Teens and Sleep

Student-Teacher Created Rubric

Component / 5
Proficient / 3
Progressing / 1
Needs Work
Lead in Sentence
“The hook”; attention grabber / Bold statement, statistic, or fact to grab reader’s attention
/15 / There is an introduction sentence but not catchy
/10 / Introduction is weak, or off topic
Thesis statement—State your opinion and support / Clear thesis statement that states your opinion and reasons why you have that opinion
/15 / Thesis suggested but not clear; need stronger reasons to support opinion
/10 / Weak thesis; opinion and reasons need to be stronger
Content: Focus and flow of ideas / Stays on topic, easy to follow, logical order of information. Flow of ideas link back to the thesis statement
/20 / Some ideas may feel out of order, like they should be switched around. May feel like a bit off topic. Flow of ideas off from thesis statement.
/15 / Information is random or simply a list of facts and/or statistics. No attempt at moving in a specific order to make a point. Does not flow well with thesis statement
Content: Statistics and Facts from Sources / Must include 4 or more statistics and/or facts to support opinion
/25 / Has 2-3 statistics and/or facts to support opinion
/20 / Has less than 2 statistics or facts
Conclusion statement / Leaves reader thinking your opinion is correct; restates reasons that support opinion
/10 / There is a conclusion, but lacks opinion or reasons to support
/7.5 / There is a conclusion, but it weak, or off topic
References in the body / Two or more references from the video and article(s) are embedded in the body at least 4 different placeswith correct citations ; paraphrased or quotations around direct wording
/5 / Two or more references from the video and article(s) are embedded in the body at least 3 different places; minimal errors in paraphrasing or quotations around direct wording
/4 / Only one reference from the video or and article is embedded in the body in less than 3 different places; errors in paraphrasing or quotations around direct wording
Reference page / Two or more references from video and article(s) are included on a reference page in correct format attached on a separate page
/5 / Includes two or more references but incorrectly formatted or not included on a separate page OR includes only one reference
/4 / Only includes one reference that is incorrectly formatted
Correctness: Grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure / Minimal errors (5 or less)
/5 / Consistent errors throughout (6-8 errors)
/4 / Excessive errors throughout that interfere with meaning (8 or more)

Grading scale

5 = 90-100

4 = 80-89

3 = 70-79

2 = 60-69

1 = below 60

