We are delighted that you have decided to pursue certification as a professional coach. As a UBC Coach, you will have the opportunity to build on your existing talents and skills; support UBC staff and faculty to achieve their personal and professional goals; and, together with the 50 Certified Coaches who form UBC’s Coaching Community of Practice, contribute to the advancement of coaching in our learning, leadership and management at UBC.

As a starting point, please ensure that you read and complete the forms in this package and provide the requested documentation. The package in its entirety must be received by

11:59 pm on Sunday, November 30, 2014.

Your completed Coach Internship Program Application Package will contain seven (7) items:

Completed and signed documents within this package:

  1. Application Form
  2. Manager Approval Form
  3. Expectations of UBC Coach Interns


  1. Your Letter of intention
  2. Your Resume
  3. A Letter of support from a third party (e.g., colleague, supervisor, peer, professional coach)
  4. Names of three (3) contacts for references

Forward your completed Application Package to Coaching@UBC in one of the following ways.

By email:

By Campus Mail:


UBC Human Resources, Organizational Development & Learning

600 – 6190 Agronomy Road

Campus Mail Zone 3

By Fax: 604-822-8134

Thank you for your interest in Coaching@UBC’s Coach Internship Program.

Our independent selection committee will review your application and notify you of the status of your application by January 2015.



Click here to enter text. / Email
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Phone Numbers (work/ cell/ home)
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Affiliation (ie. CUPE 2950, CUPE 116, AAPS etc)
Click here to enter text.

Note: UBC ContinuingStudies in partnership with Coaching@UBC launched the UBC Certificate in Organizational Coaching in Fall 2013. We encourage our Coaching Internship Program applicants to explore this unique program focused on organizational coaching and its comprehensive mentorship and practicum led by our own Coaching@UBC Certified Coaches. For more information on this program, go to

What school are you choosing to be certified with?

Click here to enter text.

When is your program start date?

Click here to enter text.

When is your estimated program completion date?

Click here to enter text.

What are your options for professional development funding?

Click here to enter text.

What funding have you secured?

Click here to enter text.

What funding are you requesting from the Coach Internship program?

Click here to enter text.

Note about funding: Coaching@UBC views funding for this training as a shared responsibility between the Coach Interns and UBC. We expect you will access all sources of professional development funding available to you through UBC and that together with your request for internship funding, will amount to 50 to 60% of your total program cost. (i.e. UBC 50 to 60%/ Intern 40 to 50%). Extenuating circumstances are considered, so do not let personal financial circumstances prevent your application. For more information, please contact

I have read and understand this application.

Date Click here to enter a date.



Coaching@UBC is a mobilized force of 70 Certified Coaches offering free one-on-one coaching services to UBC faculty and staff. Our UBC Coaches come from diverse backgrounds; hold executive, academic head, faculty, director, manager and CUPE positions; have widely varying subject matter expertise; and are connected to the life of the University. The Coaches understand our organizational culture and contribute to the vision and values that inform many of the commitments in Place and Promise, as well as our mid-level plans including Focus on People and the Respectful Environment initiative.

In order to continue to build the capacity of the Coaching@UBC program, we are committed to supporting faculty and staff who are interested in pursuing certification as professional coaches.

Employees who provide coaching services do so on work time for a minimum of 4 hours a month as Coach Interns. This time commitment can be reduced or increased for a short period of time to ensure the coach’s work is not compromised.

(Click the check box) / Yes / No
Training for coach certification may require your employee to take time away from work. Have you discussed each of your requirements in terms of work commitments and reached agreement? / ☐ / ☐
The practicum for coach certification requires approval of a 4-hour commitment of paid work time for your employee to coach UBC staff and faculty through Coaching@UBC. Do you agree to this requirement? / ☐ / ☐
Have you discussed in what way this training may benefit your unit/department? / ☐ / ☐
Have you read and understood the Coaching@UBC Expectations of Coach Interns, which your employee has signed? / ☐ / ☐

I understand and support this application.

Name of Applicant / Click here to enter text.
Name of Manager / Click here to enter text.
Signature of Manager
Date / Click here to enter a date.

If you have any questions, please contact Coaching@UBC at , 604.822.3351 or



As a Coach Intern applicant, we ask that you please review the following expectations and sign below to acknowledge that you have read and understood them.

As a UBC Coach Intern, you will:

  • Remain in good standing as a student and successfully complete the requirements of your Accredited Coach Training Program.
  • Participate in an evaluation process as required by Coaching@UBC to assess coaching competencies and readiness to coach UBC faculty and staff.
  • When coaching proficiency is demonstrated, your Coaching@UBC online portal account will be set up and will display your coaching bio, picture and availability to coach. (
  • When you begin coaching UBC Clients, you will be responsible to update your online portal account (personal data and coaching contracts) on a regular basis
  • Respond to UBC faculty and staff client requests within 2 weeks. Discuss joint responsibility of client and “coach-in-training” in first pre-selection meeting/discussion.
  • Ensure that the Coaching Agreement is reviewed and signed by both parties at the start of the coaching relationship and that a copy of the agreement is provided to the client.
  • Coaching for UBC clients is at no cost. For each of your clients, you will provide a minimum of two coaching sessions per month for up to three months. Sessions typically range in length from 30 minutes to one hour.
  • Coach a minimum of 4 hours month.
  • Keep notes you take during your coaching sessions in a secure place. At the conclusion of the coaching engagement, either offer your notes to the client, ask permission to keep them for future reference or, if the client requests, shred them.
  • Prepare client for completion and closure after 6 sessions. If you and you client agree to further coaching, create a new contract.
  • Be familiar with and comply with the International Coach Federation (ICF) code of ethics or the

International Association of Coaching (IAC) ethical code of ethics with UBC professional standards for coaching.

  • Use any UBC forms requested by Coaching@UBC. Specifically, request that your client complete the online Feedback form when your coaching engagement is complete.




  • Participate in a periodic coaching review with a mentor coach appointed by Coaching@UBC. These routine reviews of both Certified and Intern Coaches may be done as audited phone calls, as Skype audio or video calls, observed in person, or recorded and submitted.
  • Participate on a regular basis in Coaching@UBC events for UBC Coaches including:
  • Monthly Internal UBC Coach Meetings
  • Quarterly UBC Coaching Community of Practice Meetings
  • Professional Development sessions
  • Annual Retreat
  • Maintain regular contact with Coaching@UBC and inform us about any changes that might affect your ability to fulfill this agreement.
  • If you leave UBC prior to completing your Coach Internship, a payback arrangement may be required, based on the length of services provided

I acknowledge that I have read and understood the Expectations of a Coach Intern.

Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter a date.