| 2015 Client Excellence Awards

Applicationdeadline: October 23, 2015

Contact Information:

Facility/System/Practice Name
Applicant’s Name / Title
Email / Phone
Mailing Address
City, State / Website URL

Organization Profile:

Facility/Practice location (city, state):
Annual ED Patient Volume (APV):
Number of hospital beds:
Approximate number of physicians:
Approximate number of nurses:
(For facilities)Physician staffing type:
Recent awards rec’d by hospital/ED:
HIS product:

Solution Details:

Please select which of the following T-Systemsolutions you are using in your facility or facilities:

TSheets® / EV™ / RevCycle+™ / Professional Services
 TSheets for physicians / Patient tracking /  Facility coding /  ED Transformation
 TSheets for nurses /  Physician charting /  Physician coding /  CDI
 TSheets for primarycare /  Nurse charting /  Physician billing
 TSheets for urgentcare /  Order entry (CPOE) /  Consulting services
T Sheets Digital /  Discharge instructions / Backup coding
STAT / Advanced coding system
 Care continuity
 eRx
 iTriage connectivity
 Decision Support
 Image Center
 EV Intelligence

Application Questions:

Your application will be judged based on specific and measurable improvements that have resulted through the use of one or more ofT-System’s solutions. The strongest applications includedetailed, quantifiable data, examples and anecdotes to help in the award selection process.

Please answer all applicable questions in an attached Word document.Feel free to attach any additional information that you feel will help in the decision process.

1.What services, system or documentation method did you use prior to T-System, and what was the most significant factor for selecting T-System?

2.Describe thechallenges your organization faced prior to working with T-System. Examples may include lengthy wait times, regulatory compliance, reimbursement, efficiency or patient safety and satisfaction.

3.Describe your performance prior to implementing T-System solutions. If available, please include performance metrics (e.g., average length of stay prior to T-System implementation, percent of patients who left without being seen, etc.)

4.Describe the improvements you sawafter T-System solutions were integrated in your emergency department, facility or practice. Please include performance metrics if available (e.g., received $X in federal funding, attested to Stage 1 Meaningful Use, improved door-to-doc time from 42 to 30 minutes, increased revenue by 12 percent, etc.)

5.Describe any changes in processes or workflow that helped support your improvements.

6.Describe in detail how T-System solutions enabled/supported the improvements you described above.

7.Identify in order of importance the top five benefits achieved from the use of T-System solutions. Please note, these benefits can span more than one award category.

8.If applicable, describe how T-System professional services (implementation, training, support, etc.) contributed to your improvements.

9.Please provide the names and titles of people in your organization who were keys to your success.

10.Any additional comments or staff testimonials:

Additional Materials:

  • High-resolution logo
  • Photograph of facility

Client Agreement:

The following agreement must be accepted by the applicant as an authorized agent of their company.

I authorize T-System to present the results outlined in my application, along with my company name and logo, in various marketing and public relations materials, such as clientcase studies, press releases, web pages and other printed literature.

Authorized Signature: / Title:
Name (printed): / Date:

Please send completed applications by October 23, 2015 to Kaitlyn Herron at .

For more information, contact Kaitlyn Herronat 469-791-5585.

Copyright 2014T-System, Inc. All rights reserved.