2015-16 Children’s Ministry Year End Evaluation


Ministry: Circle one or two - Amp 40 Amp 70 Boy’s Brigade GEMS

Thank you so much for all you did to serve the Lord and for taking time to give some honest feedback about the ministry this year. Please feel free to add comments of your own.

  1. In what way, do you feel you were able to contribute to children coming to know and follow Jesus this year? Perhaps share a highlight of your year.
  1. How well were you able to get to know the children you worked with this year, and were you able to see spiritual growth?
  1. Were you able to get to know the parents enough to feel like you were partnering with them? If not, what are some obstacles to that?
  1. Did you feel supported and cared for by your team leader and/or the ministry staff? If not, please explain what was missing for you.
  1. Did you feel part of a team and have opportunity to get to know others on the team? If not, how do you see that being accomplished?
  1. Did you feel you had the proper training to complete the ministry? Was there anything you would have liked to have further training on?
  1. How was the communication on your team? Did you feel you were informed and aware of mission, vision, and weekly details?
  1. Was there anything that was a real challenge this year in your ministry? If so, what was it, and how could you see it getting better next year?
  1. Overall, what ideas do you have to help strengthen the ministry in which you served?
  1. Do you want to return to this same ministry next year? ____yes ____ no
  1. If you plan to return, do you want the same role or grade? Please comment.