2016AFCEA Belvoir Scholarship Program
APPLICATION (send in all 3 pages)

PRIVACY STATEMENT: The personal information requested herein, including attached financial need forms and personal statement(s) will be used to evaluate the applicant’s eligibility for scholarships to be awarded by the AFCEA Belvoir Chapter. The information will be maintained by the AFCEA Belvoir Chapter and will be released only to individuals who serve on the Chapter’s 2016 Scholarship Selection Committee. Disclosure of the information requested is voluntary; however, failure to provide all of the requested information may hinder evaluation of the application and reduce the likelihood of a scholarship award to the applicant.

I agree not to contest the AFCEA Belvoir Chapter’s Scholarship Selection Committee’s choice of scholarship winners for the Chapter’s 2016 Scholarship Program. I affirm that all information provided in this application is true to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the privacy statement above.

Signature of Applicant: Date:

Signature of Parent:Date:

A parent’s signature is not required if the applicant is over the age of 18.

Applicant Information

Mailing Address
High School
Mailing Address
Yr of HS Graduation
Academic Status for 2016/2017 Academic Year (Check One)
College or University
Major Field of Study
Academic Honors And Awards
Award Description / Presented By / Year
Community Service Activity
Organization / Duty / Year
Extra-Curricular Activities
Organization / Function / From mo/yr) / To (mo/yr)
Other noteworthy achievements to be considered by the Selection Committee:

In at least 250 words answer one of the following Essay Questions:

•Overcoming Obstacles: Give an example of a challenge you have overcome. What steps did you take to address it? Did you turn to someone else for support? What role did that person play? What did you learn about yourself?

•Civic engagement: What does civic engagement mean to you? Give an example of a significant contribution that you have made to your community.

•Handling systemic challenges: Give an example of a time when you faced or witnessed discrimination. How did you respond? What did you learn from this experience?

Bonus Question

•AFCEA Belvoir is always in need of Young AFCEANS. What kind of role do you see yourself playing in our Young AFCEAN program?

Please note that the quality of your essay is heavily weighted in the Scholarship Committee’s evaluation!