210 McDonald Hall 2665 Manhattan Place, Unit #307

Mailbox #16010 Vienna, VA 22180

The Catholic University of America (703) 560-4062

Washington, D.C. 20064

(202) 238-1924


Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Management Minor -- May, 2007

The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.

G.P.A.: 3.984

Honors: University Honors Program, Phi Eta Sigma National Freshmen Honor Society, Dean's List with Distinction


Research Assistant, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., January 2005 - present

-- Supervised by David A. Jobes, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology

-- Code and analyze qualitative research data from asuicide attempter sample in Switzerland

-- Oversee the translation of responses and the application of a reliable coding system to interpret responses

-- Data from the Swiss sample will be compared to similar samples of suicidal American college students and US Air Force personnel

Research Assistant, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., August - December 2004

-- Supervised by Michele Schottenbauer, Ph.D. candidate

-- Administered tests to participants as part of two research studies on emotional learning disabilities

-- Participant recruitment for study on treatment of trauma

-- Helped construct and edit a table as part of a comprehensive, empirical review of non-response and dropout rate studies

American Psychological Association Summer Science Institute, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, June 2004

-- 9-day intensive program designed to immerse undergraduates in the science of psychology

-- One of 32 participants selected out of 400-500 applicants

-- Assisted Dr. Julia Noland in her study of prenatal cocaine/poly drug exposure and infant performance on an executive functioning task

-- Set up the testing room in which the behavior of non-drug exposed 9 and 11-month-old infants were videotaped

-- Coded the number of pre-trial grabs exhibited by the infants as they performed the A- not-B task

Research Assistant, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., January - May 2004

-- Supervised by David A. Jobes, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology

-- Coded the qualitative response to the statement: “The one thing that would no longer make me suicidal is____”

-- Assisted in data entry and analysis of the “One Thing” response on the Suicide Status Research Form


Cardinal Ambassador Program Coordinator, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., August 2004 - present

-- Cardinal Ambassadors represent the university to prospective students and their families

-- Assist the Admissions Office Advisor with the staffing, quality and participation level of the Cardinal Ambassadors

-- Coordinate classroom visits, overnight dormitory visits and daily walking tours of CUA’s campus

-- Organize Open Houses, Junior Visit Week, University Honors Day and other special events to recruit high caliber students

Orientation Advisor, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., August 2004

-- Assisted new, transfer and graduate students in their college transition

-- Met with Deans and various representatives from academic schools and campus departments to organize social and academic activities for a 4-day Orientation Program

Program Research Assistant (ExxonMobil Summer Intern), Childhelp USA Children’s Center of Virginia, Fairfax, VA, Summer 2004

-- Developed the Children’s Court Education Program to prepare abused/neglected children to testify in court

-- Created court manuals to explain the trial process to child witnesses and their parent/guardian

-- Reviewed court manuals and discussed the credibility of child witnesses with Dr. Mary Lindahl, Coordinator of the Forensic Psychology Master’s Program at Marymount University

-- Worked with Child Protective Services to obtain knowledge about the emotional trauma experienced by child witnesses

-- Met with Victim Advocates from the Fairfax Commonwealth Attorney’s Victim Services Unit to discuss victim/witness rights

Co-Chairman of Governor’s Youth Commission, Governor’s Office for Children, Youth and Families, Phoenix, AZ, June 2002 - July 2003

-- Advised the Governor’s Office for Children, Youth and Families about community issues affecting youth in Arizona

-- Presided over Commission meetings and delegated committee tasks

-- Emphasized civic participation via the implementation of service projects in state counties and cities

-- Recipient of the Office of the Governor Award for Outstanding Community Service to the State of Arizona

Teen Spokesperson, The Stuttering Foundation of America, February 2001 – February 2002

-- Spoke at elementary schools and to youth organizations to raise awareness about stuttering


American Psychological Association Student Affiliate, September 2004 - present

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Student Member, October 2004 - present


Northwest Pregnancy Center Counselor, Washington, D.C., January 2004 - present

Allison M. Bassett

Address Contact Information

1800 Williamsburg Rd Email:

Apt 1M Mobile: 202-316-4744

Durham, NC 27707


The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC GPA: 3.98

B.A. in Psychology May 2007

B.A. in Education, focus in Special Populations May 2007

St. Agnes Academy Houston, TX, GPA 4.30 (weighted 4.0 scale)

High School Diploma, May 2003

Magna Cum Laude

Professional Memberships

American Psychological Association, Undergraduate Student Affiliate

Honors and Honor Societies

The Catholic University of America, University Scholarship (May 2003)

The Catholic University of America, School of Arts and Sciences Dean’s List

All semesters

Pi Gamma Mu, National Honor Society in Social Sciences, Inducted Spring 2006

Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology, Inducted Fall 2005

Pi Lambda Theta, National Honor Society in Education, Inducted Fall 2005

Phi Eta Sigma, National Honor Society for Achievement among Freshmen,

Inducted Fall 2004

Prior Research Experience

Research Assistant National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, August 2005-May 2007

Organize participant recruitment and literature searches, assist in data

coding, run participant screening and testing, assist in running control group health education, design health education control group, co-author poster, paper.

Research Assistant National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

and the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, August 2004-

May 2005

Assisted in participant recruitment, participant testing, and literature


Presentations and Publications

Schottenbauer, M.,Arnkoff, D. B.,Glass, C. R., Bassett, A., & Burns, N. (2005, June).

What happens when pure-form therapists hit roadblocks. Poster presented at the

annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Montreal, Canada.

Tanofsky-Kraff, M., Theim, K.R., Yanovski S.Z., Bassett, A.M., Burns, N.P.,

Ranzenhofer, L.M., et al. (2007). Validation of the Emotional Eating Scale

adapted for use in children and adolescents (EES-C). International Journal of

Eating Disorders, 40, 232-240.

Tanofsky-Kraff, M., McDuffie, J., Yanovski, S., Schollnberger, M., Burns, N., Bassett,

A., et al., (2006, October). Sex differences in the effects of pediatric binge eating

on actual energy intake during normal and binge meals. Poster presented at the

annual meeting of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity,

Boston, MA.

Theim, K., Tanofsky-Kraff, M., Yanovski, S., Bernstein, S., Bassett, A., Roberts, M., et

al. (2006, May). Validation of the Emotional Eating Scale adapted for use in

children and adolescents. Presentation at a platform session at the annual meeting

of the Pediatric Academic Society, San Francisco, CA.

Related Clinical Experience

Volunteer Group Facilitator Andromeda Transcultural Health Center,

Washington, DC Fall 2006

Assisted group facilitator with psychosocial group for individuals with psychiatric disorders.

Group Leader and Coordinator National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, MD

Designed curriculum for health education control group, co-led cohort 1 group, coordinated cohort 2 group, led cohort 3 group

Floortime Therapist The BRIDGES Program of Texas Children’s Hospital,

Summer 2005

Provided play therapy and training in adaptive behavior skills to children with

autism and related developmental disorders.

Art Therapist The Vannie Cook Children’s Cancer Center and Hematology

Clinic, McAllen, TX, June-August 2002

Founded and ran Arts in Medicine art therapy program for children with cancer

and hematological disorders and their families.

Clinical Training

Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule – in training

Eating Disorders Examination (Adult and Child) – certified

Foreign Language

Spanish language fluent

Tara L. Kraft

306 Millennium North

The Catholic University of America

620 Michigan Avenue

Washington, DC 20064

Phone: (701) 471-6938



The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Anticipated May 2009); Minor in Theology and Religious Studies

Current GPA: 3.97/4.0 scale

Psychology GPA: 4.0/4.0 scale


Dean’s List with Distinction (Fall 2005 - Present)

University Honors Program (Fall 2005 - Present)

Psi Chi (National Honor Society in Psychology) (Fall 2007–Present)

Pi Gamma Mu (International Honor Society in Social Science) (Spring 2008–Present)

Phi Eta Sigma National Freshman Honor Society (Fall 2005 – Present)

North Dakota State Speech Champion (2003-2004 and 2004-2005)

Miss North Dakota National Teenager National Essay Winner (2004)


June 2007 – Intern, American Association of Suicidology, Washington, D.C.

Present Supervisor: Alan L. Berman, PhD, Executive Director

10 – 12 hours per week

Duties: Assist in data collection for a Department of Transportation funded research project examining suicide on American railroads and its impact on railroad employees and families of the decedents. Speak with police departments, coroner’s offices, and railroad personnel around the country about individual cases. Coordinate the A Million Voices Campaign; specifically coordinate the advancement of the Campaign into universities and high schools. Assist in marketing the Recognizing and Responding to Suicide Risk program.

March 2006 – Research Assistant, Suicide Prevention Lab

Present The Catholic University of America

Supervisor: David Jobes, PhD, Co-director of Clinical Training of the Clinical Psychology PhD Program

4 – 20 hours per week

Duties: Currently working on a project looking at posttraumatic growth in survivors of suicide. First author on a poster and second author on a submitted manuscript examining the words of suicidal inpatients. Perform content analyses of qualitative data from the Suicide Status Form and develop reliable coding systems to describe its various elements. Code qualitative data for statistical analyses about subject’s reasons for living and reasons for dying.

September 2005 – Research Assistant, Cognitive Aging Lab

June 2007 The Catholic University of America

Supervisor: James H. Howard, Jr., PhD

10 hours per week

Duties: Coordinated the scheduling of participants and data collection for multiple concurrent studies. Administered elements of the WAIS and WASI intelligence tests as well as various computer-based implicit learning tasks, including the Alternate Serial Reaction Time (ASRT) Task, to participants as part of a study on age-related learning deficits in an implicit sequence learning transfer task. Entered and analyzed data (using Excel and SPSS).


August 2008 – Clinical Research Assistant, National Institute of Mental Health (Bethesda, MD) and the Children’s National Medical Center (Washington, DC)

Supervisors: David Jobes, PhD and Elizabeth Ballard, BA

5 hours per week

Duties: Assist in a study looking at detection of suicide risk in a pediatric emergency department by interviewing and administering questionnaires to study participants in the emergency room of Children’s National Medical Center.

June 2008 – Client Mentor, Catholic Charities, Bismarck, ND

August 2008 Supervisor: Mavis Jundt

12 hours per week

Duties: Act as a mentor to a client with severe depression and suicidal tendencies. Teach healthy living habits and assist in daily living needs.

June 2008 Student Observer, The Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

Supervisor: Dr. Timothy Lineberry

3 hours

Duties: Accompanied Dr. Lineberry and his team of mental health

professionals on clinical rounds in the inpatient psychiatric unit.

September 2003 – Mid Dakota Teen Project Leader/Teen Mentor, Bismarck, ND

August 2005 Supervisor: Kristin Chaussee, NP

12 hours per week

Duties: Coordinated monthly workshops for pre-teen girls on healthy physical and emotional habits; mentored pre-teens on a one-on-one and group basis.


Guest Lecture on posttraumatic growth for PSY 201 (General Psychology), Catholic University (Fall 2008)


Jobes, D. A., Kraft, T. L., Lineberry, T. W., Conrad, A., & Kung, S. (2008). Brief report: Why

suicide? Perceptions of suicidal inpatients and reflections of clinical researchers. Manuscript submitted for publication, The Catholic University of America

Kraft, T. L., Moore, M., & Jobes, D. A., & Hyland, C. A. (2008). Posttraumatic growth in survivors of suicide. Poster submitted for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association of Suicidology, San Francisco, CA.

Schuberg, K., Jobes, D. A., Ballard, E. D., Kraft, T. L., Kerr, N., Hyland, C. A., Freimut, J., Seaman, K., Guidry, E. (2008). Pre/post/post evaluations of CAMS-trained VA clinicians. Poster submitted for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association of Suicidology, San Francisco, CA.

Kraft, T., Jobes, D. A., Lineberry, T.,Rodriguez, V., Yeargin, M. K.,Conrad, A., et al. (2008, April). Asking suicidal patients: Why suicide? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Suicidology, Boston, MA.

Ballard, E. D., Jobes, D. A., Brenner, L. A., Gutierrez, P. M., Nagamoto, H., Kemp, J. E., Fitzgerald, M. E., Kraft, T. L., et al. (2008, April). Qualitative Suicide Status Form responses of suicidal veterans. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Suicidology, Boston, MA.

LeBlanc, N., Howard, D., Howard, J. H., Kraft, T., & Kim, T. (2007, July). Age-related learning

deficits in an implicit sequence learning transfer task. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Adelaide, Australia.

O’Connor, S. S., Lineberry, T., Jobes, D. A., Moore, M., Zimmer, K., Conrad, A., Yeargin, M. K.,

Kraft, T., & Bostwick, J. (2007, April). Investigation into emotional upsetness in suicidal individuals. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Suicidology, New Orleans, LA.

Kraft, T., Kienzle, L., Krumm, B., Hatzenbuhler, S., Fuhrman, J., Frank, K., et al. (2004). From Our

Hearts to Yours: A Journal for Personal Discovery and Growth. Bismarck: Mid Dakota Clinic.


Student Member, International Positive Psychology Association

Student Member, American Association of Suicidology

Student Affiliate, American Psychological Association


Psi Chi Vice President, CUA, 2008-2009

Resident Assistant, CUA, 2007-2008, 2008-2009

Psychology Department Odyssey Day (for admitted students) 2006, 2007, 2008

CUA Career Services Advisory Board, 2008-2009

Honors College Leader/Activity Coordinator, CUA, 2005 - 2008