202 KAR 7:501 Section 10 - Cervical Collars

202 KAR 7:501 Section 10 - Cervical Collars

MEETING TYPE / Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services - Executive Committee
DATE / March 24, 2016 / TIME / 1:00 PM EST
LOCATION / KBEMS Ofc., 118 James Court, Lexington - Skype Availability / ROOM / Conference B
P / Joe Bradshaw / P / Jamey Locke / A / Michael Sutt (Via Phone)
A / Carlos Coyle / P / Joe Prewitt
# / Item / Discussion/Issue / Action/Responsible Party
1 / Call to Order / Officially call meeting to order / Chair of Committee, Joe Bradshaw
2 / Roll Call / Check roll and ensure quorum / With three (3) members present quorum was established.
3 / Approval of Minutes / Review for approval
  • January 26, 2016
/ Mr. Prewitt made a motion for approval of the January 26, 2016 minutes as presented, seconded by Mr. Locke.
4 / Financial Report / Revenue and Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2016 through February 29, 2016 / Mr. Poynter presented the financial report stating KBEMS was presently on track. Mr. Poynter stated he and staff have held discussion and will be prepared when the decision is made on the state budget cuts.
Mr. Locke made a motion for board recommendation that should KBEMS be subject to a budget reduction due to appropriation cuts by the General Assembly in 2016-2017, to have KBEMS hold Ambulance Grant funds currently in a reserve account to subsidize the Ambulance Block Grant reduction. Seconded by Mr. Prewitt.
Update / Old Business
5 / Subcommittee Updates / Updates on held meetings -
  • Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine (Met on March 16)
(Nothing to report - scheduled to meet April 12) / Mr. Poynter stated the MIH/CP Subcommittee met and begin the discussion on how KBMES would handle the MIH/CP Pilot Programs should KBEMS receive a large number of applicants requesting to participate.
Motion was made by Mr. Prewitt recommending the board limit the number of approved services to conduct the MIH/CP Pilot Program directing Mr. Poynter and staff to provide an outline and criteria of how to determine those approved. Seconded by Mr. Locke.
New Business
6 / Frankfort Fire and EMS / Waiver Request -
  • 202 KAR 7:501 Section 10 - Cervical Collars
/ Motion was made by Mr. Prewitt recommending board approve Frankfort’s waiver request to remove rigid cervical collars on all units, seconded by Mr. Locke. Noted, approval of this request was due to a protocol to use soft collars had previously been approved.
7 / Regulation / Review and discuss proposed draft regulation -
  • 202 KAR 7:501 - 501 Regulation
/ Mr. Locke made a motion recommending board accept and move forward through the legislation process with 202 KAR 7:501 regulation as presented. Seconded by Mr. Prewitt.
8 / Executive Director - Updates / Informational Topics - / Mr. Poynter addressed potential budget cuts that KBEMS may be effected by stating he has been discussing with Mr. O’Neal possible options for revenue.
Customer service is an area KBEMS continues to improve that will provide assistance in a timely and efficient manner. KBEMS has developed a ticketing systems and working on a revised phone directing system.
9 / Adjournment / There being no further business for discussion the meeting concluded at 3:00 pm.