1. The current Chapter President appoints a Nominating Chair and Committee. The Committee must consist of at least three members in good standing. The Chapter President, if not seeking another term, is recommended to serve as the Chairman of the committee or at least sit on the committee.
  1. No member of the Nominating Committee may run for any Chapter office in the same election year as serving on the Nominating Committee.
  1. Nominating Committees are responsible for distributing call for nominations, applications, slates/ballots and all election communications to members of the Chapter, tabulating votes (if a ballot), and announcing winners at an induction ceremony according to the calendar set by ILEA Headquarters.

**Failure to do so will put the ILEA Chapter in jeopardy of losing their Charter.

  1. The Officer positionsfor allChapters are:President, President-elect (serving as Secretary and Treasurer), Vice President/Membership, Vice President/Education and Programs, Vice President/Communications and Immediate Past President who shall serve in an ex-officio voting capacity. Vice Presidents may serve in more than one capacity, provided the combined position is approved prior to the commencement of that VP’s term.
  1. The Directors on the chapter board must equal one more than the number of Officers. Directors serve two-year terms and an additional number of directors-at-large totaling a minimum of one more than the total number of officers is required.
  1. The number of combined Officers and Directors-At-Large is thirteen.
  1. No Officer having held an office for two successive terms shall be eligible to succeed him or herself in the same office.
  1. Nominating Committees must decide if they are going to present a slate or a ballot to the chapter. Please see “Slates vs. Ballots” on page 2 of this document.
  1. Should there be no additional nominations received from the membership other than those proposed by the Nominating Committee; those unopposed candidates shall be placed into office without the requirement of a ballot.
  1. No slate/ballot should be mailed without the approval of the slate/ballotby ILEA Headquarters. Forward the Chapter’sslate/ballotto ILEA staff to determine eligibility of prospective candidates. Each candidate must be current in their dues and cannot be a student member.
  1. In a contestedballot election, the candidate receiving the highest number of valid votes (full member votes of a chapter member) will be declared the winner.
  1. The ILEA International Board of Governors voted on August 10, 1990, to strongly urge Chapter Nomination Committees to give the President-Elect first consideration for nomination to the office of President following the conclusion of his or her term as President-Elect.
  1. In January 2003, the ILEA Board of Governors voted to eliminate all non-voting membership types with the exception of student members. Student members are still considered non-voting members. All ILEA members, except for student members, are eligible to hold an ILEA office if their membership dues are current.

Slate vs. Ballot

The Nominating Committee will need to decide if the Committee will put forth to the Chapter membership a slate or ballot of candidates. See the differences below to assist with the process.


  • Nominating Committee prepares.
  • A slate is a list of candidates chosen after thorough review by the Nominating Committee. With a slate, the nominees run un-contested.
  • Members are given the opportunity to“petition the slate”.
  • “Petitioning the Slate” means that an individual conducts a campaign among the voting members of the chapter to add an additional name for consideration for a specific office.
  • 20% of voting chapter members needs to respond regarding a petition to the Nominating Committee by the date per the election calendar to successfully petition the slate.
  • If 20% of total voting members petition the slate, then the election is turned into a ballot vote.
  • Ballot must be prepared with the additional name(s) and distributed. ILEA Headquarters must be informed of the petition and approve the new ballot for distribution. A new timeline will then be decided in consultation with the ILEA Headquarters Staff.


  • Nominating Committee prepares.
  • A ballot is a list of nominees that the Nominating Committee chooses. With a ballot, all or some of the open positions are contested.
  • Information on candidates must accompany the official ballot.
  • Plurality of votes cast for each position will determine winners.

Identifying Future Chapter Leadership

The Chapter Board of Directors governs each local chapter of ILEA, which is chosen by the general membership of the chapter. The local Chapter Board of Directors is responsible for providing the strategic and effective leadership necessary to lead the chapter forward in compliance with the mission statement and bylaws of ILEA. During the deliberation process, candidates are considered for nomination based on the professional and personal qualities that enable ILEA to meets its goals.

These individuals must have foresight about the future of the special events industry; have sensitivity to the members’ views; have an understanding of the ethical implications of their decisions, and maintain the fiduciary responsibility of the chapter.

Identifying Potential Directors

Have a desire and interest to participate fully during their two-year term.

Allocate an adequate amount of time to fulfill their commitment.

Have a sufficient background of the organization.

Develop an unbiased approach to decision making.

Have the ability to attend and participate on a committee.

Be familiar with the mission statement and bylaws of ILEA and act consistently with them.

Be familiar with the functions and duties of the various committees of the Board and assure him/herself that they are discharging their responsibilities properly.

Attend board meetings regularly.

Understand issues put before the Board.

Attend ILEA International Leadership Trainings and Conferences.

Identifying Potential Officers

Officers must possess all of the above qualities in addition to:

Having a good working knowledge of the chapter.

Having a good working knowledge of ILEA International.

Possessing good and effective communication skills.

An ability to approach situations in a diplomatic manner.

2016ILEA Chapter Elections