2016 Gala Day TeamRegistration

On behalf of the Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, Manly Warringah Netball Association invites you to participate in this special Gala Day to be held on Sunday 24th July, 2016 at John Fisher Park, Abbott Road, CurlCurl, withthe firstgame commencing at8:30am sharp.This Gala Day is open to 8yrs-14yrs.

Your Association: (if not MWNA) ______

Club Name & Team #: ______

Team Name for Gala Day: ______

Team’s Current Grade: ______

Team Contact Name: ______

Team Contact phone number: ______

Team Contact email: ______

Players Name & 2016 Age 2016 Grade/Team

$50 TeamDonation:(thiswillnotbereceipteduntilaftertheGalaDay)

Cheque(pleasemakechequespayabletoAMDF) Cash Visa Mastercard Amex Diners (Please circle type of payment)

Card Number: Cardholder Name: Exp Date: / Signature: Receipt Details:

Name: ______Address: Phone: Email:

I acknowledge that the above named team wishes to enter in your Gala Day and that all information supplied is correct. We acknowledge that we must adhere to the Conditions of Entry as noted on the side.

The Gala Day is umpire your own – each team is to supply OneNon-PlayingUmpireto officiateonowngames andtobe correctly attired in white with own whistle.


1.Entries to be forwarded to MWNA on the details outlined below by 5pm 15th July 2016: Lisa Eady

22/31-35 Delmar ParadeDee Why 2099

2. A Tax Deductible donation of

$50 per team to be forwarded with a completed Registration Form.

3. All players in each team must wear identical uniforms; identification patches

4. Each team to supply a non-playing umpire, scorer, whistle and ball. All umpires are requested to be correctly attired in white.

5.Matches will be centrally timed and will start and finish on the umpires whistle.

6.The winning team is to return the score sheet to the Control Tower immediately after each game

7.Matches will be conducted; as per NSWNA Gala Day Rules and NO added injury time will

be allowed.

8.Players may only play with the team in which they are registered.

9.No disputes will be entered into.

10.MWNA and AMDF will not be responsible for any injuries incurred during the Gala Day but first aid will be available

11.Teams withdrawing from the Gala Day after the fixtures have been completed will be

liable for a fine of $50.

12.Full canteen facilities will be available on the day.

Australian Mitochondrial

Disease Foundation (AMDF)

What is mito?

Mitochondrial disease (mito for short) is a debilitating genetic disorder that robs the body’s cells of energy, causing multiple organ dysfunction or failure and often death. There is no cure and few effective treatments.

How are sufferers affected?

Mito may cause any symptom in any organ at any age. People with mito can:

  • lose their sight or hearing
  • suffer muscle weakness and pain
  • be unable to walk, eat, swallow or talk normally
  • have strokes or seizures
  • develop liver disease or diabetes
  • suffer heart, respiratory or digestive problems
  • experience developmental delays or intellectual disability.

We now know that mitochondrial dysfunction may be a significant factor in a wide range of major diseases including Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, Huntington disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), diabetes and some forms of cancer.

How common is it?

One in 200 Australians carries a genetic mutation that puts them at risk of developing mito – that’s over 120,000 Australians!

Mito can affect children and adults; due to its genetic basis, the disease often affects multiple family members. More than one Australian child born each week will develop a life-threatening form of mito (62 children every year), making it the second most commonly diagnosed, serious genetic disease after cystic fibrosis. Half of these children will die before their teens.

About the AMDF

The AMDF was set up in 2009 by family members, friends and doctors of mito sufferers. We provide hope and assistance to the mito community by:

1)providing support for patients and their families

2)funding research into prevention, diagnosis, treatment and a cure

3)educating the public and medical profession

4)advocating for individuals and for the mito community as a whole.

The AMDF operates the only Australian mito Helpline and hosts nation-wide Information Days, providing resources and support to patients, their families, the medical community and the general public. Research initiatives that we fund include AMDF Incubator Grants, PhD Scholarships and the purchase of medical and research equipment.

Making A Difference

Living with this horrible disease isn't easy. Just getting out of bed can be a huge challenge and many sufferers spend extended periods in hospital. Sadly, many are taken from their families far too early.

With your help, we can continue to offer support for those affected by mito, whether they are going through the diagnostic process (which can take years), dealing with the disease daily, or coming to terms with the loss of a loved one.

Supporting people with mito is what our foundation is all about.

For more information, please visit our website