2015-2016DRAFTContinuous School and Department Improvement Goals and Action Plans

  1. Draft goals are submitted no later than one week before Performance Appraisal Conference.
  2. Schedule Performance Appraisal Conference with supervisor by end of September
  3. Supervisor sends the copies of final forms combined in a Performance Appraisal Packet to Superintendent of Schools.
Name: Mary Ann Chapko
Date: June 15, 2015
2015-2018 Goal & Measurable Target/Benchmark: All students will maximize their individual growth in the area of language arts in a statistically significant way.
Data Sources Used to Determine Goal:
  1. ISTEP+ All School Passing Rate will remain above the 95th percentile.
  2. End of Year (EOY) mCLASS levels for 95% of K-2 students will be at or above benchmark.
  3. The demonstrated growth will be within the upper right quadrant of the Indiana Growth Model in both language arts and math.

ACTION Plan Strategies
Teachers will teach:
Teachers will display, teach/model the 6-traits
Teachers will read literature with specific examples of traits
Students will write using the 6-traits for narrative/expository writing
Teachers will model guided reading strategies
Teachers will work in guided reading groups with students according to their needs
Kindergarten teachers implemented the common core standards in 2011.
First grade teachers implemented the common core standards in 2012.
Teachers will implement CP 2.0 E/LA Blended Learning Curriculum.
The use of Literacy Coaches will be implemented.
Teachers will use writing assessments
Early Star Reading Tests
Star Reading Tests (1st grade only)
R.T.I., mClass
Teachers will teach:
Teachers will teach the traits used in writing.
Teachers will read literature with specific examples of writing traits used.
Teachers will model quality writing using the traits and rubrics during mini-lessons.
Teachers will display traits, trait language and symbols, as well as examples of literature using trait.
Teachers will evaluate student progress using the traits rubric during informal student writing conferences.
Students will score writing using a rubric to self-evaluate their writing, as well as, writing samples and through peer editing.
Teachers will formally assess writing of students four times a year through Writing assessments.
Teachers will use data collected from formal and informal assessments to guide further instruction.
Parents will reflect on their child’s writing once a year.
Teachers will model guided reading strategies (mental images, making connections, asking questions, drawing inferences, determining importance and synthesizing information during teacher read-alouds.
Teachers will work with students according to skills addressed as well as weaknesses, in the strategies.
Teachers will attend professional development led by Kristina Smekens as well as other inservices pertaining to guided reading practices.
Teachers will evaluate ISTEP+ data/scores to find strengths and weaknesses to guide instruction.
Teachers will use Mclass results to guide instruction as well as identify student weaknesses.
Second grade teachers will continue to implement the new Indiana standards in 2016.
Teachers will implement CP 2.0 E/LA Blended Learning Curriculum.
The use of Literacy Coaches will be implemented.
Teachers will teach:
6+1 Traits of Writing
Jr. Great Books
Guided Reading
Teachers will implement CP 2.0 E/LA Blended Learning Curriculum.
The use of Literacy Coaches will be implemented.
Teachers and Paraprofessionals will teach and use:
6 data points of collection
Small group instruction
All Grades:
The music teacher will model and reinforce literacy skills through performing, creating and responding to songs and song materials using mental images, imagery and imagination, context and inference.
Students will be provided musical opportunities and experiences which connect, correlate, or integrate the 6+ 1 Traits of Writing.
Students will be guided in story-telling devices through songs materials (main idea, voice, character, sequencing of events, recalling details, drawing conclusions and making predictions)
Physical Education
All Grades;
The physical education teacher will model literacy skills through speaking (giving directions to games, dances, and activities)
The students will model literacy skills by being able to write the answers on P.E. written quizzes from the spoken directions and observation of the P.E. teacher
P.E. teacher will track student progress towards individual goals.
All Grades;
The art teacher will model literacy skills through discussion and visual aid of historic artworks by ways of observation, reading about art and artists, exploring culture, and demonstrating art projects.
In the production of art, students will use a variety of media incorporating textiles, graphics, collage, multimedia, clay, and printmaking.
Students will discover rhythm, repetition, pattern by involvement of geometric shapes, perspective, ability to use rulers, demonstrate movement in their individual art, create story and harmony by viewing a multitude of art throughout history past and current. SRA curriculum is a reference used for students to do research and view art. Students will create art based on family and personal experience demonstrating perceptual skills and using symbols to express their ideas.
Students will use writing skills in forms of critique and analysis of their own art and others. Demonstration of vocabulary, properties, current events, past events, personal interests will be reviewed by teacher in the assessment.
Students will use writing skills and research to learn about art and the creation of art. / Timeline 15-16
2015-2016 School Year. / Indicators/Evaluation
  • State ISTEP+ assessments
  • IREAD assessment
  • mCLASS BOY, MOY, and EOY assessments, progress monitoring
  • STAR Reading BOY, MOY, and EOY assessments, progress monitoring, and Student Growth Percentile (SGP)
  • ISTAR-KR; mClass Circle
  • CP 2.0 Assessments
/ Personnel Responsible
Grades K,1
General Education
LRE Teachers;
Grade 2
General Education
LRE Teachers;
Grades 3,4,5
General Education
LRE Teachers;
Speech Teachers;
ECD Teachers;
Music Teacher;
P.E. Teachers;
Art Teachers;
  1. Draft goals are submitted no later than one week before Performance Appraisal Conference.
  2. Schedule Performance Appraisal Conference with supervisor by end of September
  3. Supervisor sends the copies of final forms combined in a Performance Appraisal Packet to Superintendent of Schools.

One page per goal (3-5 goals) Specific, measurable, high-impact, mission focused /
  1. Draft goals are submitted no later than one week before Performance Appraisal Conference.
  2. Schedule Performance Appraisal Conference with supervisor by end of September
  3. Supervisor sends the copies of final forms combined in a Performance Appraisal Packet to Superintendent of Schools.