2018AFP MA Conference on Philanthropy

Boston Marriott Copley Place| Boston MA| November 28, 2018


DEADLINE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2018 at 5:00 pm (no exceptions)

We are pleased to announce that AFP Massachusetts Chapter will offer a number of full scholarships to the 2018 AFP MA Conference on Philanthropy. To be eligible, you must work for a nonprofit organization with a total organizational budget of $5 million or less (note that preference will be given to individuals from organizations with budgets of $3 million or less). Applications from consultants who work consistently with non-profits of this size will also be considered. Note: If we receive multiple applications from the same organization, the Scholarship Committee will only be able to select one applicant, at most.

First Step: Please complete this application form and submit it along with a one-page resume and a one-page organizational budget. Consultants should submit a one-page organizational budget from a current or recent client.

Second Step:Scholarship candidates need not register for the conference until after awards are announced on Friday, November 2ndby 5 pm.If you are selected, AFP MA will send you instructions on how to register online for the conference free of charge. If you are not selected but would still like to attend, there will be instructions on how to register online for the conference at the rate that was in effect on the date you submitted your scholarship application. If you have questions about this process, please call Melanie McHugh, AFP Massachusetts Chapter Office, at 781-894-3140 or email .

To submit: Please write “AFP Scholarship: [Your First Name] [Your Last Name]” (example: AFP Scholarship - John Smith) in the subject line of your email and submit to

Last Name: / First Name: / Middle Initial:
Current Title and Organization (also note if you are a Consultant):
Current Work Address (including City, State, Zip):
Phone (specify if cell or work #): / Email Address:
Number of Years/Months with Organization:
Organization’s Overall Current FYBudget Total:
Number of Years in Development:
Please attach a one-page resume AND a one-page organizational budget. Applications lacking these materials will not be considered.
Have you ever received a scholarship for the AFP MA Conference? While we doaccept applications from past recipients, a strong preference will be given to individuals who have never received one. / Yes No

Note: Scholarship notifications will be sent via email by 5 pm on November 3rd, 2018

Please reply to the following: (Feel free to use more than one page.)

How do you anticipate that attending the Conference will help you in your current job, short-term, and in your career, longer-term?(500 words max.)

(Optional) Is there anything else you would like the Scholarship Committee to know as we consider your application? Also (optional), we are interested in what other professional development opportunities you have found relevant and helpful, and why, since this feedback can help improve AFP offerings as well. (Please be brief.)

Thank you for sharing this information with the Committee and for helping us understand your circumstances. We look forward to reviewing your application!