2016 Annual Chair Report for Social Services Waimakariri (SSW)

This Annual Report on behalf of Social Services Waimakariri reflects the 2015/2016 financial year. SSW is a forum for collaboration between community providers of social services, and partners from local and central government. The Charter signed in 2010 included 32 local agencies and groups. SSW has gathered in strength and respect over the years, recognised by the wider Waimakariri and Hurunui districts. 2015/2016 has been a year of change with the appointment of a new Independent Chairperson and Facilitator. Michelle Stevenson was farewelled to a new position in Invercargill and we have welcomed Louise Griffiths to the Project Facilitator position.

The two working groups; (1) The Mental Health and Wellbeing Focus Group has met monthly and provides opportunity for collaboration of Mental Health service providers in Waimakariri, working together to identify gaps within the service provision and advocate for mental health within the Waimakariri District. The need for mental health services has increased dramatically both in numbers and severity of referrals with agencies reporting working to capacity, at times feeling under pressure and overloaded, with increases in waiting lists.(2) The Social Inclusion Initiatives Group meets fortnightly working together on projects around social inclusion, their philosophy being that “the absence of meaningful social interactions affects health and wellbeing, contacts and relationships with family and friends, and with neighbours on an individual level and with society at large.” The Chairpersons of both these groups report backmonthly to the member agencies of Social Services Waimakariri.

Following public forums and workshops focused on; (1)the introduction of Children’s Teams which are a Government Initiative, a steering group was established representing Waimakariri for the purpose of supporting the introduction of these teams to the district. SSW is represented on this steering group. (2) The need for a Community House in Waimakariri was well supported at the forum resulting in SSW supporting the development of a steering group to proceed forward with this initiative.

The Social Services Waimakariri Strategic Plan has recently been reviewed and updated. It focuses on the mission statement to “work together to support the purposes of Social Services Waimakariri and enhance social service delivery so that people can be connected to their community and freely access the services they need for their wellbeing.” This process acknowledged the changes within the local community following the Canterbury Earthquakes, with the increase in families relocating to Waimakariri, the ongoing struggles with resettlement and unresolved trauma for individuals and families, and thesubsequent increased demands on local services.

The SSW web site is being consistently used with an increase in traffic to the site over the past few months, contacts for April and May exceeded 600.

The role of the Project Facilitator is pivotal in the management of SSW and its services. We have been fortunate to have had effective and invaluable project facilitators to lead the processes that have enabled SSW to be where it is today. The position is part time and fixed term. It is funded from a range of community grants and is extended as funding is renewed. The Facilitator is housed at the Ministry of Social Development Office in Rangiora with the administration and financial services for the role maintained by Wellbeing North Canterbury Community Trust. Other support such as IT and printing of resources is provided via the Waimakariri District Council.

The SSW project facilitators have been very effective in maintaining strong networks and connections to local service providers which is recognised as a key element to the success of SSW. The facilitator is responsible for compiling regular network notices and communications to keep all services informed of opportunities and initiatives within the local region. They maintain an active presence and participate in regional meetings and networking opportunities to ensure effective connections occur. The role also supports the working groups, collates important trend data, is developing an updated service mapping spread sheet, and coordinates the monthly SSW meetings.

Social Services Waimakariri is a unique and valuable community forum for collaboration between community providers of social services and partners from local and central government.

It has been my privilege to have been involved in this process over the past year.

Janet Eder

Independent Chair, SSW Waimakariri

J. Eder, Chair SSW 26 July 2016