2017 Florida Legal Aid Disaster Relief Initiative
Deadline for application submission: October 20, 2017 (5pm EST)Decisions Announced: Mid-November 2017
The Florida Bar Foundation is committed to increasing access to justice for Floridians affected by Hurricanes Irma, Maria, and Nate. The Foundation’s Disaster Relief initiative will support civil legal aid and other organizations working to provide legal services to impacted communities, including displaced Puerto Ricans relocating to Florida due to Hurricane Maria. Funds may be used to support damage sustained by applicant or a surge in demand for civil legal aid as a result of a disaster. Foundation staff will ensure that applications meet eligibility and evaluation criteria and will make recommendations to the Foundation’s board for funding approval.
Grant Funds Available for Distribution: $750,000
Breakdown:$500,000 for damage/surge in demand
$250,000 for services to immigrants
$750,000 TOTAL
Grant Eligibility Criteria
Damage/Surge in Demand
As detailed above, a total of $500,000 is available to support grant requests made for assistance with infrastructure damage to current Foundation granteesand to address a surge in demand for disaster relief legal initiatives by current grantees and other non-profit legal aid providers. Requests may also include technology solutions for a statewide civil legal aid approach to disaster telephone and online intake. Applicants must be non-profit organizations that have a primary purpose of providing legal services. Applicants must provide service in,or have an office located in an area subject to a local, state, or Federal emergency declaration. Applicants must have malpractice coverage for staff attorneys and/or pro bono attorneys.
Grant proposals may include up to $1,000 in funding to assist with compassion fatigue and boosting morale that front-line and all staff at organizations may be facing. The proposal should include brief narrative information describing staff’s input on utilizing compassion fatigue funding.
Disaster Relief Services to Immigrants
One-third of the grant funds available ($250,000) will support legal relief for immigrants affected by the disasters. Legal aid provided to immigrants must be for services other than USCIS or other immigration relief, such as: access to safe & affordable housing, access to healthcare, access to education, employment, domestic violence, and other legal issues directly related to the hurricanes.
Preference will be given to non-profit organizationsproviding disaster legal services to undocumented immigrants and family members; with secondary preference to disaster legal services for agricultural and hospitality workers; and third preference to disaster legal services for immigrants with some form of status or authorization. Applicants must provide service in,or have an office located in an area subject to a local, state, or Federal emergency declaration. Applicants must have malpractice coverage for staff attorneys and/or pro bono attorneys.
Application Requirements
Your grant application must include the following:
1)Completed Grant Application Summary
2)Project/Program Description
5)Pro Bono Involvement, if any
Applicants may apply for both Damage/Surge in Demand and Disaster Services to Immigrants in their proposal.
The number of grants funded and the amount of each grant is dependent upon the available funding and the number of quality applications received. The Florida Bar Foundation reserves the right to make the final decisions on all applications.
If the grant is not used for its intended purpose, the recipient must return the grant money in full to the Foundation.
The grant recipient is obligated to use the money for the intended purpose and will be required to submit a report detailing: the number of clients served; client demographics such as age, gender identity, LGBTQ+ status, zip code, county, veteran/military status, immigration status (undocumented immigrants may be served with this funding); number in the household impacted; monetary benefits; other outcomes describing client successes and challenges; budget; staffing;narrative information, and other requested information.
Final reports are due to the Florida Bar Foundation by October 31, 2018 on a form distributed by the Foundation.
Please return completed application (1 email with 1 PDF packet) by October 20, 2017.
Applications must be submitted by 5pm EST on October 20, 2017 by email to Manny Romero, Grants Administrator at: . Late applications will not be accepted.
The Florida Bar Foundation 2017 Disaster Grant Proposal
- Grant Proposal Summary – Complete this Section
Name of Applicant Organization:
Contact Person:
Email: / Phone:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip Code:
Tax ID Number/EIN:
Collaborating Organization(s), if any:
Project Information
Title of Project/Program:
Date Services Began/Expect to Begin: / Date Services Expected to End:
Project Location
County/Counties to be Served:
Breakdown of Total Request
Disaster Relief Request for Damage to Property or Services / $
Disaster Relief Request for Increased Demand/Surge in Services / $
Compassion Fatigue Request (no more than $1,000) / $
Legal Services for Immigrants Request / $
Damage Sustained
Dollar estimate of lost property, including records, and equipment / $
Amount of Insurance Deductible for Loss/Damage / $
Name of Property Loss/Damage Insurance Carrier:
Property Loss Policy Number:
Name of Malpractice Carrier:
Malpractice Policy Number:
Source and amount, if any, received from other sources to support this proposal
(including insurance, FEMA, other funders, etc.)
Name of Source(s) / Amount(s) Expected to be Received:
Complete the Grant Application Summary & the Executive Summary on the page below. Then attach separate pages addressing the grant evaluation criteria described on page 5 below. Combine all of the pages (Grant Application Summary, Executive Summary, Narrative and Budget information) into 1 PDF file and email it to Manny Romero by 5pm on October 20, 2017. Do not exceed 10 pages of narrative and budget information.
- Executive Summary (650 words or less). State briefly why you are applying for Disaster Relief Funds and how it will benefit local communities. Include a brief description of the damage sustained by the applicant and/or the surge in demand for services. Complete this section.
The grant recipient is obligated to use the funds for the intended purpose and to file a final report at the conclusion of the project and not later than October 31, 2018. If the grant is not used for the intended purpose, the recipient must return the grant money in full to the Florida Bar Foundation.
Signature of Applicant / Date SignedTyped Name and Title
Narrative and Budget–A grant application should not be overly lengthy, but each of the questions and criteria below should be described in the proposal. Applications will be evaluated specifically on the items in each question.
1)Project/Program Description
4)Pro Bono Involvement, if any
- Project/Program Description.
Describe the project or program and include the geographic location (counties/cities). If requesting funds for damage to property, include a brief summary of damage and needs. If requesting funds for compassion fatigue, include brief narrative information describing staff’s input on utilizing compassion fatigue funding.
- Objectives.
Define the project/problem, including the target population, objectives, expected benefits, methods of implementation, and expected results - including criteria to be used for determining successful completion.
- Budget.
In your own format, define the designated budget, including:
- Use of Foundation funding;
- Sources of other funding to support this proposal;
- How/if other funds will be raised by applicant to support the proposal.
- Pro Bono Involvement, if any.
Define how pro bono attorneys will be utilized to increase capacity and provide services. Include recruitment efforts, including utilization of technology.
- Timeline.
Define the timeline for the program including the proposed beginningand end dates; anticipated length of time needed to restore operations from emergency status to normal;anticipated time period of the expected surge in demand for services.
- Publicity.
Define the planned local and regional publicity for theproject/proposal.
u:\wp\grants\lap\2017 grant program\2017 disaster grants\2017 disaster grant application.docx