Below you will find the various sponsorship/exhibitor packages that are available for participating in the ArMHCA Conference. Beside each package is the number of sponsors that are being requested for that particular package. Please review the various opportunities available with each package and select the one that best applies to your agency/organization. If there are any questions then please feel free to contact us. Contact information can be found at the end of the sponsorship list.


Full page Ad in Conference Program.

Opportunity to speak prior to Keynote Speaker.

Exhibitor table for greeting attendees.

Keynote Sponsor listed on Sponsor Page in Conference Program.

Advertisement on ArMHCA website conference page for up to three (3) months prior to conference and a total of one (1) year on the ArMHCA website with a link to the company website.

Email blast sent to ArMHCA members with company listing as a Keynote Sponsor and link to URL of your choice.

Logo displayed during the conference including being projected on ArMHCA screens throughout the conference venue as a Keynote Sponsor.

Company logo displayed on media (Facebook, postcards, etc.) prior to ArMHCA conference.

Information listed on ArMHCA App.

Opportunity for two (2) representatives to attend conference activities. (Both will have access to all meals and both may attend sessions for CEU credit.)


Conference-themed lanyards are distributed to all attendees to hold their name badges which are required for admission to conference events. Company name will be listed on the lanyards.

Opportunity to speak during the Thursday lunch time to attendees.

Exhibitor table for greeting attendees.

Lanyard Sponsor listed on Sponsor Page in Conference Program.

Advertisement on ArMHCA website for up to three (3) months prior to conference and a total of one (1) year on the ArMHCA website with a link to the company website.

Logo displayed during the conference including being projected on ArMHCA screens throughout the conference venue as a Lanyard Sponsor.

Company logo displayed on media (Facebook, postcards, etc.) prior to ArMHCA conference.

Information listed on ArMHCA App.

Opportunity for two (2) representatives to attend conference activities. (Both will have access to all meals and both may attend sessions for CEU credit.)


Full page Ad in Conference Program.

Opportunity to speak during business meeting lunch on Friday of the conference.

Exhibitor table for greeting attendees.

Diamond Sponsor listed on Sponsor Page in Conference Program.

Advertisement on ArMHCA website for up to three (3) months prior to conference and a total of one (1) year on the ArMHCA website with a link to the company website.

Email blast sent to ArMHCA members with company listing as a Diamond Sponsor and link to URL of your choice.

Logo displayed during the conference including being projected on ArMHCA screens throughout the conference venue as a Diamond Sponsor.

Company logo displayed on media (Facebook, postcards, etc.) prior to ArMHCA conference.

Information listed on ArMHCA App.

Opportunity for two (2) representatives to attend conference activities. (Both will have access to all meals and both may attend sessions for CEU credit.)


Half (1/2) page Ad in Conference Program.

Exhibitor table for greeting attendees.

Platinum Sponsor listed on Sponsor Page in Conference Program.

Advertisement on ArMHCA website for six (6) months after conference with a link to the company website.

Email blast sent to ArMHCA members with company listing as a Platinum Sponsor and link to URL of your choice.

Logo displayed during the conference including being projected on ArMHCA screens throughout the conference venue as a Platinum Sponsor.

Information listed on ArMHCA App.

Opportunity for two (2) representatives to attend conference activities. (Both will have access to all meals and both may attend sessions for CEU credit.)


Quarter (1/4) page Ad in Conference Program.

Exhibitor table for greeting attendees.

Gold Sponsor listed on Sponsor Page in Conference Program.

Advertisement on ArMHCA website for three (3) months after conference with a link to the company website.

Email blast sent to ArMHCA members with company listing as a Gold Sponsor and link to URL of your choice.

Logo displayed during the conference including being projected on ArMHCA screens throughout the conference venue as a Gold Sponsor.

Information listed on ArMHCA App.

Opportunity for two (2) representatives to attend conference activities. (Both will have access to all meals and one individual may attend sessions for CEU credit.)


Exhibitor table for greeting attendees.

Exhibitor listed in Conference Program.

Opportunity for two (2) representatives to attend conference activities. (Both will have access to all meals and one individual may attend sessions for CEU credit.)


Reserve space for an advertisement in the ArMHCA Conference program. Advertising in the conference program provides a captive audience with visibility for your organization both during and after the conference. The program contains the schedule for conference workshops and special event details. Program ads provide a low-cost tangible presence during this important event. Advertisement on ArMHCA website is included based on the package chosen below with a link to the company website.

Package AQuarter Page (Black and White)$75(One (1) month on website)

Package BHalf Page (Black and White)$125(One (1) month on website)

Package CFull Page (Black and White)$200(Two (2) months on website)

Package DInside Back Cover (Color Only)$300(Two (2) months on website)

Package EInside Front Cover (Color Only)$350(Three (3) months on website)

Package FBack Cover (Color Only)$400(Three (3) months on website)

Special Note: If choosing to advertise AND reserve an exhibitor’s table, there is a reduction in price for the table according to the following:

Packages A and B, the price for the exhibitor’s table is reduced to $200.

Packages C, D, E, and F, the price for the exhibitor’s table is reduced to $150.

Email sponsor logos and purchased program ads to . Preferred file formats are 300 ppl TIF or 300 ppl JPG.

Please contact us with any questions at .