Ogle County Solid Waste Management Department
2018 Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant
Guidelines and Application
The Ogle County Solid Waste Management Plan, updated in 2015, includes goals and programs designed to reduce waste and increase recycling in Ogle County. A portion of the host fees paid by the two active landfills in the county goes towards funding the programs and services provided by the Ogle County Solid Waste Management Department (OCSWMD). The Waste Reduction and Recycling Grants is one such program which is intended to help local governments, organizations, institutions and businesses with programs that support these goals and help the local economy.
In 2016, Ogle County residents, businesses and other entities recycled about 34% of the municipal waste generated in the County. Although we are pleased with that percentage, we are seeking new and innovative ways to reduce the amount of waste going to local landfills, and to increase what gets recycled. This grant is intended to help facilitate that.
Any Ogle County municipal government, institution, organization or business, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, is eligible to apply for funding. Grants may be requested for programs that promote the stated goals of waste reduction and increased recycling, and other goals in the Plan, which is available at: http://oglecounty.org/departments/solid-waste-management/resources/.
Grant monies may cover up to 80% of approved project costs, with the grant recipient providing the matching 20%. The maximum grant award for any single proposed project is $2,000. Since total grant funds available for this fiscal year (beginning on December 1, 2017) are limited to $6,000, grants will be awarded in rounds on a competitive basis, until funds are depleted. Applicants must supply at least 20% of the total final project cost. Example: Total project cost: $2500; grant amount (80%): $2000; matching amount (20%): $500.
90% of the approved grant amount will be paid initially. The remaining 10% will be held and paid upon project completion and submittal of the Grant Evaluation/ Expenditure Report and receipts for approved expenditures. This report must be submitted no later than November 1st. Final payment will be based on actual costs incurred, up to the approved amount. Grant funds must be spent as proposed and approved by OCSWMD. Any changes to the use of grant funds must be approved in advance. Any grant funds not spent or spent on unapproved items must be returned to OCSWMD by November 15th of the year they were dispersed.
Grant funds may be used to purchase project-related capital expenditures (e.g. equipment such as recycling collection containers, carts, processing equipment, balers, etc.), educational materials, reusable items that replace disposable ones (e.g. Ceramic plates instead of Styrofoam, etc.), and other equipment used for waste reduction or recycling. Projects related to the issues of food waste, composting, business and multi-family recycling are encouraged. Grant funds cannot be used for ongoing expenses such as staffing, collection, supplies, and hauling costs. Project expenses incurred by the grantee prior to grant approval will not be reimbursed.
Purchasing products that contain recycled materials helps to continue the recycling cycle by stimulating and creating stable recycling markets. Products purchased with grant funds must contain recycled content whenever possible. The use of recycled products should be addressed in the application, and is one of the criteria used to evaluate grant applications. Efforts to reduce shipping costs and to keep business local are encouraged.
Applicants must describe their commitment to continue or maintain the project beyond the grant duration, when applicable. In your application, please describe the on-going staffing and funding support to maintain the project for maximum impact.
All applications received on time will be reviewed and scored by OCSWMD staff. Recommendations for approval or denial of applications, based on scores and competitive ranking, will be made by staff to the Ogle County Board HEW/Solid Waste Committee at a monthly meeting. The Committee will approve or deny the application and you will be notified that month.
Ogle County reserves the right to reject any and all grant applications submitted in response to this request. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified and given the opportunity to discuss any elements of their application needing improvement to enhance their chances for future funding.
Each grant is evaluated and scored using the following criteria:
· Management ability
· Project quality
· Project impact
· Realistic goals & expectations
· Quality of Application
· Accuracy of application
· Educational potential
· Use of recycled content products
when available
· Future continuity of project
· Waste stream diversion
· Previous grant recipient (point deducted for every grant received)
Applicants are encouraged to contact OCSWMD staff before submitting an application to discuss concerns or questions. Applications and attachments may be submitted by mail, email, or hand delivered to the address below.
2018 Annual Grant Schedule
· Four grant rounds will be held in 2018, while funds are available. Applications will be due by 4:00 p.m. on:
o February 7th
o April 4th
o June 6th
o September 5th
· Please contact OCSWMD to determine if grant funds are still available.
· Approved grants (90%) will be awarded in the month following review.
· Grant Evaluation/Expenditure Report and receipts are due no later than November 1st, of the year the grant application was awarded.
· Grant Balance (10%) will be paid shortly after Grant Evaluation/Expenditure Report is received and approved.
An application is attached. For more information, please contact:
Ogle County Solid Waste Management Department
909 Pines Road
Oregon, IL 61061
FAX: 815-732-3709
2018 Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant Application
Ogle County Solid Waste Management Department
909 Pines Road
Oregon, IL 61061
(815) 732-4020, FAX (815) 732-3709
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the application with as much detail as possible. Include information about brands, model numbers, and vendors that will be used (attach copies of catalog or web pages showing products). Indicate how matching funds will be provided. When grant is received, it will be scored by OCSWMD staff and presented to the Ogle County Board Solid Waste Committee at a monthly meeting for approval or denial based on scores and competitive ranking. You will be notified after that. Four grant rounds will be held in 2018. Applications will be due by 4:00 p.m. on February 7th, April 4th, June 6th, or September 5th, while funds are available.
Name of Applicant Organization: ______
Address: ______
Phone: ______Email:______
Completed by: FEIN: ______
Organization description:
____School ____ School district
____Non-profit organization ____ Business/Industry
____Other: Explain______
Signature and Title: Principal, Administrator, Owner, CEO Date
Grant Summary Total Project Cost (from Proposed Budget): ______
- 20% applicants share of cost: ______
*Amount requested (not to exceed $2000.00): ______
*(90% of amount requested will be awarded initially for approved grants. The 10% remainder will be sent upon project completion and receipt of Grant Evaluation/Expenditure Report and receipts.
Have you received a Grant from OCSWMD in the past? ______How many? ______
Proposed starting date of project: ______
Number of people served by project ______
Project Summary: Give a brief summary of what you would like to accomplish with the funds
(4-5 sentences)
Project Description: Please explain, in detail, the steps you will take to accomplish your project. Include goals, expectations, educational potential, estimated impact on waste-stream, individuals involved, etc. Use another sheet of paper if necessary.
Outlet for Recyclables: If purchasing equipment for recycling, (containers, bins, etc.) please indicate what will be done with collected materials. Who will pick up the materials? Where will they be taken?
Proposed Budget:
(Please include detailed information such as product information and vendors, catalog pages, model numbers, cost per unit, # of units, shipping costs, etc.) / Cost per Unit / Total Cost / % of recycled content,
if applicable
Shipping Costs:
Total project cost:
Waste Reduction/Recycling Grant
Evaluation/ Expenditure Report
This form must be completed and returned with copies of receipts upon project completion and expenditure of funds, but no later than November 1st of the year in which the grant was awarded.
1. Organization:______
Phone #______Email:______
Address: ______
FEIN #______
Completed by: ______Date: ______
2. Using the back side of this report or a separate sheet of paper, explain how the grant funds were spent, briefly describe how this grant benefitted your organization, and how it contributed to waste reduction and recycling. Explain any problems encountered.
Grant Expenditure Report
Item / Vendor / CostTotal Cost / $
Minus 20% Applicant’s Share / -
Total Grant (cannot exceed approved grant amount) / $
Minus 90% Already Paid / -
Balance Due / $
Attach copies of all receipts. The remaining ten percent (10%) of your grant award will be sent upon submission, review and approval of this report.
Return to: Ogle County Solid Waste Management Department
Waste Reduction/Recycling Grant
909 Pines Road
Oregon, IL 61061-9067 or e-mail to: