13th Annual

2016 HPC for Wall Street - Cloud & DataCenters

Show and Conference

April 4, 2016 (Mon) Roosevelt Hotel, NYC

Madison Ave and 45th St, next to Grand Central Station

2016 Conference Program as of 3/17/16

7:30 – 8:30 amRegistration and Coffee Service in the Exhibits.

8 – 4 pmExhibits open with exclusive show viewing times.

8:30 – 9:20 amSession 1 Keynote Session

Cloud and Data Centers, HPC Performance, Driving Storage Decisions.

The 2016 HPC program will feature leading FinTech architects, directors, research and vendor experts, covering where FinTech and Capital Markets organizations are employing cloud and data center architecture. This opening session will shape the discussions by leading speakers for our full day of conference sessions, luncheon, and exclusive viewing time on the exhibit floor.

Dave Weber, Director Global Financial Services, Lenovo

Terry Roche, Principal, Head of FinTech Research, TABB

David Coutts, Distinguished Engineer, IBMOpenPOWER

Andrew Nelson, VCDX, Nutanix

Parviz Peiravi, CTO FSI, Intel

9:20 – 10:15 amSession 2 Keynote Session

Performance Optimized FSI Solutions from Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), has transitioned to a solutions-centric strategy focused on key industries. As part of this strategy, HPE has been well aligned to the FSI segment, and has created solutions targeted at the industry’s key challenges and top workloads. Learn how HPE can help you harness the power of the financial market, gain competitive advantages, easily adhere to grueling compliance regulations. Hear from HPE’s key ecosystem partners, who are helping make these complete solutions available to FSI customers.

Lacee McGee,Sr Product Manager, FSI Vertical Solutions,Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Tom Leyden, VP Marketing, Scality

Tom Bradicich, PhD, VP & General Manager, Servers and IoT Systems, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

10:15 – 11 amCoffee Break in the Exhibits. Exclusive show viewing time.

11 – 11:50 amSession 3Concurrent Session (select one of two)

Highly Efficient and Scalable HPC – Cloud and DataCenters.

Leading FinTech firms are constantly addressing the need to allocate budgets and resources, especially with new cloud and data center technology changing the way massive data is transacted, transmitted, retained, and retrieved. Hear from some leading speakers on FinTech technology and where it is going.

Terry Keene, CEO, Integration Systems

Harvey Stein, Head of Credit Risk Modeling, Bloomberg

Dino Vitale, TD Securities

Philip Filleul,Segment Director – Financial Services, Cray Inc.

11 – 11:50 amSession 4Concurrent Session (select one of two)

Challenges of HPC Code Writing – Capacity, Performance, Speed and Cost.

Jeff Birnbaum has a world of FinTech experience, from Bank of America to his firm, 60East Technologies and the new code projects he is working on. Hear from an innovative leader in the field.

Jeffrey M. Birnbaum, Founder & CEO, 60East Technologies, Inc.

Session 5

12 – 1 pm Luncheon for Conference Registrants.

FinTech Business Transparency across DataCenters and the Cloud

FinTech has helped pioneer digital business that operate entirely electronically and even autonomously make decisions. Diverse and complex technology architectures have made it challenging for the digital or algorithmic business owner to see how his/her business is operating, what clients are experiencing and the details of each transaction. The introduction of lightweight microarchitectures and cloud adoptions have made this situation more challenging, even amid regulatory pressures of greater accountability and oversight.

David Murray, Chief Business Development Officer, Corvil – Featured Luncheon speaker

1 – 1:30 pmCoffee and Dessert Service in the Exhibits. Exclusive show viewing time.

1:30 – 2:15 pmConcurrent Sessions (select one of two)

1:30 – 2:15 pm Session 6Concurrent Session (select one of two)

Why Wall Street Needs Cloud Bursting.

Leading Cloud Computing providers are meeting the need of massive data capability, scalability, speed

at a competitive price. Public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud are all in the mix of options FinTech

firms must consider in implementing their Cloud and Storage programs. Hear from three expert Cloud providers.

Scott Jeschonek, Director, Product Management, Avere Systems

Matthew Thomson, Azure Big Compute Product Manager,Microsoft

1:30 – 2:15 pm Session 7Concurrent Session (select one of two)

Driving Disruptive Server/Storage/Networking Solutions for High-Performance-Computing.

HPC storage architecture is challenged by the compatibility of server drive capacity, available storage processing performance, and network I/O bandwidth. Super Micro Computer is a global leader in high-performance, high-efficiency server, storage technology and green computing. Hear what new solutions are available for today's marketplace.

Don Clegg, VP Marketing, Business Development, Supermicro Computer

2:15 – 2:30 pmCoffee Break in the Exhibits Exclusive show viewing time.

2:30 – 3:15 pmConcurrent Sessions (select one of two)

2:30 – 3:15 pm Session 8Concurrent Session (select one of two)

High Speed Networking in the Cloud.

Cloud Computing resources are derived from both servers and network systems, and diverse architecture is

available to harness high speed, high performance, scalability, high-level data flow while remaining cost effective. Juniper is a leader in networking and storage systems.

Andy Bach, VP & Chief Architect Financial Services, Juniper Networks

2:30 – 3:15 pm Session 9Concurrent Session (select one of two)

Moving High Performance Workloads to the Cloud.

Delivering interconnect solutions for servers and storage is available to optimize data center performance. Mellanox is a leading supplier of this capability for FinTech and the Capital Markets applications. Mellanox is also a member of the InfiniBand Trade Association, for Exascale computing solutions from terabits to throughput.

Asaf Wachtel, Sr Director, Business Development, Mellanox Technologies

3:15 – 4 pmBeverage Service in the ExhibitsExclusive show viewing time.

4 pmExhibits close at 4 pm.

4 – 4:50 pmSession 10Session

What’s Driving HPC, Cloud and DataCenter Decisions.

Growth in massive data transactions, transmission, storage, and retrieval is exceeding the ability of FinTech organizations to keep up with that demand. Top management too, is looking at the costs of data operations, complying with regulatory requirements, and the need to expand existing facilities or create new facilities. New technology is now at hand to serve this burgeoning data output, but at what cost, and what time toimplementation. How are these leading organizations addressing these issues? Plan to attend this major general session of the day.

Moderator:Phil Albinus, Editor Traders Magazine, SourceMedia

Asif Alam, Global Business Director, Thomson Reuters

Greg Haskins, London Stock Exchange

Jeffrey Smart, Risk Management, Sun America, div AIG

Speakers and Program subject to change.

4 pm Exhibits Conclude. 4:50 pm Conference Concludes.