Ph.D. Counselor Education, 2007The College of William and Mary
M.Ed. Clinical Mental Health Counseling, 2001 The College of William and Mary
B.A. Psychology, 1997George Mason University
Oxford University Honors Program, 1996Oxford University
Villanova University, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Education and Counseling
Assistant Professor 2007-2008; 2010-2015
Counseling Theory and Practice
Supervised Internship in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Supervised Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Introduction to Counseling Skills
Group Counseling Theory and Practice
Career Counseling and Development
Communication Skills for Human Services
Group Processes for Human Services
Seminar and Practicum in Human Services
Cognitive Developmental Theory for Counselors and Teachers
The College of William Mary, School of Education, School Psychology & Counselor Education
Visiting Assistant Professor 2008-2010
Group Counseling Theory and Practice
Ethics, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling
Multicultural Counseling; Community Internship; Career Counseling
The College of William and Mary, School of Education, School Psychology & Counselor Education
Adjunct Instructor- Psychopathology and Emotional Disorders of Children
Teaching Intern - Supervised Internship in Community Counseling
Co-Instructor- Prevention in Schools and Communities
Supervisor- Supervised Practicum in Counseling
Licensed Professional Counselor& Licensed Marriage and Family Counselor- PA. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of State Bureau of Professional & Occupational Affairs.
Licensed Professional Counselor & Licensed Marriage and Family Counselor- VA.Virginia State Board of Counseling.
Schmidt, C. D., Luquet, W., & Gehlert, N. (2015). Evaluating the impact of the imago couples workshop on relational adjustment and communication patterns.Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy.
Schmidt, C. D. (2014). Questioning intuition through reflective engagement. TheJournal of Moral Education, 43(6), 429-446.
Schmidt, C. D. (2014). Integrating continuous client feedback into counselor education. The Journal of Counselor Preparation & Supervision, 6(2), 1-12.
Davidson, K. M. & Schmidt, C. D. (2014). Exploring counselor educators’ pedagogical practices: Cultivating competent counselors through increased cognitive complexity and reflective practice. Journal for International Counselor Education, 6, 1-27.
Schmidt, C. D. (2014). Professional settings and career choices. In V. F. Sangganjanavanich & C. A. Reynolds (Eds.), Introduction to Professional Counseling, pg. 72-104.
Schmidt, C. D. & Davidson, K. (2013). Applying What Works: A Case for Deliberate Psychological Education in Undergraduate Business Ethics. Journal of Education for Business, 88(3), 127-135. DOI:10.1080/08832323.2012.659295
Mason, M. J., Schmidt, C. D. & Mennis, J. (2012). Dimensions of Religiosity and Access to Religious Social Capital: Correlates with Substance Use Among Urban Adolescents. Journal of Primary Prevention, 33(5-6), 229-237. Doi:10.1007/s10935-012-0283-y
Malott, K. M. & Schmidt, C. D. (2012). Counseling Families Formed by Transracial Adoption: Bridging the Gap in theMulticulturalCounselingCompetencies. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 20(4), 384-391. doi: 10.1177/1066480712451231
Schmidt, C. D. & Adkins, C. P. (2012). Understanding, Valuing, and Teaching Reflection in Counselor Education: A Phenomenological Inquiry. Reflective Practice: International & Multidisciplinary Perspectives, 13(1), 77-96.DOI:10.1080/14623943.2011.626024
Schmidt, C. D., Hardinge, G. & Rokutani, L. (2012). Expanding the School Counselor Repertoire Through STEM-focused Career Development. The Career Development Quarterly. 60(1), 25-35. DOI:10.1002/j.2161-0045.2012.00003.x
Mason, M. J., Mennis, J., & Schmidt, C. D. (2011). A Social Operation Model of Urban Adolescence’ Tobacco and Substance Use: A Mediational Analysis. Journal of Adolescence34, 1055-1063.
Schmidt, C. & McAdams, C. (2009). Promoting the moral reasoning of undergraduate business students through a deliberate psychological education-based classroom intervention. Journal of Moral Education, 38, 3, 315-334. Doi: 10.1080/03057240903101556
Mason, M. J., Schmidt, C. D., Abraham, A. A., Walker, L. R. & Tercyak, K. P. (2009). Adolescents’ social environment and depression: Social networks, extracurricular activity, and family relationship influences. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 16, 346-354.
McAdams, C. & Schmidt, C. (2007). How to help a bully: Counseling the proactive aggressor. Professional School Counselor, 11, 2, 120-128.
Schmidt, C. (2009). Report from the field: Breaking the cycle of youth aggression. Virginia Association of Marriage and Family Counselors, Fall newsletter.
Schmidt, C. (June, 2006). The Challenges Inherent in a Federal Court Proceedings: A Counselor Education Program’s Experience. [Podcast]. Williamsburg, VA: Counselor Audio Source.
Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Editorial Board Member, 2013- 2015
Career Development Quarterly, Ad-Hoc Editorial Board Member, 2011-2015
Invited manuscript reviewer for Reflective Practice (2015)
Invited manuscript reviewer for Canadian Journal for Higher Education (2013)
Invited manuscript reviewer for the Journal of Moral Education, (2009- 2011)
Chapter Editor: Handbook of Genomics and the Family: Psychosocial Context for Children and Adolescents (2008).
Schmidt, C. (October, 2015). Questioning Intuition through Reflective Engagement. Research presented at the Association of Counselor Education & Supervision Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Wahesh, E., Kemer, G., Willis, B. & Schmidt, C. (September, 2014). Peer Feedback Exchange in Group Supervision: Implications for Practice. Associationof Counselor Education & Supervision, Philadelphia, PA.
Gehlert, N. & Schmidt, C. (March, 2015). Couples Counseling Research: Randomized Controlled Trial of Imago Relationship Therapy. Research presented at the American Counseling Association Conference. Orlando, FL.
Wahesh, E. & Schmidt, C. (September, 2014). Peer Feedback Exchange in Group Supervision: Implications for Practice. North Atlantic Region of Counselor Education & Supervision, Providence, RI.
Schmidt, C. (April, 2014). Considering Best Practices and Developmental Achievements in Counselor Supervision. Presenter & Panel Speaker. Pennsylvania Association for Counselor Education & Supervision. Philadelphia, PA.
Schmidt, C. (October, 2013). Integrating Continuous Client Feedback Data into Counselor Training: Best Practices and Developmental Achievements. Association of Counselor Education & Supervision Conference, Denver, CO.
Gehlert, N., Schmidt, C & Luquet, W. (October, 2013). Accountability and Obligation: Making Progress Toward Validating Our Practices, Imago Relationships International Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Schmidt, C. (June, 2013). Intuition and reasoning: Translating reflections during developmental transitions. Association of Humanistic Counseling Conference, New York, NY.
Schmidt, C. (September, 2012). Incorporating Consistent Client Feedback into Counselor Education. North Atlantic Region of Counselor Education & Supervision, Niagara Falls, NY.
Schmidt, C. (April, 2012). Incorporating Consistent Client Feedback into Counselor Education. Roundtable discussion leader at the Pennsylvania Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, West Chester, PA.
Schmidt, C. (October, 2011). Intellectual and Emotional Development: Translating Reflections during Developmental Transitions. Research presented at the annual meeting of the International Association of Moral Education, Nanjing, China.
Schmidt, C., Heyward, K, & Foster, V. (November, 2010). Integrating the Moral Conversation into the Family Therapy Context: Results of a Program of Family therapy, Parent Education and Group Counseling for Aggressive Youth. Research presented at the annual meeting of theInternational Association of Moral Education, St. Louis, MO.
Schmidt, C. & Rokutani, L. (November, 2009). Expanding Curative Factors in Groups; Bringing the Group Process to Life. Full-day training delivered to Northeastern Virginia Community Services Board employees. Winchester, VA.
Schmidt, C. & Rokutani, L. (October, 2009). Evidence and Consensus-Based Practice for Co-Occurring Disorders. Full-day training delivered to Northeastern Virginia Community Services Board employees. Winchester, VA.
Schmidt, C. & Rokutani, L. (August, 2009). Family Counseling and Addictions. Full-day training delivered to Central Virginia Community Services Board employees. Lynchburg, VA.
Schmidt, C. (August, 2009). Family Counseling and Addictions. Half-day training delivered to Central Virginia Community Services Board employees. Lynchburg, VA.
Schmidt, C. & Rokutani, L. (June, 2009). Family Counseling and Addictions. Full-day training delivered to Northeastern Virginia Community Services Board employees. Winchester, VA.
Schmidt, C. & Adkins, C. (November, 2007). Promoting the Ethical Development of Business Students Through a Deliberate Psychological Education-Based Classroom Intervention. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Moral Education, New York, NY.
Schmidt, C. (October, 2007). Promoting the Ethical Development of Business Students Through a Deliberate Psychological Education-Based Classroom Intervention. Poster presented at the bi-annual meeting of the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Columbus, OH.
Schmidt, C. & Benoit, E. (October, 2007). Insiders’ view of an in-house clinic: Service and training amidst student leadership. Poster presented at the bi-annual meeting of the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Columbus, OH.
Schmidt, C. D. & Adkins, C. (March, 2007). Assessing the Impact of Deliberate Psychological Education in Business Ethics: A Critical Gap in the Research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Adult Development, Boston, MA.
Schmidt, C. (September, 2006). Sharing Our Knowledge: A Cognitive Developmental Perspective on Teaching Business Ethics. Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Orlando, Fl.
Schmidt, C. & Keel, D. (September, 2006). The Teaching and Learning of Reflection for Practice: Perspectives of Students and Faculty in a M.Ed. Counseling Program. Poster presented a the bi-annual meeting of the Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Orlando, Fl.
Schmidt, C., Keel, D., & Adkins, C. (March, 2006). The Teaching and Learning of Reflection in a M.Ed. Counseling Program: A Qualitative Study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Counseling Association Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Schmidt, C. (February, 2006). Counselors Without Borders: A Closer Look at Home-based Counseling Services. Presentation delivered at the annual Virginia Counseling Graduate Student Conference, Williamsburg, VA.
Schmidt, C. & Keener, H. (February, 2006). Men in Therapy: A Neglected Dimension. Presentation delivered at the annual Virginia Counseling Graduate Student Conference, Williamsburg, VA.
Schmidt, C. & Gressard, R. (November, 2005). The Development of an Instrument: The Creation of a “Paradigms of Faith Inventory” Based on Fowler’s Stages of Faith.Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Virginia Counselors’ Association Conference, Portsmouth, VA.
Schmidt, C. & Keener, H. (November, 2005). Practicing Eclecticism from an Empirical Perspective: A Cognitive Developmental Client Matching Model. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Virginia Counselors’ Association Conference, Portsmouth, VA.
Schmidt, C., Griffin, D., Russett, J., & Keel, D. (October, 2005). A Documentary of Collaboration: Supervision of the Masters Practicum by a First- year Doctoral Student Cohort. Roundtable presentation delivered at the bi-annual Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors Conference, Pittsburg, PA.
Schmidt, C. & Keener, H. (April, 2005). Client Matching: A Cognitive-Developmental Framework. Presentation delivered at the annual Virginia Counseling Graduate Student Conference, Williamsburg, VA.
Schmidt, C., Griffin, D., Russett, J., & Keel, D. (April, 2005). A Documentary of Collaboration: Supervision of the Master’s Practicum by a First-Year Doctoral Student Cohort. Presentation delivered at the annual Virginia Counseling Graduate Student Conference, Williamsburg, VA.
Schmidt, C. & COPES (2001). Stress Management Techniques. Presentation and workshop delivered to the Denbigh Early Childhood Development Center faculty and staff, Denbigh, VA.
Schmidt, C. & COPES (2000). Stress Management Techniques: Perspectives from the Harvard Mind/Body Institute Education Initiative. Presentation delivered at multiple locations: Virginia Counselors Association Conference, Roanoke, VA; Hampton Public Schools, Hampton, VA; Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA.
March, 2013. Humanistic Counselor Educator/ Supervisor of the Year. Presented by the Association of Humanistic Counseling at the American Counseling Association Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Schmidt, C. (August, 2015). Establishing connections: The gateway to guided reflection. Presentation delivered to staff at Open Connections School in Newtown Square, PA.
Schmidt, C. (August, 2013). Enabling Reflection: The Purpose and Prescription. Presentation delivered to Service Learning Leadership at Villanova University.
Schmidt, C. (January, 2011). Developing Resiliency: Integrating Counseling Techniques into the Student- Teacher Dialogue. Presentation delivered to Masters-Plus students at Villanova University.
Schmidt, C. (November, 2008). Attending Skills as a Gateway to Reflective Engagement in the Community. Presentation delivered to Service Learning (International & Domestic) Leaders at William & Mary.
Schmidt, C. (November, 2008). Reflecting on, Managing, and Locating the Sources of Boundaries. Presentation delivered to Staff of Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, Richmond, VA.
Schmidt, C. (April, 2006). Moral Development and Moral Education Practices: A Review of Theory and Assessment. Presentation delivered to “Prevention in Schools and Communities” course- The College of William and Mary, VA.
Schmidt, C. (October, 2005). Substance Abuse Prevention for Children and Adolescents in Schools and Communities. Presentation delivered to “Psychopathology and Emotional Disorders of Children and Youth” course- The College of William and Mary, VA.
RECEIVEDJanuary, 2014: Measuring the impact of Imago Relationship Therapy on couple communication, marital satisfaction, empathy, and personality congruence. Summer Research Fellowship- Villanova University (10K).
RECEIVED May, 2013: Integrating a Continuous Systematic Program Evaluation Process into the Masters of Science in Counseling Program. Funded by VITAL (5K) (Villanova Institute of Teaching and Learning).
SUBMITTED May 1st: American Psychological Foundation Visionary Grant (20K). Measuring the impact of Imago Relationship Therapy on couple communication, marital satisfaction, empathy, and personality congruence. Not Funded.
SUBMITTED: Waterhouse Family Institute Grant (10K)
Measuring the impact of Imago Relationship Therapy on couple communication, marital satisfaction, empathy, and personality congruence. Not Funded.
McAdams, C. & Foster, V. Principle Investigators. Engaging Families in Breaking the Cycle of Youth Aggression. Williamsburg Community Health Foundation. 1/1/09- 12/31/09, $100,000.
Griffin, D. Principle Investigator, Schmidt, C.D. Co-Investigator. Using School-Family-Community Partnerships to Build School Success Behaviors in Adolescents.RTSP Campus- Community/ Schools Partnership. 1/1/08, $5,000.
Schmidt, C.D. The Armand J. and Mary Faust Galfo Education Research Fellowship. (for demonstrating outstanding promise in educational research design). 9/1/06- 6/1/07, $12,000.
Faculty Liaison, Student-learning (outcomesassessment) liaison for undergraduate and graduate counseling programs, Villanova University (2013-2015)
Co-Coordinator, Human Services Program, Villanova University (2011-2015)
Director of CACREP self study, Counseling Program, Villanova University (2011-2015)
Lead Counselor, Engaging Families in Breaking the Cycle of Youth Aggression, College of William & Mary, 1/1/09- 12/31/09.
Program Committee, Counseling and Human Relations Program, Department of Education and Human Services, Villanova University, 8/07 to present.
Vision, Goals, and Objectives Committee. Department of Education and Human Services, College of Arts and Sciences, Villanova University, 1/08 to present.
Love the Skin You’re In: Healthy Body Image. Villanova University, 11/07-3/08.
Research Support Group. Director. Department of Education and Human Services, College of Arts and Sciences, Villanova University, 10/07 to 10/10.
Seven-Year Review Committee, Department of Education and Human Services, College of Arts and Sciences, Villanova University, 6/08 to 01/13.
New Horizons Family Counseling Center. Co-director. The College of William and Mary, 6/06-6/07.
Virginia Demonstration Project2010
-Evaluation team co-leader
-Facilitating focus groups with Virginia school counselors
-Developing, designing, and implementing Professional Development Seminar for school counselors in Virginia for STEM
Mental Health Training
Virginia Co-Occurring State Incentive Grant2009
-Designing and implementing multiple trainings for regional community services boards
-Family Counseling & Addictions
-Evidence Based Practice & Co-Occurring Disorders
-Group Counseling & Co-Occurring Disorders
Lead Counselor
Engaging Families in Breaking the Cycle of Youth Aggression2009
-Oversee administration of the treatment elements provided (Family & Group Counseling, Parent Education)
-Provide treatment for major aspects of the program
-Develop and perform of the program
Co-Director of Counseling Center
New Horizons Family Counseling Center, Williamsburg, VA2006- 2007
-Oversaw organization and administration of clinic responsibilities
-Facilitated communication between faculty, interns, clients, and referral sources
-Directed the administrative duties of interns & assist in writing the Annual Report
-Emphasized school-family collaboration
-Facilitated school meetings (i.e. IEP) and school outreach
Marriage and Family Counseling Intern
New Horizons Family Counseling Center, Williamsburg, VA 2004- 2007 & 2000- 2001
-Provided couples and family counseling from a structural perspective
-Provided individual counseling to adolescents
-Assisted with the daily clinic administrative services and operations
Project EMPOWER Co-Director
The College of William and Mary, School-based Prevention Program 2005- 2006
-Organized and managed operations of the prevention group, consulted with schools, monitored and supervised Master’s students implementation of classroom programming
-Implemented bullying prevention program in a middle school
In-Home Individual and Family Counselor
National Counseling Group, Richmond, VA 2003- 2004
-Provided in-home counseling for at risk families and individuals
-Provided individual and group counseling in local schools
-Facilitated communication between all constituencies involved with cases (lawyers, caseworkers, social services, juvenile services, detention centers, teachers, counselors, and psychiatrists)
-Supported and assisted clients and families in schools, community, agency meetings, and court trials
Secondary School Counselor
St. John’s College High School, Washington, DC2001- 2002
-Provided individual and group counseling to high school sophomores
-Taught classroom guidance; served as a liaison between parents, teachers, administrators, and students; created stress management program post-9/11; developed sex education survey in response to school need
-Organized, facilitated, and led the development of a Student Assistance Program
-Assisted with student government and school retreats, coached athletic teams, and was the Director of Outdoor Adventure Club
Outdoor Education Leader
Sail Caribbean, Tortola, BVI2001 & 2002- 2003
Secondary School Teacherand Counseling Assistant
Walsingham Academy, Williamsburg, VA 2000- 2001
Graduate Assistant
COPES (Community Outreach and Prevention Education Services)1999- 2001
Middle School Counseling Intern1999
Guildersleeve and Hines Middle Schools, Newport News, VA
Secondary School Teacher
Christchurch School, Christchurch, VA1997- 1999
-coach, advisor, dorm parent, honor council, honor society