Fox Valley Lutheran High School Report to the Federation – January 2015
Introduction: The 2014-15 school year, the 62ndyear in FVL’s history, found 554 students enrolled at FVL, up 9 from last year. This year’s theme is Growing in the Wisdom of God’s Wordand is based on Proverbs 2:1-8.
Faculty/Staff News:
- Mr. Adam Freyjoined the faculty as an English and Religion teacher and as a coach.
- Mrs. Anne Wilsonwent from part to full time in Math and Science instruction.
- Mr. Alan Nolte accepted a Call to provide K-12 curriculum leadership in our federation.
- Mr. Mark Krause, a member at Mt. Olive,is serving us in a part-time capacity in Woods and Graphic Arts.
- Pastor Bradley Ragner(Messiah, Shiocton) is teaching a section of Latin 1 for us this year.
- Mrs. Martha Baldwin(FVL Alum) joined our ministry team as our new Director of Operations.
- Mrs. Luann Zuberbierleft her front office position in November to pursue full time employment elsewhere
- Mrs. Gail Holdtjoined our front office staff in December, replacing Mrs. Zuberbier.
- Mr. StephenGranbergjoined FVL’s ministry team to serve as Principal.
- Mr. Tony Kubekannounced that he will be leaving his post as Development Coordinator to pursue other interests. We thank the Lord for his service!
- Director of Enrollment. This will be a new position at FVL, beginning on July 1.
Student Body:
- Students continue to take on many service activities – projects that help with tuition assistance, a tooth brush drive, serving our 220-plus guests on Veterans Day, serving in their local congregations/communities, etc.
- FVL’s composite ACT score from last year was 24.0 – in the top five in our area.
- 33 juniors and 6 seniors were inducted into the National Honor Society in early December.
- Presently, 92 8th grade students have finalized registered and have scheduled for next year’s freshman class.
- FVL entered the Wisconsin State Parental Choice Program, and 20 students are receiving this benefit.
- The Growing In Grace effort to retire the building debt by 2020 continues to receive generous support from many individuals and churches. Thank you! Over $120,000 has been gifted during this fiscal year towards the $300,000 goal. We plan to make the annual bond payment on March 1 to continue to reduce the debt.
- The annual FVL Dinner Auction was very successful, with the event raising almost $150,000. It was designated for operations, tuition assistance, the Technology Endowment Fund and Growing In Grace. Thanks to all who either were involved in organizing this event or who attended it in support of FVL’s ministry.
- Almost $355,000 in financial aid was applied to 104 students. Gifts for tuition assistance are greatly needed.
- The Legacy Effort to increase the Foundation’s assets to 5 million dollars by 2018 has 304 donors who have gifted $373,283 to this effort in the past year. Gifts towards this effort are also greatly appreciated, and will allow the Foundation to award more financial aid to students so they may attend FVL. Please consider a gift to this effort. We want all students who want to be at our school to be able to come and sit at Jesus’ feet.
Upcoming Events:
- Winterfest – January 25 – 11:00am – 4:00pm – Support the FVL Music programs.
- Discover FVL! - March 17 – 1:00-4:00(for all 7th grade students interested in attending FVL)
- Family Open House – March 17 – 4:30-6:30 (for unsure 8th graders, public school students, home school students, etc.)
Thank you for your partnership and for your ongoing prayers and support. We at the high school pray for the ministries of all of our local congregations as well. We may be in different physical locations, but our ministries are one: We preach and teach Jesus – the Word that became flesh, the One who has saved us all.
Please check out the newly designed FVL website at .