2017 WCHRI Innovation Grant Biosketch
Complete the following information for the Principal Investigator and each Co-Investigator listed on your WCHRI Innovation Grant application. All information provided must be within the last 5 years (only).
The formal commitment to research refers to your time protection forresearch (%) as defined by your academic position description allocation of time and effort.
Candidate Name: / Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial(s)Assistant Professor: / Associate Professor: / Full Professor:
Candidate’s formal research commitment: / (percentage)
List the type and value of the award, formal name of the organization and date awarded. Listin chronological order, those obtained within the last 5 years only, starting with the most recent award first.
Candidate Name: Last Name, First Initial
Briefly describe your qualifications and interest in executing the work as described in this grant application. Consider relevant factors such as your: training; highlights and/or outcomes from previous work related to the work proposed in this application; technical expertise; and collaborators or scientific environment.
List up to five peer reviewed publications that specifically highlight your experience and qualifications for this project. Do not exceed the space provided.
Candidate Name: Last Name, First Initial
In this section, include all academic and non-academic research-relevant activities for the last 5 years only. Please list activities chronologically, with the most recent activity/ contribution first. Examples include editorship of a journal, referee/ reviewer for journal(s) or granting body, executive role in scientific societies, consulting/contract activities, knowledge translation and dissemination activities, community/ public service activities (e.g. grade school student presentation(s), contributions to media, contributions to community-based research, etc...). Please specify the period of time/ involvement for each activity listed. Do not exceed the space provided.
Candidate Name: Last Name, First Initial
If you wish to address barriers to past productivity, you may include a description of factors such as family care responsibilities, illness, and leaves of absence. Do not exceed the space provided.
Please append to this document the following:
- a copy of your publication list for the last 5 years (with trainees underlined).
- a listing of your research funding for the last 5 years (operating grants only), including all currently
pending(or applied for) grant applications;
- the granting agency, body or source;
- your role in each grant listed (Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, Collaborator);
- the project title;
- the period of support; and
- the amount of funding awarded (or requested for pending applications).
The Principal Investigator is required to provide a summary of funding for each grant listed. Please refer to application section “Summary of Other Funding” for further details.