Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes

School name: Essendon North Primary School / Year: 2017
School number: 4015 / Based on strategic plan: 2015-2018
Principal: Scott Mullen 14th December, 2016 / Senior Education Improvement Leader: Mona Malouf
School council: Kon Koliampas 14th December, 2016

Section 1: The school’s Improvement Priorities and Initiatives

Report here the goals identified in the current School Strategic Plan and tick the Improvement Initiative/s that your school will address in this Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes.

School Strategic Plan goals / Improvement Priorities / Improvement Initiatives / ü
·  Achievement: To maximise the potential of all through academic excellence.
·  Engagement: To maximise the potential of all through critical engagement with the world.
·  Wellbeing: To maximise the potential of all through the provision of an inclusive learning environment and the continued development of personalised learning and wellbeing.
·  Productivity: To maximise the potential of all through alignment and innovative use of resources to reflect the school’s guiding statements. / Excellence in teaching and learning / Building practice excellence / 1ü
Curriculum planning and assessment / 1ü
Professional leadership / Building leadership teams
Positive climate for learning / Empowering students and building school pride
Setting expectations and promoting inclusion
Community engagement in learning / Building communities / 2ü
Improvement Initiatives rationale:
Explain why the school, in consultation with the Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL), has selected the above Improvement Initiative/s as a focus for this year. Please make reference to the evaluation of school data, the progress against School Strategic Plan (SSP) goals and targets, and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention.
The following two initiatives have been selected to correlate and strategically align with our school’s accreditation and authorisation process with the Council of International Schools (2015) and International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (2016) and the subsequent feedback and recommendations for whole school improvement. The ENPS 2015-2018 Strategic Plan and corresponding Annual Implementation Plans are directly informed by the CIS Self Study and IB PYP Action Plan. Our school improvement model (CIS) and pedagogical framework (IB PYP) are strategically incorporated into the focus for Essendon North Primary School as strategies to improve and add value to the learning outcomes of our students and school community.
Improvement Initiatives:
1.  Excellence in teaching and learning is a key improvement priority for 2017 with a focus on Mathematics learning and teaching. This has been drawn from the student outcomes data across all areas of numeracy and areas for growth in building practice excellence, content knowledge, curriculum planning and assessment. This aligns with our previous priority in 2016 focused on curriculum planning and assessment within the PYP.
2.  Another continued priority for 2017 is Community engagement in learning: Building communities. This will continue the extensive work undertaken in 2016 on developing community engagement at ENPS.
An additional priority area has been included within other improvement model dimensions, with a focus on: Health and Wellbeing- Positive climate for learning: Setting expectations and promoting inclusion.
Key improvement strategies (KIS)
List the Key improvement strategies that enable the implementation of each Improvement Initiative. This could include existing strategies already being implemented as well as new ones identified through analysis of data, evaluation of impact of prior efforts, measurement of progress against targets and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention. KIS may be specific to one outcome area or applicable across several areas.
Improvement initiative: / Key improvement strategies (KIS)
Excellence in teaching and learning:
Building practice excellence
Curriculum Planning and Assessment / ·  Focus interrogation of data to inform practice
·  Review of teaching mathematics practices
·  Professional learning for all staff in mathematics
·  Mathematics teaching action research
Community engagement in learning- Building Communities
(continued from 2016) / ·  School Council- continued development of Communication and Engagement Strategy
·  Developing an understanding of our community and what community engagement means for various stakeholders
·  Community developing a more comprehensive understanding of school processes, practices and policies (developing a further informed and knowledgeable perspective through transparent practices)
·  Units of inquiry- capitalising on community connections and global perspectives

Published: December 2016

Section 2: Improvement Initiatives

Each table below is designed to plan for and monitor each Improvement Initiative. Add or delete tables – one for each Improvement Initiative from Section 1 on the previous page. You can also add or delete rows so that there is alignment and line of sight between the key improvement strategies, actions, success criteria and monitoring. The goals come directly from your School Strategic Plan (SSP) – you will find it helpful to keep them in the same order.

Please note that, in the progress status section, l l l respectively indicate: l not commenced or severely behind schedule, l slightly behind schedule but remediation strategies are in place to get back on schedule and lon schedule and/or completed.

STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / [Drafting Note these are the goals in your SSP related to this Improvement Initiative. Sometimes a goal in the SSP can be related to more than one Improvement Initiative. They are recorded here exactly as they are in the SSP]
To maximise the potential of all through academic excellence.
To provide a guaranteed and viable curriculum (written, taught and assessed), grounded in innovative best practice, that connects with and builds the capacity of students and staff, and is visible to the ENPS community.
1.) To develop a whole school, consistently applied guaranteed and viable curriculum that reflects the schools guiding statements:
·  for all students
·  for all year levels
·  incorporating all domains
·  including specialists program
·  including intercultural awareness
that is documented through the Programme of Inquiry (POI).
2.) To embed agreed whole school, consistently applied quality learning and teaching methodologies and practices
3.) To refine our whole school assessment strategies and develop contemporary reporting practices
IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE / Excellence in teaching and learning:
Building practice excellence
Curriculum Planning and Assessment
STRATEGIC PLAN TARGETS / [Drafting Note these are the targets in your SSP related to this Improvement Initiative. Sometimes a target in the SSP can be related to more than one Improvement Initiative. They are recorded here exactly as they are in the SSP]
(Number, M&G, S&P)
AusVELS Teacher Judgements
·  Year One: 50% of students at or above AusVELS level 1.5
·  Year Three: 50% of students at or above AusVELS level 3.5
·  Year Five: 50% of students at or above AusVELS level 5.5
Year Three to Year Five
(Growth Analysis)
·  Value added to be above the State Average growth
90% of students at or above level across Curriculum Domains (Teacher Judgements for English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, The Arts, Health & PE, Mandarin)
12 MONTH TARGETS / [Drafting Note the measures of progress may be a breakdown of the 4 year targets, however, where this is not possible due to frequency and availability of data (e.g. NAPLAN), consider other school-generated data that will indicate progress (e.g. OnDemand data)]
Teacher Judgement- NUMERACY- Semester One- 6 month target
(in all three areas of Number, Measurement Geometry, Statistics Probability)
Vic Curriculum Teacher Judgements
·  Year One: 40% of students above Vic Curr level 1.0 at end of Semester One
·  Year Two: 40% of students above Vic Curr Level 2.0 at end of Semester One
·  Year Three: 40% of students above Vic Curr level 3.0 at end of Semester One
·  Year Four: 50% of students above Vic Curr Level 4.0 at end of Semester One
·  Year Five: 40% of students above Vic Curr level 5.0 at end of Semester One
·  Year Six: 50% of students above Vic Curr Level 6.0 at end of Semester One
Teacher Judgement- NUMERACY- Semester Two- 12 month target
(in all three areas of Number, Measurement Geometry, Statistics Probability)
Vic Curriculum Teacher Judgements
·  Year One: 40% of students above Vic Curr level 1.5 at end of Semester Two
·  Year Two: 40% of students above Vic Curr Level 2.5 at end of Semester Two
·  Year Three: 40% of students above Vic Curr level 3.5 at end of Semester Two
·  Year Four: 50% of students above Vic Curr Level 4.5 at end of Semester Two
·  Year Five: 40% of students above Vic Curr level 5.5 at end of Semester Two
·  Year Six: 50% of students above Vic Curr Level 6.5 at end of Semester Two
(All targets based on end of Semester Two 2016 Vic Curriculum Teacher Judgements)
OnDemand- NUMERACY- Semester Two- 12 month target to measure effect size
(in areas of Number, Measurement Geometry)
-  That all Home Groups from Year Three – Year Six measure and effect size of 0.4 from start of year to end of year Ondemand test.
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
[Drafting Note report here the KIS from the previous summary page] / [Drafting Note report here what the school will do and how - including financial and human resources] / [Drafting Note report here the person responsible] / [Drafting Note report here the timeframe for completion] / 6 months: [Drafting Note report here the tangible markers or indicators of success reflecting observable changes in practice, behaviour, and measures of progress] / l l l / [Drafting Note report here the quantifiable school and student outcomes and/or qualitative information about the change in practice]
12 months: / l l l
Focus interrogation of data to inform practice / Data analysis and presentation of 2016 Semester Two Mathematics Teacher Judgements and Numeracy On Demand testing, 2016 NAPLAN Numeracy and 2017 Semester One Maths Online Interview data (as available) for all cohorts.
Establish responsibility for data leadership roles F-2 and 3-6.
Curriculum Day Feb 2016- Data and Evidence based teaching, with follow up Curriculum half Day in July 2016 to look at Semester One 2017 data.
Use of data to be used to drive planning- to be visible in PYP planning documents.
School wide expectation for Performance and Development Review staff goals to be focused on Mathematics priority improvement initiative.
Professional reading- Data Wise and The Grattan Report.
On Demand Testing Years 3- 6 (Number, and Measurement and Geometry)- investigate and analyse ‘effect size’ for each Home Group on value added and growth (start to end of year)
Implement PAT Maths assessment (Year 1-6) for data tracking and informing practice. / Executive Team
Megan Noy
F-2, 3-6 Data
Leaders (possible)
Instruct. Leaders
Instructi. Leaders
Yr 3-6 teachers
Yr 1-6 teachers / Term One
Term One- test
Term 4- Test and analysis
For Beginning of Term Four / 6 months:
·  Establish roles for data leaders F-2 and 3-6
·  Curriculum Day- Feb 2016 Data and evidenced based teaching
·  Cohort Numeracy Data Analysis shared
·  Evidence based teaching of mathematics in PYP planning documents
·  End Semester One outcome data aligned with previous data analysis to identify value added growth and trends
·  Performance and Development Review staff goal focused on Mathematics student outcome data- including team data SMART goal.
·  Professional reading study group- Data Wise, The Grattan Report
·  Term One OnDemand testing Yr 3-6- Number and Measurement and Geometry / l l l
12 months:
·  Evidence based teaching of mathematics in PYP planning documents
·  Semester Two outcome data aligned with previous data analysis to identify value added growth and trends across year
·  Curriculum Day- July 2016 Data and evidenced based teaching follow up half day
·  Performance and Development Review staff goal focused on Mathematics student outcome data- including team data SMART goal with evidence of growth in student outcomes.
·  All Year One- Year Six students assessed using PAT Maths
·  Term Four - OnDemand testing Yr 3-6- Number and Measurement and Geometry and ‘effect size’ analysis and report at home group level. / l l l
Review of teaching mathematics practices / Staff self assessment and reflection in teaching mathematics using FISO continuums including identified areas for professional growth- individually and collectively.
Finalise review of Differentiation Policy (previously referred to as Intervention and Enrichment Policy.)
Establish Mathematics Instructional Leaders and specific leadership and responsibility roles for Mathematics F-2 and 3-6 to work alongside Megan Noy in implementing priority area in line with PYP.
Peer observation and feedback process developed to examine and continuously improve practice in teaching mathematics.
School wide expectation for Performance and Development Review staff goals to be focused on Mathematics priority improvement initiative.
Implement PAT Maths assessment (Year 1-6) for data tracking and informing practice. / Staff
Executive Team
Megan Noy
AIP Team
F-2 Maths/Instructional Leader
3-6 Maths/Instructional Leader (possible)
Yr 1- 6 teachers / Term One
For Beginning of Term Four / 6 months:
·  Staff self reflections (FISO continuum)
·  Differentiation Policy ratified and implemented
·  Establish roles for mathematics leaders F-2 and 3-6
·  Performance and Development Review staff goal focused on Mathematics professional practice. / l l l
12 months:
·  Staff self reflections continued (FISO continuum)
·  Staff participate in peer observation process.
·  Performance and Development Review staff goal focused on Mathematics professional practice including evidence of growth in professional practice.
·  All Year One- Year Six students assessed using PAT Maths / l l l
Professional learning for all staff in mathematics / Engagement of external consultants to provide professional learning to staff:
·  Prof. Peter Sullivan
·  Jill Cheesema
·  Prof. Di Siemon
Prof. Di Siemon staff professional learning at RMIT, staff members attending from Years 5 & 6 - Monday 20th February 2017
Prof. Peter Sullivan- Curriculum day- Monday 26th March 2017 and follow up PL with Years Two to Year Six.
Jill Cheeseman- Action Research Project –Foundation and Year One
Attend PYP professional learning opportunities in mathematics (Melbourne Workshops) and school visits across PYP Network
Learning and Teaching Coach- planning focus of professional knowledge and practice of mathematics teaching in the PYP and effective differentiation for student learning.
School wide expectation for Performance and Development Review staff goals to be focused on Mathematics priority improvement initiative. / Executive Team
Megan Noy
F-1 Team / Term One
Ongoing / 6 months:
·  Curriculum Day with Prof. Peter Sullivan
·  Performance and Development Review staff goal focused on Mathematics professional knowledge.
·  Midyear Teach Meet
·  Attend PYP professional learning opportunities in mathematics (Melbourne Workshops) and school visits across PYP Network / l l l
12 months:
·  Performance and Development Review staff goal focused on Mathematics professional knowledge including evidence of growth in professional knowledge.
·  Complete Action research project with Jill Cheeseman Foundation and Year One
·  Follow up reflection and feedback day with Prof. Peter Sullivan / l l l
Mathematics teaching action research / Prof. Peter Sullivan- Curriculum day- Monday 26th March 2017 and follow up PL with Years Two to Year Six
Jill Cheeseman- Action Research Project - Foundation and Year One
School wide expectation for Performance and Development Review staff goals to be focused on Mathematics priority improvement initiative. / Staff
Megan Noy
F-1 Team
Staff / 6 months:
·  Curriculum Day with Prof. Peter Sullivan
·  Follow up learning with Prof. Peter Sullivan- begun
·  F-1 Team project- Jill Cheeseman- begun
·  Performance and Development Review staff goal focused on Mathematics professional practice. / l l l
12 months:
·  F-1 Team project- Jill Cheeseman- evaluated
·  Follow up learning with Peter Sullivan- evaluated
·  Performance and Development Review staff goal focused on Mathematics professional practice including evidence of growth in professional practice. / l l l

Published: December 2016