2017 Volunteer Police Cadet Scheme

Dear Applicant

Thank you for your recent enquiry regarding the Volunteer Police Cadet Scheme at Leicestershire Police.

Please find attached an application pack consisting of:

·  Covering letter

·  Application form

·  Equal opportunities form

The information you supply on the application form is the basis for considering your initial suitability for the programme for which you are applying. Whether you will be offered a place will depend on the information and evidence you have supplied. Therefore you should be careful to ensure that you have completed the application form with all the relevant information requested.

Please ensure you complete your preference for the unit location you wish to join as fully as possible. Due to demand we will try to meet as many requests as possible but placements based on preferences cannot be guaranteed.

Leicestershire Police is firmly committed to the principles of equal opportunities. We welcome applications from all sections of the community. All decisions on recruitment are based on an objective assessment of each application and the suitability of each individual to attend this scheme. Included in the application is an equal opportunities monitoring form. This is used to monitor our recruitment methods and the information supplied is strictly confidential and is not used as part of the selection procedure.

The programme is open to young people aged between 13 and 18 – you must be 13 by the time cadets commences in September 2017 i.e. by 31st August 2017.

Should you consider yourself to have a disability or if you have difficulty in completing this form, please contact the Volunteers in Policing team by email or call 0116 248 2183 for assistance.

You must sign the declaration in pen even if you complete the form on the computer. Once you have completed the form you can either scan the form and email it to or you can send the form by post to: The ViP Team, Leicestershire Police, Force Headquarters, St Johns, Enderby, Leicestershire, LE19 2BX.

Thank you for the interest you have shown and good luck with your application.

Yours sincerely

Police Sergeant 173 Danny Graham

Volunteer Police Cadets Lead Co-ordinator

Volunteer Police Cadet

Application Form

Please return your completed application form to:

or you can print and post the form to:

The ViP Team,

Leicestershire Police,

Force Headquarters,

St Johns, Enderby, Leicestershire,

LE19 2BX

Personal details:

Title Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Surname: First name(s):

Surname at birth: Any other surnames used:

Male☐ Female ☐ Nationality:

Date of birth: Place of birth:

Full address:

Postcode: Date moved in:

Home telephone: Mobile telephone:

Email address:

Next of kin and contact number for emergency:

Name: Contact address:

Relationship to you: Home telephone:

Mobile number: Email address:

Medical requirements:

Dietary requirements:

Please indicate your preference for a location to attend cadets, by marking as many as possible. 1 being your most preferred, 2 second preferred, 3 third preferred and so on. You do not need to mark them all.

East Leicester – Gateway

Central Leicester – Leicester College

Charnwood – Loughborough College

South Leicester – South Leicester College

Hinckley and Blaby – Hinckley Academy

North West Leicestershire – Newbridge High School

Eastern Counties – Robert Smyth Academy

Eastern Counties – John Ferneley College

Employment / Education details:

Starting with the most recent please give a detailed description of any full/part-time or casual employment or volunteering you have held in the last three years.
Name, address and nature of business of employer / Position held and main duties / Dates from and to / Reason for leaving
(if applicable)
Name of current school attended / Address of school / Date of attendance

Hobbies / Skills:

Hobbies and interests: Please list your hobbies and interests, including any sports that you take part in regularly:

Please use this space to indicate why you would like to become a cadet and any skills you have which you believe could be of benefit to Leicestershire Police:

Do you have any previous voluntary work experience? YES NO

If 'YES', please give details below.


Community and customer focus

At this stage of the application, it is vital that you can demonstrate your ability to be effective in the role of Volunteer Police Cadet. You need to be able to demonstrate that you have the necessary ability for your application to proceed to the next stage- you will be assessed. In this question on how you have acted in trying to deal with or assist another person to deal with a problem. Please answer truthfully as you may be asked to expand on these examples at interview. Do not use extra pages. Extra pages will not be scored.

It is very important that Volunteer Police Cadets can make good relationships and can help people.

Please recall an occasion when you helped someone who has been unhappy either with something that had been done to them or something they had been given. If possible, use an example of when you have done something more than listen or give advice to solve the problem.

1. Describe the situation, and tell us clearly why you think they were unhappy.

2. Tell us exactly what you did to try and sort out their problem, and when you did it.

3. How did you know they were happy with what you had done for them?

4. If you hadn’t acted as you did, what do you think the outcome would have been?

Vetting information:



Confidential security vetting checks are carried out on all applicants for posts working for or with Police Forces in the East Midlands. The checks comply with the standards laid out by Association of Chief Police Officers National Vetting Policy and Home Office guidelines to determine whether the candidate represents a risk to the assets of the Force or the Police Service as a whole.

The information required in this questionnaire is to allow the Chief Constable to fulfil a statutory obligation to run an efficient and effective Force. To meet this obligation he/she must ensure the safety of staff, and that those who have access to Force information are trustworthy, and unlikely to breach confidence.

We will carry out checks on you on national Police computer systems, local Force systems and requests checks from any Forces which cover any addresses quoted in this application. We will want to know whether you or any close family or associates are involved in criminal or other anti-social activity and we will therefore search for any criminal convictions, cautions, fixed penalty notices (of any kind), pending criminal proceedings, or intelligence recorded against you or anyone in your family.

You must advise all the persons mentioned on this baseline security form that these checks will be made.

Any relevant information disclosed will be assessed and may be a bar to your employment by Police Forces in the East Midlands.

Any infringement of an individual’s right to respect of family life under the European Convention on Human Rights – ECHR Article 8, and discrimination ECHR Article 14, will only be that which is necessary and proportionate. The legitimate aims of such action will include the protection of the rights and freedoms of others, safeguarding public safety, the prevention of disorder and crime and, in some cases, national security.

The personal data supplied will be managed confidentially, securely and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Personal data will be retained in accordance with retention periods established through the national guidance on Management of Police Information, where after it will be disposed of securely. Under the Data Protection Act, individuals have a general right of access to personal data held by police forces.

Please complete the questionnaire in BLACK INK or BLACK TYPE using BLOCK LETTERS. Check that you have completed ALL the questions by ticking responses as appropriate, or by providing an answer in the spaces below. Where a question is not applicable or the answer is not known or not easily obtainable, enter N/A or N/K respectively. Please note that N/A or N/K responses may cause delay to your clearance. Should you require extra space to answer questions please insert a sheet of A4.

Always list full details of your parents and also anybody that you live with. Please also tell us about your brother or sisters, who are 10 years old or above. If there is anybody else who lives with you and is over 10 year of age we also need to know their full details and they must be included in the form below.

Continue on a separate sheet if necessary. Please ensure all sections are completed to avoid any delay.

Relationship to you / Full name
(Please include any previous/maiden names and name at birth if different) / Full address history for last five Years
(Please provide to and from dates)
Date and place of birth:
Your father
Date and place of birth:
Your mother
Date and place of birth:
Your stepfather or mother’s partner
Date and place of birth:
Your stepmother or father’s partner
Date and place of birth:
Your brother or sister
(Full/half/step etc)
Date and place of birth:
Your brother or sister
(Full/half/step etc)
Date and place of birth:
Your brother or sister
(Full/half/step etc)
Date and place of birth:
Any other persons living at your address (e.g. grandparent, lodger)
Date and place of birth:
Any other persons living at your address (e.g. grandparent, lodger)
Date and place of birth:
Any other persons living at your address (e.g. grandparent, lodger)
Date and place of birth:
Any other persons living at your address (e.g. grandparent, lodger)
Date and place of birth:
Any other persons living at your address (e.g. grandparent, lodger)
Date and place of birth:

Convictions and cautions

You must include all matters referred to below, as the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 does not apply to this declaration. ‘Spent’ convictions must therefore be declared.


Note:- By virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, 1974 (Exceptions) Order, 1975 the

provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, 1974 do not apply to this question. You are

therefore NOT entitled to withhold information about a previous conviction on the grounds

that it is for other purposes spent under the Act.

1.  Have you ever been:

Investigated/ Spoken to by the police / Yes* No
Arrested by the police / Yes* No
Summonsed for an offence by the court/police / Yes* No
Charged for any offence by the police / Yes* No
Issued a Fixed Penalty Notice / Yes* No
Convicted of any offence, including traffic offences (excluding parking) / Yes* No
Cautioned/Reprimanded/Warned/Finally Warned for any offence including traffic offences / Yes* No
Issued with an antisocial behaviour order (ASBO), football spectator banning order, risk of sexual harm order or domestic violence or harassment order / Yes* No
Have you ever in Scotland:
Accepted a fiscal fine from the Procurators Fiscal / Yes* No
Appeared before a Court Martial / Yes* No
Are you currently subject of any criminal investigation
If yes, please provide details below / Yes* No

*If you have answered yes to any of the questions above, please provide further information below and continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

Date Offence/incident Result, court or other disposal

(E.g. Caution, Bail, Conviction)

2.  Do you associate with any person(s) (including family members) who you know or have reason to believe has criminal convictions, OR is engaged in criminal activities, OR is a person who associates regularly with such persons.

No Yes*

*If you answered yes to the above question then please describe below giving the name(s), address(es) and dates of birth of the person(s) you have contact with, if this information is known to you.

3.  Are you aware of any circumstances or characteristics which may affect your suitability for

appointment to or continued employment in the post applied for (e.g. serious medical or

psychological problems, habitual use of addictive substances (drugs/alcohol), involvement in any

disruptive actions that could be described as Political / Religious / Racial / Environmental, or other

conduct which could make you susceptible to pressure or improper influence?

No Yes*

*If you answered yes to the above question then please describe below

Have you ever been involved in any actions that could be described as politically, religiously, racially or environmentally disruptive actions?

No Yes*

Are you a member of the British National Party?

No Yes*

Are you aware of any circumstances or characteristics that may impact security vetting clearance?

No Yes*

Have you ever been involved in a criminal investigation
(whether or not this has led to any prosecution)?

No Yes*

Do you have any criminal associates?

No Yes*

*If you answered YES to any of the above questions then please describe below:

I understand that vetting will take place and I have told the other people named on the form that they will be checked too; by signing this form I allow for vetting to be carried out.
I consent to the information contained in this questionnaire being submitted for checking against the records of the police. I understand that the information I have provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.
I declare that the information I have provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I understand that if I have knowingly made a false statement or deliberate omission in the information I have provided in this form, my application may be rejected.
Please note because of the nature of the Volunteer Police Cadets placements mentioned overleaf, all Volunteer Police Cadets will be required to undergo a police check. This can be a lengthy process and we are grateful of your patience and enthusiasm.
Date: ______Signature of applicant: ______
Full name: ______
(Please print)
Parental/Guardian Consent
Parent/Guardian, please give your name and agreement below for Leicestershire Police.
Cadets will attend at appointed times for training and tuition. If for any reason they are unable to attend, the Cadet Leader must be informed in advance.
·  They will maintain high standards of punctuality, smartness and discipline.
·  They will obey the law at all times.
·  They will participate in no acts likely to bring discredit on Leicestershire Police Volunteer Police Cadets.
I have read this application form and declare that the information provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I give consent for my Son/Daughter to join Leicestershire Police Volunteer Police Cadets.
I agree to Leicestershire Police undertaking screening of my son / daughter, family and household members from the details they have provided.
I agree / disagree (please circle where applicable) to photographs being taken during Volunteer Police Cadet Activities. These may be used in VPC promotional material in print, internet and both social and local media.
Relationship to Applicant: ______
Signature of parent/guardian: ______Date: ______
Full name: ______
(Please print)

Equal opportunities monitoring form: