2016 -2017 St. Francis Wrestling Sponsor a Wrestler Form

We would like to thank you for choosing to sponsor one of our 2016-2017 St. Francis wrestlers. Your business and or individual sponsor of a wrestler will help go towards the costs of our two out of town tournaments. The costs include hotel rooms, bussing, food, entry fees, and more. The two out of town tournaments are the Minnesota Christmas Tournament and the Rumble on the Red. By sponsoring one of our wrestlers, you will receive recognition in our yearly wrestling program in the biography area of the wrestler you sponsored & receive a business ad in the book as well. Please attach a business card or logo you would like us to use. Electronic logos can be emailed to Jordan O’Connell ().

Please fill out the information below!


Business Name:

Individual/Family Name:


City: Zip Code: State:

Email Address:

Phone Number:

Please select a level of Sponsorship

(Place a checkmark in the sponsor you would like to do)

/ Level of Sponsorship / Amount
Platinum / $100.00 +
Gold / $100.00
Silver / $75.00
Bronze / $50.00

Please make checks payable to: St. Francis Wrestling Booster Club

Please return form and payment to Jordan O’Connell or John Lorenzen no later than November 25th.