/ Fire Officers’ Association
London Road
GL56 0RH
Telephone: 01608 652023

Branch Circular02/08

October 2008

To: Regional Representatives, Branch Secretaries and FRS Contacts

Middle Managers Negotiating Body (MMNB)

Arrangements with FBU

We have now agreed a protocol with the FBU that should allow the Association to take items forward for inclusion on the MMNB agenda. Until now, it has not been possible to raise issues for consideration by the joint secretaries as there has been no opportunity to agree an agenda with the FBU, except at a pre-meeting, immediately before the main MMNB meeting. However, by this time, it is far too late for any matters to be considered by the employers.

This previous situation also made it very difficult for the Association to obtain information on matters being dealt with during the period between MMNB meetings.

Through the new arrangement, a staff side agenda meeting will be held as soon as possible after each MMNB meeting to allow each side to propose and agree items for inclusion on the MMNB agenda whilst providing sufficient enough time for the agreed items to be discussed with the employers ahead of the next MMNB.

It has taken some time to reach this position but it appears that we now have a way to make sure that our voice is heard.

Identification of MMNB Agenda Items

Having reached the above position, it is essential; that the Association is able to take issues and proposals to the MMNB for resolution.

We cannot do this without knowing what the issues are and we need Branches to provide the Executive Board with information on what they would like to achieve or address. The Executive will consider submissions received and agree the items that will be taken to each MMNB agenda meeting.

Issues / proposals should be submitted using the attached MMNB agenda template so as to provide some information on what is sought and what would be required to deliver the desired outcome. Information in support of any proposals will be required to allow the Executive Board to consider whether it would feasible to take an item forward to the MMNB agenda meeting. This information would, thereafter, be needed to support our case at the meeting and subsequently, convince the employers of its merit.

Submissions may be made via Head Office at any time and will be considered at the following quarterly Executive Board meeting.

Glyn Morgan

Chief Executive

Fire Officers’ Association

MMNB Submission Template


Title of submission

Lead person(s):

a. Objective(s)

b. Background

c. Proposals


Fire Officers’ Association

MMNB Submission Template

Title of submission

/ Performance Related Pay
Date: / 1st November 2008
Lead person(s): / A Smith, B Jones

a. Objective(s)

To achieve a position where: -
(i)Middle Managers determine the level of performance-related pay that will be available to principal officers
(ii)Middle Managers determine how the performance of principal officers will be assessed and measured
(ii) A panel of Middle Managers assesses the performance of principal officers and decides the extent to which performance targets have been met

b. Background

We regularly see principal managers being awarded performance related pay increases when the majority of work is undertaken by middle managers. This needs to be recognised by awarding proportionate payments to Middle Managers.

c. Proposals

It is proposed that: -
(i)Local elements of performance related pay available to principal managers form part of a national system based on individual and collective performance
(ii)Middle Managers are co-opted to sit on a national assessment panel that determines principal managers’ performance against targets and sets an appropriate level of performance related pay
(iv) Middle managers whose, efforts deliver principal managers’ performance, receive additional payments in line with those awarded to principal managers