/ Lake Desire Community Meeting
7:00 PM
Lake Desire Clubhouse
  1. Call to Order 7:10pm- President Heather Stafford - Those in attendance, Suzy Gillett, Heather Stafford, Heather Smith, Susan Hill, Cody Dance, and Tammie Cook
  1. Treasurer’s Report –Proposed 2015 budget by Heather Smith: Currently have $11,974.66in our checking account, and a brokerage account with funds earmarked for lake restoration/clean up.Rentals collected to date are$2,020.00so far.
  2. 2014 Actual Budget Available – Tammie suggested getting an energy audit to see if there is anything we can do to reduce the electrical bill.
  3. 2015 Budget Proposal - Need receipt for newsletter stamps
  4. Vote to invest 70% of $49,668.59 in the Money Market in a series of CDs at either BECU or BofA, whichever has the best terms. Must leave at least $10,000 in the Money Market. – Tabled until next meeting due to lack of quorum (7 members).
  5. Discuss possible Rental Management fee increase from 15% to 20%.
  1. Rentals
  2. Update from Rental Coordinator – Heather Smith – AA dissolved so are no longer meeting on Wed nights, but the Light of the City Ministries is meeting on Tuesdays and Sundays. We have a new group Renton Girlfriends who are meeting a few times, and will invite women over 40 to attend from community. Rentals going well so far.
  1. LDCC Updates
  2. Membership update – Heather Smith
  3. 2012 (60) = 32.43%
  4. 2013 (71) = 38.38%
  5. 2014 (67) = 36.22%
  6. 2015 (53) = 28.65% received thus far
  7. Officers update - Vote count and confirmation of Officers – Mailed Ballots counted and the following were voted in as officers for 2015:
  8. President – Suzy Gillett
  9. Vice President – Heather Stafford
  10. Treasurer – Heather Smith
  11. Secretary – Open
  12. Board/Director – Heather Stafford
  1. Upcoming Events
  • Lake Desire Fundraiser - Hard Cider Tasting/Appetizers/Photo Show – Saturday, March 21 6:30pm
  • Photo display by professional photographer Michael Diegel of Covington. – 5pm set up.
  • Appetizers catered byKaren Rafchiek of The Red Tea Room Fine Foods of Fairwood. – Heather Smith confirmed at 25 people.
  • Admission $15 per person. There will be a split the pot raffle. Heather Smith will help at the door, and we need one more volunteer to help with the raffle. Set up at 5pm. Heather Stafford will bring card table.
  • This event is for adults over 21 only.
  • Coordinator: Tammie Cook will get the cider (4 tastes per person). She will get plates and cups.
  • Easter Egg Hunt– Saturday, April 4th at 1pm
  • Set up at noon
  • Bring a snack to share
  • Clubhouse to provide eggs and prizes – GS Troop will stuff 3/20 - Hsmith
  • Coordinator: Suzy Gillett
  • Annual Spring Plant & Seed Swap –Saturday, May 2nd at 10am
  • Bring plant starts, seeds, or any other item to share
  • Need help with set up and clean up
  • Coordinator: Heather Stafford
  • Roadside and clubhouse cleanup – Saturday, May 16 at 9 AM
  • See Maintenance
  • Lake Desire Rummage Sale – Saturday, June 6 from 9am – 3pm.
  • Coordinator: TBD – Misty?
  • Lake Desire Summer BBQ – Thursday, August 4 at 6pm.
  • Coordinator: Suzy Gillett
  1. New Business
  2. Mailbox Maintenance
  3. East Lake Desire mailbox bank damaged in apparent car accident
  4. How to address this maintenance – This first time, Lake Desire contacted residents, paid to get them fixed, and collected money from each resident in the mailbox cluster for reimbursement.
  5. How to address future maintenance – In the future, each mailbox cluster needs a captain. The mailbox captain will be in charge of collecting money and paying to address any future repairs for their mailbox cluster. Captains can contact - Lockbox NW – Dave, , 206-271-4814, for repairs on their own.
  6. Personalized Paver Fundraiser
  7. Mammoth Stoneworks personalized pavers include 2 lines of engraving, up to 20 characters per line; no minimum order; 3 weeks to produce. Sell for $50-$100 each. Install near firepit or path; club to pay for installation (e.g. labor and sand) – Suzy will get a sample so we can see at our next meeting. Plan to offer this summer and install in fall 2015.
  8. Concrete paver 4-7/16”x 8-7/8” x 2-1/4” (cost $19.45 ea) – Sell for $50 each
  9. Clay paver 4”x 8” x 1 1/2" (cost $19.45 ea) - Sell for $50 each
  10. Patio paver 12” x 12” (cost $28.75 ea) – Sell for $60 each
  • Upcoming King County Forest Management Meeting regarding McGarvey Park – March 166pm – 8:30pm at Northwood Middle School. – Tom Stafford will attend and report back.
  1. Old Business
  • Update on Lighting at Petrovitsky Park – Heather Stafford

Tom Goff, Chief of Staff for Reagan Dunn, suggested we attend any upcoming Town Hall Meetings to make sure we are still in the queue for lighting fixes.

  • Update on Weed Abatement – if available – Hsmith will check on Ben for next meeting.
  1. Maintenance
  2. Clean-Ups Update

Lake Desire Clubhouse and Roadside Cleanup Saturday, May 16th at 9am

  • Roadside Cleanup – meet at the Boat Launch at 9am
  • Coordinator: Heather Stafford
  • Clubhouse Project Day – meet at the Clubhouse at 9am
  • Coordinator: Suzy Gillett
  • Finalize project list for volunteers
  • Replace broken ceiling tiles ($36.28/8-pack x 2 = $72.56 plus tax at Home Depot)
  • Top off gravel in parking lot ($300/10 yards plus tax at Carpenitos; Sonja to spread)
  • Demolition of chair hangers in bathroom and rehome old chairs (no cost)
  • Dig up septic tank
  • Replaced Lightbulbs – Done ($97.72 at Home Depot)
  • Fix Buffet Table legs loose
  • Weeding/Cleaning
  • Establish budget for yard maintenance and secure someone to do it - $400 – Heather Smith will confirm Colton Snure.
  • Pump septic tank in May after work day ($400 plus tax at Neighbors)
  • Introduce Cody Dance – Welcome to our new handyman to help at Clubhouse! Cody lives in the Lake Desire neighborhood, and offered to help for a discount rate.
  • Fix floor transitions
  • Blow/Clean off roof
  • Fix Back Outdoor Light – We put in new bulb but doesn’t work?
  • Reroute downspout
  • Fix cabinet in storage room
  • New bathroom doors and knobs (prehung doors $96.85 ea at Home Depot; knobs $19.92 ea at Home Depot)
  • Bid on shed roof
  1. Capital Improvements:
  2. King County Community Award– We received a $500 grant toward the purchase of new folding chairs and a cart for the Clubhouse. Buy before May 2015
  3. Vote to purchase new chairs and rack ($1039.99/32 chairs and rack plus tax and $115.99/4 chairs plus tax at Costco). Tabled until next meeting due to lack of quorum (7 members).
  4. Vote to purchase additional 6’ table ($51.68 plus tax at Sam’s Club). Tabled until next meeting due to lack of quorum (7 members).
  5. Update bathroom (cost TBD)
  6. Update kitchen (cost TBD)
  7. Roof on shed (bid in 2011 at asphalt roof for $550, metal roof for $585)
  8. Water quality project?
  1. Meeting Adjourned at 8:40pm – Next Meeting TBD

Lake Desire Community AgendaTyped 11/13/2018