2017 Rank and Review Scoring Matrix for Renewal Project
Project Name: / Agency:Grant #: / Reviewer
Housing Component:
__Permanent Supportive Housing
__Rapid Re-Housing
__Transitional Housing
__Other______ / Point Possible:
Section A. 20
Section B. 10
Section C. 48
Section D. 13
Section E. 17
Total 108 Points
Initial Score: Final Score:
YES / NODoes Project have required certifications?
- Duns Number
- Registration in SAM system
Is the application a correct type of applicant/proof of eligibility? (nonprofit, government, housing authority)
Is there a description of financial management to administer funds that includes experience?
Is there a description of population being served and how to establish eligibility?
Is there a description on how the project is cost effective?
Does the program participate in HMIS?
Is there a description on how the project location enables homeless with disabilities to interact with others without disabilities?
Applications must contain agreement to the following:
YES / NOAll clients served by the project must meet the homeless criteria as established by HUD.
Recipient will enter client data into the WHC HMIS system.
Recipient will participate in WHC’s Coordinated Entry system.
Recipient will spend funding (should it be received) in a timely fashion, drawing project funds on a quarterly basis at the minimum.
Recipient will complete all reporting requirements, including WHC on site monitoring, quarterly reports and Annual Performance Reports (APR) as required by HUD and the WHC according to the due dates established.
Project will meet the Project Eligibility Requirements (Section V) of the FY 2017 Notice of Funding Availability for the 2017 CoC Program Competition
Recipient will participate in the annual point-in-time count, conducted during the last week in January.
Recipients will comply with Section III Continuum of Care Program Requirements, I, The Compliance with Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Rule.
Successful Applications for any new projects will also include agreement to provide a completed Project Application in accordance with the e-snaps system.
- General Information
(1)All required documents submitted and submitted on time. / Yes = 15 points
No = 0 points
(2) Priority of Permanent Housing Strategies. / Permanent Housing (PSH or RRH) =5 points
Transitional Housing = 5 points
Supportive Service Only = 0 points
- Alignment with Housing First
(3) Project dedicates beds for persons experiencing chronic homelessness. / 100% = 3 points
1% - 99% = 1 points
0% = 0
(4) Project prioritizes beds for persons experiencing chronic
homelessness. / Yes = 2
No =0
(5) Projects dedicated to Priority Populations. / Serves at least 1 priority population = 3 points
Does not serve a priority population = 0 points
(6) Project demonstrated Commitment to Participate in Coordinated Entry System, use
Standardized assessment Tool selected by CoC, and Comply with Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures. /
- 75-100% of program vacancies since
Coordinated Entry = 2 points
- 75% or below = 0
(7) Commitment to Housing First practices. / Answer either yes or no. No points awarded for question.
- Performance Measures
(8) Housing Performance Measure(specific to type of housing Component – TH, PH, RRH, or PH-PSH / Transitional Housing
90 -100% = 20 points
80 – 89% = 10 points
60 – 79.9% = 5 points
59.9% or below = 0 points
Permanent Supportive Housing & Rapid Rehousing
90 -100% = 20 points
80 – 89% = 10 points
60 – 79.9% = 5 points
59.9% or below = 0 points
(9) Income Performance Measure
(specific to type of housing component – TH, PH-RRH, or PH-PSH) / Transitional Housing : Increase Income all sources
54 – 100% = 20 points
50 – 53.9% = 15 points
45 – 49.9% = 10 points
40 – 44.9% = 5 points
39.9% or below = 0 points
Permanent Housing(PSH-RRH): Increase or Maintain Income All Sources
65 – 100% = 20 points
50 – 64.9% = 15 points
40 – 49.9% = 10 points
35 – 39.9% = 5 points
34.9% or below = 0 points
(10) Bed Rate Utilization / 90 – 100% = 8 points
89 – 80% = 6 points
79% or less = 0 points
- Fiscal Practices
(11) Match Commitment is a minimum of 25% of funds requested. / Yes = 3 points
No = 0 points
(12) Is there a completed budget? (all columns are filled out) / Yes = 5
No = 0
(13) Reasonable expenditure of HUD funds. / 0% returned funds = 5 points
1% - 3% returned funds = 3 points
3% or more funds returned = 0 points
- Community Involvement
(14) Number of CoC Membership Meetings attended by Program Director or Representative from July 16, 2016 through June 2017. / 6= 5 points
3 = 2 points
Less than 3 = 0 points
6 Meeting were held for the year
(15) Did Program Director or representative participate in CoC committees from July 2016 through June 2017: / Yes = 1 point
No = 0 points
(16) Did Program Director or representative participate as a Board of Directors Officer? / Yes = 1 point
No = 0 points
(17) Use of CoC’s designated HMIS system (ICA) and Quality or Data maintained for Program (ICA Data Quality Report Card) / A = 10 points
B = 5 points
C or below = 0 points
- Narrative
(1)Does the agency currently have any HUD Finding(s) and/or Corrective Action Plan(s) with DHS Homeless Services Division’s for Programmatic Monitoring (performance measures) that has been open for a period of 3 months? / No points awarded for question
(2) If program did not meet performance measure, does application identify steps agency has taken to ensure achievement of Performance Measure for the current application? / No points will be awarded for questions.
Areas for Improvement: