NOTE: Each workshop qualifies for 1.5 CE credits, and you may attend any or all of the sessions. These workshops are developed for ALL mental health professionals (MD; PhD; MA/MS Psych; LMSW; LCSW, etc.), and Wisselman & Associates, SW/CPE is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #0352.

Date / Time / Topics
1. / February 10, 2017 / 9:00 – 10:30 am / Solving Custody and
Parenting Time Problems
2. / March 22, 2017 / 12:30 – 2:00 pm / Anatomy of Divorce:
The Process from Start to Finish
3. / April 21, 2017 / 9:00 – 10:30 am / The Attorney for the Child and
the Child’s Best Interests
4. / May 17, 2017 / 12:00 – 1:30 pm / A Therapist’s Court Testimony:
How to be Prepared

Wisselman & Associates will be conducting a series of four legal mini workshops for mental health professionals like yourself, to help you more effectively assist patients experiencing marital and family problems, and to learn how to be more prepared for cases in which you may be required to provide court testimony. They will be held in our Great Neck office each month with a different topic. The entire series will address prime legal concerns related to divorce and family law, including:


(A detailed description of each workshop is summarized on the following page)


  1. Solving Custody and Parenting Time Problems (Feb. 10, 2017 - 1.5 CE credits)

Discussion will include helping to reduce acrimony; what goes into custody and parenting time agreements; legal decision making and spheres of influence; radius clause; failure to exercise parenting time; emotional impact on parents and children; therapeutic parenting time; fostering a relationship and maintaining communication with the other parent; understanding temporary parenting arrangements.

  1. Anatomy of Divorce: The Process from Start to Finish (Mar. 22, 2017 - 1.5 CE credits)

The divorce process from pre-separation to post-divorce will be reviewed. Related issues will include the therapist’s and attorney’s role in helping to reduce adversity; helping clients through the Court process; financial disclosure of income and property/assets; preparing for testimony. Example cases will be discussed for illustration.

  1. The Attorney for the Child and the Child’s Best Interests (Apr. 21, 2017 - 1.5 CE credits)

The role of the Attorney for the Child and the rules they must abide by in their representation of the child will be explained, including the issue of how the dual role of the attorney for the child (to both represent the wishes of the child, and advocate for the child's best interests) can result in a conflict for the Attorney for the Child, and how they must proceed in these situations. Issues relating to children, of protecting their best interests, and how they can be pivotal to the outcome of a case will be discussed.

  1. A Therapist’s Court Testimony: How to be Prepared (May 17, 2017 - 1.5 CE credits)

Attorney will explain HIPAA issues of privacy vis-a-vis concerns when therapist records are subpoenaed for trial and evidence. Issues relating to testifying in Court will include: subpoenaed records; pre-trial preparation and preparing your notes; direct and cross examination, including credentials, opinion and importance of continuity between written report and oral testimony; and what therapists’ rights and responsibilities are to their client and to the Court. We will share guidelines on presenting yourself in this situation.


You must register before the event. Each workshop is offered on a first come, first served basis. If the workshop is filled when you RSVP, you will be placed on a waiting list and notified as soon as space is available, and/or you can select a different workshop.

(See registration instructions on next page)

PLEASE NOTE: These Four Mini Workshops will be held at:

The Law Firm of Wisselman & Associates

1010 Northern Blvd., Suite 300

Great Neck, NY 11021

(This is a different address than the annual workshop)

The fee to attend each workshop is $20 and each attendance will qualify for 1.5 CE credits. The first 15 minutes will cover registration and networking.

All attendees will receive a certificate of completion.

TO REGISTER: Call 516-773-8300, or Fax this completed page to 516-773-8304,

or e-mail .

Please make sure to specify the date(s) you are registering for.


Payments may be made online at .

  • Click on “Make a Payment” at the top of the home page.
  • Complete the payment form, and type “WORKSHOP”, and the date(s) of the workshop(s) you are registering for, as well as your phone number in the Reference box at the top of the form.


You may send or bring a check, payable to “Wisselman & Associates”

  • Send check with completed form below to:

Wisselman & Associates

1010 Northern Blvd., Suite 300

Great Neck, NY 11021

Please complete the following:

Name: ______Phone: ______

E-Mail: ______Number of workshops you are signing up for: ______

□ YES, I will attend. I will make my payment of $20.00 for each event I am attending:

□ online □ by check

Date(s) you are signing up for:

□ Feb □ Mar □ Apr □ May

□ No, I cannot attend, but please add my email to your list for news & program updates

We thank you for your continued interest in our workshop program!