2016-17 WASFAA Fiscal Planning Committee Meeting
10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.,Saturday,April 8, 2017
Vashon Room, Westin Hotel, Seattle, WA
Members present: Steve Herndon (Chair), Mindy Bergeron, Mike Johnson, Helen Faith, Ashley Coleman, Sun Ow, Ashley Salisbury, Nicole McMillin, Tami Sato
Guest(s) in attendance: Ashley Munro (SDBSI), Kay Soltis (Conference)
Member(s) absent:Barb Bickett, Leonard Walker
Steve called the meeting to order at 10:46am
Welcome, introduction of any guests, approval of the agenda– Steve
Motion to approve agenda
First –Tami Sato; Second –Mindy BergeronApproved
2017 Conference Update – Kay
- Conference has had issues with budget – many factors could be to blame such as decrease to office budgets, timing (near spring term start), being around Passover/Easter, etc.
- Goal was 300 attendees but only 238 registered
- 77 first time conference attendees, but only 34 RSVP’d to attend the Newcomer’s Session with lunch
- Jeff Baker will be attending
- Audio-visual expenses for this location were extremely expensive: $27,000 projected bill from Westin
- Kay suggests to see estimated cost of A/V equipment (and food prices) prior to signing a contract for conference location
- Monday’s continental breakfast was too expensive so bought Starbucks gift cards for all attendees instead to save over $20 a person
- Kay suggests, depending on location, perhaps offering a one day attendance option
- Kay will be doing a cost-analysis per day per person to get more details
- Mindy suggests also considering how much EC is paying for rooms (when taxes and resort fees included)
- Ashley M. suggests surveying those who did not attend conference to see why instead of speculating (we already survey attendees)
- Helen plans to have the Research Chair go over which schools are showing up to the conference and which are missing from year to year
2017 SDB Summer Institute Update – Ashley M.
- Registration at 59 currently (7 advanced, 30 intermediate, rest beginner) – 1 advanced from Boston
- Will need to request a budget increase at some point, because only budgeted for 100 right now and anticipate having more attendees
- Department of Education cannot attend since they can only attend 1 event in each region per year
Review minutes and ‘to dos’ from the February2017 meeting– Ashley C.
- No to-dos
Motion to approve February 2017 minutes
First –Mike Johnson; Second – Mindy BergeronApproved
Treasurer’s report overview from WASFAA Treasurer –Mindy
- Conference budgeted to have income $118,000 and spend $115,000 -- $125,500 already billed from Westin, excluding A/V of $27,000, so this conference will need to be subsidized
- $158,000 in operating account right now and $10,000 in Maximizer account. Mindy watching cash to make sure we have enough to pay costs. Will transfer another $50,000 from Charles Schwab to operating account next week to have enough to pay bills.
- 2016 taxes are due May 15th and Mindy will have same accountant as last year complete them
- Mindy will send out document about updated WASFAA insurance policies
- About 7 people requested refunds for conference based on illness or other circumstances and received full refund minus $50 membership fee
- Kay given $250 cash to pay for hotel tips for conference
Report of Vice President’s review of financial records – Nicole
- Reviewed documents through 3/31/2017
- Reviewed insurance policies with Mindy
- Recommends the ‘WASFAA gift’ budget item associated with VP position in budget to be split out between which events it is for – conference and SDBSI -- and should it be a line item with VP anyway?
Investment Tracking Tool– Steve
- Vanguard I and II and Charles Schwab accounts have all increased in value
- Current asset value 1.1 million
Consideration of any WASFAA FY 2017 Committee/Activity Budget Adjustment Requests – Steve
- Fund Development wishes to increase their budgeted income by $5,350 to account for additional income that has been generated
- Vice-President has requested an increase of $213 for budgeted expenses to cover the WASFAA Member Gift line item for conference water bottles
- These combined actions will result in reducing asset reserves dependence by a net $5,137
Motion to approve budgeted incomeincrease of $5,350for Fund Development and a budgeted expense increase for the WASFAA Member Gift by $213
First – Sun Ow; Second – Tami SatoApproved
If necessary, asset inventory review/update with Historical Archives Chair – Ashley S.
- No report; will have more information after going through storage after conference but before SDBSI
Fund Development Committee update – Sun
- 20 vendors, 4 new
- Vendors may be disappointed with estimate of 300 attendees because fewer are now anticipated
- 4 premium booths located in the middle of the room; those 4 will have business solutions sessions
- Approved budget of $400. Holding a drawing to attract people to come to vendor area. Prizes are two tablets and smaller prizes given during President’s Reception and Tuesday breakfast.
NASFAA FAC Update – Tami
- Meeting will be held on April 19-20
Discuss any unfinishedor new business – All
- Discussion of solicited suggestions concerning ways to help keep WASFAA’s expenses down, but maintain the essential services and quality of service to the membership – All
- Many of these suggestions have already been incorporated in the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan
- Suggestion to come up with set of priorities for EC to consider in the future
- To-Do: Steve will go through the document and put together list of suggestions and pass them onto Helen
- Review Fiscal Planning Committee Goals for 2016-17 -- Steve
- Accomplished all goals
Summarize highlights of the meeting for report at the Executive Council meeting– Steve
- Steve will present to the EC the vote on budget changes for Fund Development and the WASFAA Member Gift
Wrap-up and adjournment of meeting– Steve
Steve: Edit the document compiled with suggestions for keeping WASFAA’s expenses down and pass along to Helen
Motion to adjourn meeting at 11:58am
First – Helen Faith; Second –Nicole McMillinApproved
Email vote 4/25/17: Motion to approve April 2017 meeting minutes
First – Mike Johnson; Second – Nicole McMillinApproved