20k, 25k and 30k races.

268(new)1. Games, championships, meeting and other similar records may be established by the body having control over the competition or the organizing committee.

2. The record should recognize the best performance achieved at any edition of the applicable competition in accordance with the Rules, with the exception that wind velocity readings may be ignored, unless it is specifically provided otherwise in the applicable Entry Material for the competition.

302.2 andSignals for a false start should include a sign on the lane marker when used.
