2016-2017 Chanhassen High School:Student Information

GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue!!

ORIENTATION-Back to School Event:

*Seniors & * Juniors ~Monday, August 15TH 1:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

*Sophomores & *Freshmen ~Tuesday, August 16TH 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.

If this schedule does not work for you- please feel free to come on the day that works best for you!


It is important all students pick up their class schedules and that ALL 9th, 10th and 11th grade students have their pictures taken during Orientation. 12th grade students are NOT to have pictures taken this year.Student photos are required for the production of Student IDs. FYI…there is no charge for a picture ID taken by Life Touch.

Students should begin by having their school picture taken for their identification card and the yearbook. Seniors do NOT need their photos taken as they will be supplying the Yearbook staff with their Senior Picture. Students use their identification card for their drivers permit/license test, admittance to school dances, etc. If you wish to purchase pictures, please have the enclosed Lifetouch packet completed with payment for the package you are selecting. After having your picture taken go to the grade level table in the commons. Otherimportant forms can be found on our website:

Students and parents will pick-up their first semester schedule and locker combination at the check-in table. Parents can pay for food service and purchase a planner at this time if they wish. Parents and students are then encouraged to explore the building, locate their classrooms and try their locker combination. Parents can sign-up for 112 Parent Portal with a valid ID at Orientation.

On Wednesday, August 24, we will host an Open House for parents and community members. We will begin at 6:30 pm with a general session and introduction to our school. We will highlight exciting new programming within our school, as well as talk about the upcoming year. After, our staff will be in their classrooms to meet you informally. We look forward to seeing you then.

GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue!!

First Semester Scheduling Issues

Students who need to discuss a scheduling conflict or issue- may do so with a CNHS Counselor. Our Counselors’ will be available by appointment during the week of August 15-18. You may stop in their office during orientation to schedule appointments for that week, or call the numbers listed below to schedule your appointment.

Chanhassen High SchoolCounselors:

Counselor / House Office / Alpha / Phone
Neely Hagen
/ Spruce House / 12th Gd A-Fo, 9th (Non Quad)-11 Gds A-E / 952-556-8882
Morgan Kelley
/ Spruce House / 9th (Non Quad) – 12th Gds Fr-K / 952-556-8881
Chad Mattson
/ Loft Area / 12th Gd. L-R, All Quad A-Z / 952-556-3557
Jenny Crowe
/ Pine House / 12th Gd -S-Z, 9th (Non Quad)-11 Gds S-Z / 952-556-8952
Lori Ask
/ Pine House / 9th (Non Quad)-11 Gds L-R / 952-556-8951

Please do NOT request a schedule change to be with a specific teacher or with a friend. We will change schedules for academic reasons only! There will be many opportunities before and after school, between classes and at lunch to be with friends.

GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue!!

Attendance Reporting at ChanHS:

During the 2016-17 school year: When reporting your child’s absence- please call their Counselor’s office. (see the phone numbers above) This will allow parents, with multiple students at CNHS,to have one contact regarding their child(ren.)

GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue!!

Academic Record/Up-to-Date Transcripts

All seniors, juniors and sophomores will be able to check/print their own transcript off of their Student Portal in our Infinite Campus student information system.

Our high schools’ have joined forces with Docufide™ to bring you Secure Transcript™-- the safe, paperless way to send transcripts directly to the colleges you choose. It’s easy, it’s secure, and it’s available 24/7. Docufide™ will send out official transcripts, to the colleges and scholarship funds you choose. All public universities in Minnesota and Wisconsin are able to receive transcripts electronically along with many other out of state public and private colleges. Docufide™ sends a paper copy to colleges not able to receive an electronic transcript. Secure Transcript™ makes applying to college a little easier—for the school, for colleges and for you.

GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue!!

CNHS Student Supply List

CNHS does NOT have a student supply list. Students should come prepared with writing utensils and notebooks.

GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue!!

Parking Permit Pick-up

The purchase ofparking permits will start at our Orientation on August 15thand 16th. To obtain a CNHS parking permit a student must complete the permit application with signatures of both the student and parent/guardian. The student must also present a valid driver’s license, pay $220.00, and sign a pledge agreeing to follow the parking lot regulations.

Only students with valid annual permits or daily passes will be allowed on the lots. Vehicles without CNHS permits maybe subject to ticketing/towing. Students who do not have an annual permit but need to drive to school can purchase a Daily Pass from the Main Office for $5.00. Students using daily passes are expected to know and follow CNHS parking rules. Parking rules are available in the main office and on our website in the back to school information.

B Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! O

Lunch Ticket Prices

The costs of student lunches for the 2016-2017 school year are:

Pizza/ChowLine/Grill/Salad: $2.85 Milk: $.50

GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue!!

Request to EXCLUDE Student Directory Information

By law, District 112 is required to release Student Directory Information to those who request it. Directory information is that information on a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Directory information is considered public information. One of the purposes of directory information is to allowthe School District to include the following types of information about the student in official school publications, including, but not limited to, the yearbook, the student newspaper, graduation programs, honor roll or other recognition lists, sports programs, and drama playbills.

If you wish to exclude your student’s directory information from any published lists available to the public, a form must be completed and returned to the school office. The exclusion will become effective within five business days upon the school’s receipt of this completed form. The exclusion will be in effect for the remainder of the current school year. The Exclusion Request form must be completed (renewed) each school year.

GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue! GO Blue!!