The name of this organization shall be the Kentucky Association of Pep Organization Sponsors, Inc.



  1. To work collaboratively with the Kentucky High School Athletic Association to promote

excellence, safety and recognition of cheerleading.

  1. To foster a concern for improvement and progress in cheerleading.
  2. To improve the standards of selecting members of cheerleading teams.
  3. To lead students to a knowledge and appreciation of the social and educational advantages that participation in this activity will bring.
  4. To promote good relationships between the coaches and the school administrators.
  5. To urge coaches to improve their guidance and coaching techniques.
  6. To encourage administrators to appoint well-qualified school personnel to serve in the capacity as coaches.
  7. To encourage support of Kentucky cheerleading at all levels.



  1. Membership is open to all cheerleader coaches (elementary, middle, junior high and secondary levels) that are affiliated with a school system in Kentucky.
  2. Associate membership is open to any individual interested in the further promotion of the purposes of this organization. Associate membership does not include the National Federation High School Coaches Association membership and liability insurance.
  3. Lifetime membership is open to board members who have been members of KAPOS for fifteen (15) years. Applications are available from the treasurer.



The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers, past-president, at-large members, sixteen (16) regional members and advisory members.

  1. The Board shall have the power to establish new rules and amend or set aside rules.
  2. The Board shall enforce the rules of the organization.
  3. The Board shall approve presidential appointments when vacancies occur in offices.
  4. The Board shall fill vacancies of at-large board members as the vacancies occur. (See Bylaw III, B-7)
  5. Members shall be required to attend meetings of the Board. Any member failing to attend at least two (2) meetings in one fiscal year (July 1-June 30) shall result in dismissal from the Board unless the absences are excused.Excused absences shall be determined by the President and Sectional Vice-Presidents. The President shall notify a member of any unexcused absence. A board member who does not notify shall be considered unexcused.
  6. Repeated failure to perform duties as assigned shall be grounds for dismissal from the Board.(See Article IX, F) The President shall notify the member of the termination.
  7. The board members must pay dues no later than the August board meeting to ensure voting privileges.



The officers shall be elected by the Board and, with the exception of the president, secretary and treasurer shall serve two (2) year terms of office.

  1. President

1. Shall serve a three (3) year term of office.

2. Shall preside over all functions of the organization and maintain appropriate records.

3. Shall serve as chairperson of the Board.

4. Shall appoint the sectional vice-presidents, except at the end of their term. If it is the final year of a President's term, the President will confer with the President-Elect before appointing Sectional Vice-President(s).

5. Shall appoint those who are to serve on various committees.

6. Shall appoint persons to fill unexpired terms of office as needed.

7. Shall call special meetings.

8. Shall notify the nominating committee at least two (2) weeks prior to the date for elections.

9. Shall assume the responsibility of releasing all official news items that emanate during his/her term of office.

10. Shall not have the additional duties of coaching or be directly connected with a cheerleading team (during his/her term in office).

11. Shall document personnel matters.

12. Shall oversee assigning judges for KAPOS competitions/events.

  1. President-Elect

1. Shall serve a one (1) year term of office (to be elected at the May meeting prior to the president's last year in office).

2. Shall assist the president with all duties of the office.

3. Shall assist the president in assigning judges for KAPOS competitions/events.

4. Other duties as assigned by the president.

C. Sectional Vice-President

1. Shall be four (4)in number. The sections shall be determined as follows: Section 1 (Regions 1, 2, 3, 4); Section II (Regions 5, 6, 7, 8); Section III (Regions 9, 10, 11, 12); Section IV (Regions 13, 14, 15, 16).

2. Shall be appointed by the president as follows:

a. The sectional vice-presidents for Sections I and III shall be appointed in the odd-numbered years.

b. The sectional vice-presidents for Sections II and IV shall be appointed in the even-numbered years.

3. May be appointed to serve in the absence of the president or past-president or in case of the vacancy of the presidency.

4. Shallattend at least one (1) regional coaches' meeting within each of their respective regions prior to each region’s KAPOS competition/event.

5. Shall attend KAPOS competitions/events within the respective regions, except in case of emergency.

6. Shall assist regional board members in any way possible. In the event the regional board member is a coach of a participating team, the sectional vice-president shall conduct the KAPOS competition/event. If the sectional vice-president cannot accept this responsibility, the president shall appoint another KAPOS board member to oversee the competition/event.

7. Shall be allowed to participate in nomination of and voting for regional board members in each of their respective regions (one (1) vote per region).

8. Shall contact the president before making any rulings concerning KAPOS competitions/events.

  1. Secretary

1. Shall maintain a roll of all active members as provided by the treasurer.

2. Shall be responsible for the minutes of all meetings.

3. Shall keep attendance records of all meetings.

4. Shall assist the president with such details as:

a. Correspondence(including National Federation High School Association membership)

b. Regional elections

5. Shall serve aterm of three (3) years.

  1. Treasurer

1. Shall collect all dues.

2. Shall maintain a fund from membership dues and other receipts for the administration of the organization.

3. Shall issue a financial statement at each meeting.

4. Shall serve aterm of three (3) years.

5. Shall be bonded.

6. Shall maintain all state financial records.

7. Shall maintain an inventory and assignment record of all KAPOS equipment.

  1. Parliamentarian

1. Shall be appointed by the president in odd-numbered years.

2. Shall guide the Board in the official and orderly conducting of business.

3. Shall update the scrapbooks.

4. Shall serve aterm of two (2) years.



The at-large board members shall be elected by the Board and shall serve two (2) year terms.

  1. Shall be a total of eight (8). Two (2) shall be elected from regions 1-8 and two (2) shall be elected from regions 9-16. Remaining four (4) shall be elected statewide. All at-large board member elections are conducted in alternating years.
  2. Shall attend one (1) regional coaches’ meeting annually.
  3. Shall serve on committees and assist in the administration of the organization.
  4. Shall assist the sectional vice-presidents and regional board members with KAPOS competitions, eventsand membership recruitment.



Regional board members shall be elected by the sectional vice-president, current regional board member and the present KAPOS members in their respective regions and shall serve two (2) year terms.

  1. Shall be one (1) from each of the sixteen (16) regions.
  2. Shall oversee or personally handle all aspects of their respective regions KAPOS competitions/eventsand meetings.
  3. Shall hold at least one (1) regional coaches' meeting prior to September 15.
  4. Shall notify coaches and board members within their respective regions of the time and place of meetings. Minutes of the meetings should be recorded and copies are to be sent to the president and respective sectional vice-president.
  5. Shall solicit membership of cheer coachesat all levels(elementary, middle, junior high and secondary)in their region and relay all KAPOS information to the coaches in their respective regions.
  6. Shall provide scores and rankings to all coaches following KAPOS competitions/events including rankings by individual judges.
  7. Shall provide an itemized financial statement to the Financial Committee chairperson by April 30 (documented by invoices and checks).
  8. Shall be responsible for all preparations and running of any KAPOS competition/event in their respective region,unless the regional board member is a coach of a team participating in the competition. In that event, the sectional vice-president shall conduct the competition. If the sectional vice-president cannot accept this responsibility, the president shall appoint another KAPOS boardmember to oversee the competition.



The immediate past-president shall serve as a consultant and shall assist the current president in fulfilling the duties of the office.

  1. This person shall be available to serve on committees and assist with the administration of the organization.
  2. This person shall preside in the absence of the president.
  3. The past-president shall serve on the Advisory Board and serve as chairperson of the Advisory Board. If the past-president is unable toserve on the Advisory Board, the president shall appoint a




The Advisory Board shall consist of the former presidents of the organization and those that were originally placed on the Board by virtue of previous Constitution provisions.

  1. The chairperson of the Advisory Board shall call a meeting of the Advisory Board in the event the office of president becomes vacant. This meeting shall be for the purpose of appointing a past-president to complete the president’s term of office.
  2. The members of the Advisory Board shall serve in an advisory capacity acting as resource consultants.
  3. The members of the Advisory Board shall serve on committees and assist with the administration of the organization.
  4. The members of the Advisory Board shall advise the president on rulings, precedents, etc.
  5. The Advisory Board shall serve as the Nominating Committee for officers not appointed by the president.
  6. The Advisory Board has the power to dismiss any board member by a two-thirds majority vote.



Robert's Rules of Order should govern all meetings.

A. Board of Directors meetings

1. At least three (3) meetings shall be held each year as designated by the President.

2. Meetings are open to the general membership. To appear on the agenda, a member must notify the president at least one (1) week prior to the meeting.

3. Proposals may be presented by any member of KAPOS for consideration by the Board. All proposals must be submitted to the president by April 1 and have the signature and region number of the person submitting it.

4. Should the need arise, the president may call or cancel a board meeting by notifying the membership by mail/e-mail at least two (2) weeks in advance of the date of the meeting.

5. The quorum of the KAPOS Board shall consist of not less than ten (10) members.

  1. Statewide coaches' conferences may be held as needed.

C. Only KAPOS dues-paying members in attendance are eligible to vote.



The Constitution may be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present at a Board of Directors meeting.