2015 Arapahoe Warrior Cross Country Invitational Course Description

Starting line to High Line Canal Trail
- go around right side of the evergreen that is straight ahead from the starting line, turn left onto the trail

Cross bridge toward tennis courts
- watch out for the metal poles!!!
- for the first/second laps after crossing the bridge, run straight ahead into the grass and follow the flags back to the trail

Water Crossing #1
- cross the road leading into Goodsen Rec Center and continue straight until the 2nd marked turn on your left
- BE CAREFUL = no jumping from the top of the embankment, take a few steps down the embankment and run through the creek

Back to the Highline
- exit the creek bed, take a left and then follow the path that veers to the right toward the highline canal trail
- when you get to the top of the short but steep hill, turn left back onto the trail

Start Loop #2
-follow the Highline along the same route as the first lap to the road entering the Goodson Rec Center off of University
-continue straight on the trail until the first marked left turn, this trail will take you along the north end of the Goodsen Rec Center
- follow the flags through the short stretch of field and take a sweeping turn around the parking lot fence
-where the fence ends, follow the arrows and run through a dozen parking spaces until you can turn right onto a bridge
-cross the bridge and take an immediate left before the pavilion
- RUN IN THE GRASS on the right of the concrete sidewalk until the path curves, continue in the grass in a straight line toward the next bridge
-cross the bridge and take an immediate right then follow the flags to the creek crossing
- cross the creek where indicated and cut across the field behind the starting line, climb up to the highline canal trail and go left

Finishing Loop
- follow the trail to the bridge leading to the tennis courts
- run on the grass strip between the tennis courts and basketball court
-follow the flags to the finishing stretch, run straight toward the finish line!