NAME: Amy Rowell
DATE: October 15, 2015
Summary of Activity (include relationship to goal, bylaw or p&p, if applicable:
Attended The Transition Meeting in Birmingham on June 23, 2015 where I received The Guide for Services of the Vice President form former AASFAA Vice President Betty Edwards.
The 2015-2016 Professional Development Committee members are:
1. Jennifer Epperson 5. Shannon Cross
2. Amy Rowell 6. Stephanie Miller
3. Phillip Nelson 7. LaSha Nelson
4. Nikki Bradbury 8. Jason Buha
5. Kelly D’eath
A Program Committee Meeting was held Monday, October 5th at Montevallo. The Committee developed a tentative schedule of time and events for the Spring AASFAA Conference which will be held in Mobile, Al at the Battle House Hotel on March 14th-17th, 2016. The committee also discussed a theme for the conference.
Action Items (New business or Unfinished business):
The October 15th Workshop at the fall conference will be the first time AASFAA will be offering the membership the opportunity to test for 3 NASFAA Professional Credentials. Stephanie Miller will conduct the training.
On the same day (October 15th ), time (9 am 3pm), and place (H.C. Trenholm) AASFAA will host a free (with your membership) Policy and Procedure Manual Workshop. This workshop will be your opportunity to bring your laptop and work on your P&P without the daily distractions. This is a bring your own materials and work at your own pace with time to do what needs to be done for your office.
Policy & Procedure: Changes/ Updates/Recommendations:
The Professional Development committee has proposed that we will offer an additional opportunity for the membership to test for 3 NASFAA Professional Credentials on the first day of the spring conference (Monday, March 14, 2016).
We will also offer A New Aid Officers and Support Staff Workshop on Tuesday Morning, March 15, 2016.