2019 EE Topics of Interest Form
Name: ______
Please fill the following information as specifically and legibly as possible. Please do not attach separate sheets. This form is due on or before Thursday, November 2, 2017 to the EE coordinator. Forms turned in before November 3rd will not be given precedence; however, should this form be turned in after due date priority may be given to other students in this selection process. You MUST provide two topics of interest in IB classes you currently take in your schedule, and each must be in different subject areas. There are no guarantees which of the two topics you will receive so be confident in both proposals. All supervisors are maxed at 5 students- no exceptions.
Group 1- Category: 1 2 (circle) Prerequisite: Must have read the novel and is not connected in any manner to UAIS and IB curriculum**summer reads are approved. Also, Attach the completed Impact Stub form to remain qualified for this subject.
Novel(s): ______
Focused Topic: ______
Potential Research Question (must be an argument): ______
Group 2- Language: ______Category: 1 2a 2b 3 (circle one) Prerequisite: Must be an HL/SL student and have teacher signature
Teacher Signature: ______Signature is NOT a guarantee you get that subject; it only serves as a pre-requisite
If 2B or 3: Name the novel or the cultural artifact: ______Focused Topic: ______
Potential Research Question (must be an argument): ______
Group 3 – History (must be in IB History) Topic prerequisite: Must have occurred 10 years prior or it is considered current event and not applicable; students encouraged to select topics within IB History curriculum
Focused Topic: ______
Potential Research Question (must be an argument and not narrative or observational in nature): ______
Group 4- Science: ______Prerequisite: Must arrange a sit-down meeting with teacher PRIOR to November 2nd and be able to present the following information in full- if form is not filled prior to meeting you will NOT be able to select this group as an EE option; teacher signature required-may refuse to sign
Teacher Signature: ______ Signature is NOT a guarantee you get that subject; it only serves as a pre-requisite
Focused Topic: ______
Potential Research Question (must be an argument): ______
Possible experiment to perform for RQ: ______
Group 5 - Prerequisite: Must be an HL/SL student and have teacher’s signature- may refuse to sign
Teacher Signature: ______Signature is NOT a guarantee you get that subject; it only serves as a pre-requisite- may refuse to sign
Focused Topic: ______
Potential Research Question (must be an argument): ______
Group 6- Art Indicate which art form: ______Prerequisite: Must be in the IB subject and testing in it (not an elective)
Focused Topic: ______
Potential Research Question (must be an argument): ______
Did a sibling attend UAIS and submit an EE? NO YES
If yes, indicate year of graduation, EE subject and topic: ______
**If topics are too similar in EE or an IA, you must pick a different topic on this form to ensure potential academic misconduct will not occur. If you are not sure of their topic, see me by October 27th.