SundaySeptember 13, 2015Riverside Hotel

No Host Bar 4PM2900 Chinden Boulevard

Buffet 6PMBoise, Idaho 83714

Casual DressDiscount Hotel Reservations $89 plus tax

Use Code MK EVENT Phone – 208-343-1871

Please join us for the annual Retired and Veteran eMKayan dinner this year.

For those of you interested in playing golf on Saturday September 12 at Warm Springs Golf Club please complete the bottom section of the enclosed “Registration” form and include your payment for the green fees with the dinner, and annual dues.

(Continued from page 1)

Please complete the attached registration form and return it with your check as soon as possible, but no later than September 1, 2015. A self-addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience.

The Riverside Hotel is located at 2900 Chinden Boulevard in Garden City.

The Warm Springs Golf Club is in East Boise at2495 Warm Springs Avenue, Boise, ID 83712.

We look forward to seeing you and your spouse or guests.

Have you heard? The Boise Legacy Constructors Foundation has been able to change their name back to “Morrison Knudsen Foundation”, and they are carrying on their mission under this honorable old name once again. They have a web site at: check them out.

Bill Goodrich worked up an index to EmKayan magazine projects by year and month and this index is now available on the MK Foundation Website.

The MK Nature Center has formed a Friends of MKNC group and applied for a 501 C (03) tax free charitable organization status. The IRS is reviewing the application and we expect to receive their approval this year. A fair number of EmKayans are supporting the MKNC.

The Harry Morrison Dam at the Boise White Water Park has been very successful and the park is well used by kayakers, surfers and paddlers as well as families just enjoying a down town beach along the Boise River. A Phase II project is in the works that will extend the White Water Park another half mile downstream and add three recreation pools for various levels of rafting expertise. Some naming opportunities will exist if some would like to propagate the name of Morrison Knudsen Corporation in a Kiosk or overlook area, or individual commemoration plaques and the like.

The reunion committee is seeking additional members if you would like to participate. Contact Tony or Jay if interested.

Your Reunion Committee:

Chairman, Tony Sandor(208) 345-4652

Treasurer,Golf Coordinator,Jay Gould (208) 412-9866

Committee MembersFackler, Dale

Goodrich, Bill

Veteran eMKayans


Member Name______

Email Address______

Enclosed is my check for dinner:$35 ea. x ______$______

Golf Green Fees, cart, etc. – 18 holes. $50 each $___ea. x _____=$______

Golf Lunch $9.00 each $______

Annual Dues –(Postage, Printing, Envelopes, etc.)$5.00$ 5.00

Total Enclosed$______

(Please make checks payable to “Veteran eMKayans” Mail in

Enclosed envelope to Jay Gould 12823 W. Grenadier Drive,Boise, ID 83713)

Please list your names exactly as you want them to appear on your Name Tag



□ Dues are enclosed(to ensure future invitations please include your $5.00 Dues.)

□ Sorry, can’t come this year but keep me on the list. (Dues are enclosed.)

□ Please remove me from the mailing list

Change my address to the following______


Those of you that want to play 18 holes of golf on Saturday, September 12at Warm Springs Golf Clubplease provide details below. As indicated above the cost is $50 a person per day including cart. Tee time scheduled for 9:30 AM.A BBQ Lunch is available after golf at a cost of $9.00 each.

Player Names plus handicap:


(If you have a twosome or foursome please list the names and handicap for same start time)

Warm Springs Golf Club 2495 Warm Springs Avenue, Boise, ID 83712

Clubhouse contact: 208-343-5661

(For questions on the golf outing, please contact Jay Gould at (208) 412-9866