2016 Site Improvement Plan
School Purpose: To provide a safe and diverse learning environment in which to educate and empower children to be successful in the community and in the future.
2016 Priority Areas: English – Mathematics – Student Engagement and Wellbeing
Ø Whole school strategies and agreements
Ø Strengthen pedagogical and content knowledge
Ø Embed data analysis processes
Ø Strengthen professional learning communities
Ø Engage with the community
English-School Priorities / Actions/Strategies / Targets
Whole school strategies and agreements
Ø Review Whole School Literacy Agreements
Ø Identify and establish clear processes for literacy intervention and extension / Ø Embed Kapunda Primary Whole School Literacy Agreements into classroom practice
Ø Align Literacy agreements to Partnership Literacy Agreements
Ø Students setting individual SMART goals in English
Ø Learning intentions made explicit to students / RUNNING RECORDS- Increase the number of students achieving Running Records Achievement Standard of:
Year Level / DECD SEA / % students working at or above SEA in 2015 / 2016 Target % -Number of students
1 / 15 or above / 62% / 65% - 23/35
2 / 21 or above / 94% / 75% - 35/47
3 / 26 or above / - / 95% - 49/51
PAT R- Increase the number of students achieving at or above the Standard of Achievement:
Year Level / % students working at or above SEA/mean 2015 / Target %
(Aspiring %) / Number of students
2 / 68.8% / 65% (70%) / 33/47
3 / 64.1% / 70% (75%) / 38/51
4 / 63.3% / 68% (70%) / 27/39
5 / 65.8% / 68% (70%) / 26/37
6 / 84.0% / 70% (75%) / 33/44
7 / 75.6% / 88% (90%) / 27/30
NAPLAN READING- Increase the number of students achieving in the higher proficiency band levels-
School 2015 mean / Partnership
Target / School Target
Yr7- 537 (Band 6) / Band 6-7 / Stay at or in higher band (36.6% in 2015)
Yr5- 471 (Band 5) / Band 5-6 / Stay at or in higher band (18.2% in 2015)
Yr3- 416(Band 4) / Band 4-5 / Stay at or in higher band (19.1% in 2015)
NAPLAN READING HIGHER PROFICIENCY BAND LEVEL RETENTION- Increase by 10% the number of students who have remained in the higher proficiency band levels between Year 3 to 5 and Year 5 to 7 in Reading.
Develop disposition baseline data focused on intellectual stretch and growth mindset in English
Strengthen pedagogical and content knowledge
Ø Establish opportunities for self-reflection and feedback about literacy practices during performance management meetings
Ø Provide professional learning to support the implementation of agreed strategies- focus on building teachers capacity / Ø Identify professional development opportunities for staff eg. Jolly Phonics
Ø Teachers participate in performance development meetings to address improvement areas
Ø Transforming Tasks modules during Pupil Free days- focused on differentiated curriculum and intellectual stretch- increase the rigour in learning
Ø All staff trained in Accelerated Literacy and implementing in the classroom
Embed data analysis processes
Ø Embed a clear cycle for literacy data collection
Ø Provide regular opportunities for staff to analyse data and monitor student progress / Ø Assessment timeline and strategies developed and implemented
Ø Analyse Running Records, PAT-R, NAPLAN and classroom data to set, program for and track targets for individual students as well as year level cohorts-Term 3 and 4
Ø Consistent data collection in Scorelink- ensuring data is relevant to classroom practice and improvement
Ø Ensure class English data informs performance development meetings
Strengthen professional learning communities (PLC)
Ø Embed clear practices for TLCs and PLCs
Ø Provide regular opportunities for staff to work collaboratively
Ø Provide opportunities for peers to provide collegial feedback / Ø Teachers participate and contribute to PLC discussions regularly to review teacher pedagogy during staff meetings
Ø Teachers to be trained to undertake observations with peers as part of their performance development
Engage with the community
Ø Provide opportunities to engage with the school and wider community about literacy through newsletters, governing council presentations / Ø Teachers provide class newsletters home outlining the classroom teaching and learning program in the English curriculum
Ø Data shared in school newsletters and at Governing Council meetings
Ø Student achievement shared during parent/teacher interviews/reports/learning journey folders
Ø Book Week- sharing literacy learning with the community
Ø NEP/ILP/IEP meetings discussing SMART targets, where relevant
School Priorities / Actions/Strategies / Targets
Whole school strategies and agreements
Ø Review and develop Whole School Numeracy Agreements
Ø Identify and establish clear processes for numeracy intervention and extension / Ø Review and develop Kapunda Primary Whole School Numeracy Agreements alongside partnership agreements
Ø Teachers beginning to work with students on setting individual SMART goals in Mathematics / PAT Maths 4th Edition- Increase the number of students achieving at or above the Standard of Achievement:
Year Level / % students working at or above SEA/mean 2015 / Target %
(Aspiring %) / Number of students
2 / 60.9 / 65 (70) / 31/47
3 / 60.5 / 65 / 33/51
4 / 54.4 / 65 / 26/39
5 / 64.1 / 60 (65) / 24/37
6 / 73.1 / 75 (80) / 35/44
7 / 73.2 / 80 / 24/30
NAPLAN NUMERACY Increase the number of students achieving in the higher proficiency band levels-
School / Partnership
Target / School Target
Yr7- 521 (Band 6) / Band 6-7 / Stay at or in higher band (41.5% in 2015)
Yr5- 462 (Band 5) / Band 5-6 / Stay at or in higher band (13.6% in 2015)
Yr3- 411 (Band 4) / Band 4-5 / Stay at or in higher band (12.8% in 2015)
NAPLAN NUMERACY HIGHER PROFICIENCY BAND LEVEL RETENTION- Increase by 10% the number of students who have remained in the higher proficiency band levels between Year 3 to 5 and Year 5 to 7 in numeracy.
Develop disposition baseline data focused on intellectual stretch and growth mindset in English
Strengthen pedagogical and content knowledge
Ø Establish opportunities for self-reflection and feedback about numeracy practices during performance management meetings / Ø Learning intentions and reflective discussions are explicit for students
Ø Identify professional development opportunities for staff- Numeracy Coordinator
Ø Teachers participate in performance development meetings to address improvement areas in Mathematics
Ø Transforming Tasks modules during Pupil Free days- focused on differentiated curriculum and intellectual stretch- increase the rigour in learning
Embed data analysis processes
Ø Embed a clear cycle for numeracy data collection
Ø Provide regular opportunities for staff to analyse data and monitor student progress in numeracy / Ø Assessment timeline and strategies developed and implemented across Year Levels
Ø Analyse SENA, PAT-M, NAPLAN and classroom data to set, program for and track targets for individual students as well as year level cohorts-Term 3 and 4
Ø Consistent data collection in Scorelink- ensuring data is relevant to classroom practice and improvement
Ø Ensure class Mathematics data informs performance development meetings
Strengthen professional learning communities (PLC)
Ø Embed clear practices for PLCs
Ø Provide regular opportunities for staff to work collaboratively
Ø Provide opportunities for peers to provide collegial feedback / Ø Teachers participate and contribute to PLC discussions regularly to review teacher pedagogy
Ø Teachers to be trained to undertake observations with mentors as part of their performance development focused on Maths pedagogy
Ø Teachers have regular opportunities to plan a range of Mathematics ICT programmes
Engage with the community
Ø Provide opportunities to engage with the school and wider community about numeracy through newsletters, governing council presentations / Ø Teachers provide class newsletters home outlining the classroom teaching and learning program in Maths
Ø Data shared in school newsletters and at Governing Council meetings
Ø Student achievement shared during parent/teacher interviews/reports/learning journey folders
Ø NEP/ILP/IEP meetings with parents discussing SMART targets in Maths where relevant
Student Engagement and Wellbeing
School Priorities / Actions/Strategies / Targets
Strengthen pedagogical and content knowledge
Ø Continue to embed the school values, You Can Do It Program and disposition / Ø Investigate Restorative Practice re-training and parent workshop
Ø Provide professional development on classroom management to staff including revisiting the You Can Do It program
Ø Implement formative assessment and feedback into classroom practices (Eg No hands up, traffic lights)
Ø Social/Emotional program concerning bullying across the school
Ø / Attendance Data- Increase the overall attendance rate to 95% or above
2014 % / 2015 % / 2016 Target %
Term 1 / 93.3% / 94.1% / 95% or above
Term 2 / 92.7% / 90.9% / 95% or above
Term 3 / 91.3% / 91.1% / 95% or above
Term 4 / 91.7% / 92.4% / 95% or above
Total / 92.3% / 92.3% / 95% or above
Behaviour Data- decrease the number of incidents
2015 / 2016 Target
Total / 206 / Reduction by 20%
Bullying Survey Targets- reduction by 10%
Disposition Survey- develop baseline data
Student, Staff and Parent Perception survey
Whole school strategies and agreements
Ø Consistent approaches to managing behaviour
Ø Consistent approach to managing attendance
Ø Bullying survey and MDI / Ø Continue to build upon existing student voice and leadership opportunities such as Play At Lunchtimes (PALS). Look at exploring Student Learning Communities focused on providing the school with formative assessment and feedback about learning programs
Ø All teachers trained and teaching the Child Protection Curriculum
Ø Continue to implement You Can Do It to address social and emotional learning in a structured way
Ø Continue Breakfast Program and Daily fruit
Ø NEP/ILP/IEP- students on plans with regular meetings to identify strengths and weaknesses and set individualised learning programs
Embed data analysis processes
Ø Embed a clear cycle for wellbeing and attendance data collection
Ø Provide regular opportunities for staff to analyse data and monitor student engagement / Ø Student Perception survey conducted at the end of the year
Ø Attendance data monitored each term and strategies put in place to address chronic and habitual non attendance
Ø Behaviour data collected in EDSAS and Yard Duty books- monitored weekly
Ø Proactive practices used to prevent yard behaviour Eg number of choices students have to play maintained at current levels
Strengthen professional learning communities (PLC)
Ø Provide regular opportunities for staff to work collaboratively to use data to inform planning and improvement strategies / Ø Teachers to regularly meet in PLCs to share strategies to increase engagement and reduce behaviour incidents
Ø Growth Mindset PD- James Anderson- identify consistent whole school approaches
Engage with the community
Ø Strengthen student voice opportunities through the Student Representative Council
Ø Report regularly on attendance and wellbeing information to the community / Ø Collaborate with parents regarding intervention strategies for student behaviour and attendance
Ø Increase students sense of belonging by further developing strong partnerships with the school community including the Governing Council, Parents and Friends, Partnership schools, Pastoral Care Worker and local businesses
Ø ACEO- regular communication with parents, advocate for parents and teachers focused on improved student attendance and engagement
Ø Special Visitors Morning
Effort – Respect – Honesty – Co-operation