ATTACHMENT “A” --- December 2017
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(Fayette, Greene, Washington and Westmoreland Counties)
- This work shall be performed per these specifications and additional instructions as directed by the District Roadside Specialist to accomplish the required work during the term of the contract.
- The District Roadside Specialist or designee may accompany this operation throughout each County and issue required specific instructions relative to this work. The treatment of upper regions of cut slopes is of prime importance in this program. Physical placing of these items of work shall commence within seven (7) calendar days from receipt of the notice to proceed and be completed as required for mulch material and bulk spread lime and fertilizer for all plant material.
- All material and operations shall conform to the current PENNDOT Specifications, PUB 408, with the following exceptions: subsections 804.3(b) tillage, 804.3(f) rolling, 804.3(g) mow line delineation, 804.3(h) herbicides and 804.3(j) maintenance.
- It is understood the items specified may be disturbed within the District at various locations.
- It is understood the quantities of seeding, mulching and planting may be increased or decreased depending on the need, because of grading operation, slide repair projects, etc.
- It is understood the Department may request the contractor to perform any portion of this work at any time during the contract period.
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- Unless directed otherwise by the DRS all listed seed Formulas except Formula “E” are to be treated with soil supplements. Allareas shall receive the following materials per each 1,000 square yards of surface areas:
Agriculture Pulverized Limestone800 lb.
10-20-20 Analysis Commercial Fertilizer140 lb.
38-0-0 Urea form, fertilizer or 50 lb.
32-0-0 to 38-0-0 Sulfur Coated Urea 59 to 50 lb.
B.Refer to Page 7 of these specifications for seeding formulations and rates.
C.Unless otherwise indicated or directed, Application rates for mulch and all other items as well as planting procedures shall be indicated in the current PENNDOT Specifications, PUB 408.
- Additional Material; Plant Material & Plant Installation Contingency All purchasesunder this item will be paid at cost plus fifteen percent (15%). Plant material mayalso be purchased in place with all plants installedpercurrent RC-91M standards (attached to Attachment “A”). When requested by the Department, the contractor shall provide a written estimate of the required work for the Departments’ review before approval.
- The contractor shall provide all necessary warning lights, signs, flags, amber flashing lights, etc. – to assure maximum safety to the public and minimize interference with the normal flow to traffic. All traffic control shall be in accordance with current PENNDOT Work Zone Traffic Control. Publications 212 & 213.
- Where reasonably feasible, all operations shall be conducted from off the travel lanes.
- The contractor shall comply with all State and Federal laws and to OSHA safety requirements.
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- If, for any reason, the contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the contract, Section 1083.09 of the current PENNDOT Specifications, PUB 408 shall prevail when said specifications are incorporated by reference hereto.
- The Department (District Roadside Specialist or designee) and contractor’s representative shall certify to the satisfactory application of the specified materials.
- The contractor shall complete and submitthe District 1200 Roadside Daily Cost Report Form per, Attachment A;Page 8 0f 9, DISTRICT 1200 DIRECTIONS FOR PAYMENT.
Prequalification of bidders as specified in Section 102.01 of the current PENNDOT Specifications, PUB 408 is required.
- Notice to proceed will be issued by the District Roadside Specialist or designee at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of his schedule work.
- The contractor shall contact the District Roadside Specialist or designee at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of his schedule work.
- Square yards of seeding and-or mulching completed will be paid for at the contract unit bid price based on the amounts of seed / soil supplements and mulch applied.
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Pub 408 Section 805.2(a)MATERIAL
1.e Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM).
Specially prepared, water soluble, biodegradable, hydraulically appliedsystem of long strand wood fibers held together by a bonding agent, which adheres to the soil surface and upon dryingforms a continuous, insoluble, three dimensional, non-dispersible protective crust-like soil covering.
1.e.1 Polymer or Hydrocolloid Binder Matrix.
1.e.1.a Wood Fiber.
Specially prepared, long strand (min. 25% 3/8-inch length), air-dried wood fibers(88% to 92% by weight) manufactured from wood chips, bark, or clean wood waste products, and conforming to thefollowing requirements:
Moisture content 15% maximum
Water holding capacity 1000 minimum
(Grams of water per 100 grams of fiber)
1.e.1.b Bonding Agent.
High-strength tackifier of powdered polysaccharide guar gum, blendedhydrocolloid-based binder, hydrophilic, or co-polymer material 5 to 12% by weight.
1.e.1.c Synthetic Fiber.
System may contain up to 5% by weight of crimped, polyester fibers or othersynthetic fibers with wetting and dispersion agents manufactured for use in mulching applications.
1.e.1.d Dye.
System may contain a nontoxic, water soluble, colored dye to aid in the visual applicationcoverage of the matrix.
1.e.1.e Activator.
System may contain up to 1% by weight of organic and mineral fertilizers
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1.e.2 Gypsum Binder Matrix
1.e.2.a Wood Fiber.
Specially prepared, long strand (min. 25% 3/8-inch length), air-dried wood fibersmanufactured from wood chips, bark, or clean wood waste products, and conforming to the following requirements:
Moisture content 15% maximum
Water holding capacity 1000 minimum
(Grams of water per 100 grams of fiber)
1.e.2.b Bonding Agent.
Naturally occurring, high purity, processed hemi-hydrate gypsum withmanufacturer's system additives, which when combined with water will form a cementitious binder that will produce
a crust-like soil covering within 4 to 8 hours after application. Material that has become partially air set, lumpy, orcaked before use is not acceptable for use.
1.e.2.c Synthetic Fiber.
Synthetic fibers manufactured for use in mulching applications, coated withwetting and dispersion agents.
1.e.2.d Dye.
System may contain a nontoxic, water soluble, colored dye to aid in the visual applicationcoverage of the matrix.
(e) Bonded Fiber Matrix.
1. General.
Prepare surfaces as specified in Section 804.3(b). Scarify all slopes greater than 3:1 to ensure a
rough texture for lodging of seed and BFM. Apply seed at twice the rate specified in Section 804.2(b)2 Table A. Apply
soil supplements as specified in Section 804.3(c).
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2. Application.
- Apply bonded fiber matrix components hydraulically with hydromulching (hydroseed)equipment manufactured for this
purpose. Follow manufacturer's mixing and application instructions.
- The bonded fiber matrix components may be incorporated as an integral part of the seeding and soil supplementapplication if seeding and soil supplements are applied hydraulically.
- Apply polymer binder or hydrocolloid binder matrixes at an application rate of 3,000 pounds per acre or asindicated to provide a uniform soil surface coverage thickness of 0.16-inch maximum after drying. Test applicationprocedures to ensure a uniform application rate. Do not apply within 24 hours of anticipated rainfall.
- Mix gypsum binder matrix components in a homogenous slurry in the following proportions for each 100 gallonsof water: gypsum binder—150 pounds; wood fiber—40 pounds; and synthetic fiber—0.6 pounds. Apply gypsumbinder matrix at an application rate of 6,000 pounds per acre or as indicated so that the soil surface is covereduniformly. Do not apply within 12 hours of anticipated rainfall.
- Place BFM material at least 18 inches beyond the toe and top of all slopes. Apply material indirections to provide as much uniform coverage with no gaps or spaces greater than 0.04 inch.
Mulching – Bonded Fiber Matrix. Square Yard.
By mutual consent of both parties this contract is renewable for two (2) year periods for a total of two (2) renewals. Each renewal will receive a Four (4%) percent increase on the unit price for each item.
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A.The Contractor may invoice the Department only after acceptance of the completed contract work.
B.The Contractor shall prepare the current version of the District1200 Roadside Daily Cost Report Form (attached to these specifications) daily, or as directed by the Department. The contractor’s representative must sign this report. These reports will serve as the basis for payment. The original District 1200 Roadside Daily Cost Report Form (s) along with a completed Confirmation of Services Form (Form OS-501) completed by county or crew (as directed by the Department) is to be forwarded to the District Roadside Unit. The contractor should make appropriate copies for their records.
All payrolls and invoices shall be correlated with the Payment paper work and processed through the Address listed on the Purchase Order for payment. NO INVOICING IS PERMITTED PRIOR TO THE CONTRACTOR RECEIVING notification that the completed work has been accepted.
C.Payment shall be based on the total number of item units worked per specification requirements as reported on the District1200 Roadside Daily Cost Report Form and verified via GPS report (s) and tracking.
The DRS will notify the Contractor if corrections are needed. Each Form OS-501 shall be itemized, include sufficient detail, and coordinate with the line items on the Purchase Order. Untimely or incomplete submissions of Form OS 501 and required supporting documentation may delay processing of a “proper invoice” as required by the Payment section of the Terms and Conditions.
Invoices shall be submitted by the Contractor on a “Per approved weekly submitted OS-501 package” (with support documentation). For further instructions regarding invoicing, see the Billing Requirements section of the Terms and Conditions.
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