Membership with the South Saskatchewan River Watershed Stewards is open to Urban and Rural Municipalities, First Nations and entities (special interest groups) with similar goals and objectives within our Watershed.

Member Information

Enter member name / Type / ☐ / Urban Municipality / ☐ / Rural Municipality
Name / ☐ / First Nation / ☐ / Special Interest Group
Enter street address / Enter city / Province / Enter postal code /
Street Address / City / Province / Postal Code
Enter phone number / Enter email address /
Phone Number / Email Address
Enter fax number / Enter website /
Fax Number / Website

Contact Information

Primary Contact / Secondary Contact
Primary first name / Primary last name / Secondary first name / Secondary last name /
First Name / Last Name / First Name / Last Name
Enter primary contact position/job title / Enter secondary contact position/job title /
Position/Job Title / Position/Job Title
Enter primary contact phone number / Enter secondary contact phone number /
Phone Number / Phone Number
Enter primary contact email address / Enter secondary contact email address /
Email Address / Email Address

2017 Membership Fees

 / Entity / Association / Annual Fee / GST / Total
☐ / Urban Municipality* / Population >100,000 / $20,000.00 / $1,000.00 / $21,000.00
☐ / Urban Municipality* / Population 1,500 – 100,000 / $1,000.00 / $50.00 / $1,050.00
☐ / Urban Municipality* / Population 501 – 1,499 / $500.00 / $25.00 / $525.00
☐ / Urban Municipality* / Population 101-500 / $250.00 / $12.50 / $267.50
☐ / Urban Municipality* / Population <100 / $100.00 / $5.00 / $105.00
☐ / Rural Municipality** / $750.00 / $37.50 / $787.50
☐ / First Nation / $750.00 / $37.50 / $787.50
☐ / Special Interest Group / $250.00 / $12.50 / $262.50

Please enclose cheques payable to: South Saskatchewan River Watershed Stewards Inc.

Enter signing date /
Signature / Date

Membership fees are based on the calendar year which is also our fiscal year according to our bylaws. Accordingly, the annual fees are effective from January 1st to December 31st.

This fee schedule will remain the same for three years (2008, 2009 & 2010), at which time the South Saskatchewan River Watershed Stewards Board will review the fee schedule with the three Watershed Advisory Committees.

* R.M.s that contribute funding but are not completely within the SSR Watershed Boundary, will receive programming for 100% of their R.M.

** Community population statistics are based on the 2006 Statistics Canada Population Report.

Benefits of Membership

By being a member of the South Saskatchewan River Watershed Stewards, you can:

Significantly increase access to funding $$$ = more opportunities & more cash.

Bring watershed programs and initiatives to your community.

Get access to Technical support.

Facilitate wise use of your tax dollars.

Make it easier to access valuable information and existing programs.

Give your residents a forum to express concerns over water-related issues and to seek solutions collectively, rather than in isolation.

Subsequently, you will:

Increase awareness of the water resource.

Encourage a stewardship ethic within our watershed.

Improve water quality and quantity.

Realize the potential to leave the Watershed better than we found it!

With Membership

You Have:

The right to vote at meetings of members.

A position on the Watershed Advisory Committee (WAC).

The potential to be on the Board of Directors.

You Get:

To bring forward resolutions to the Board.

Recognition for Stewardship Practices.

Listing on the SSRWSI Website with a link to your website.

We can pass on a Healthy Watershed to our Children, Grandchildren and Future Generations!

/ 99A - 3266 Ave C North
Saskatoon, SK S7L 5X5 / P (306) 343 9549
F (306) 343 9548