Irene Daboin
620 Peachtree St. NE apt. # 702Atlanta, GA 30308
Phone: (305) 333-7213 – E-mail: ______
2014– PresentDoctoral Candidate, Clinical and Community Psychology (dually enrolled)
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
Dissertation Defense Date: Anticipated June 2016
2011– 2014Masters of Arts, Psychology, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
G.P.A. 4.03 /4.00
2007 – 2011Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
Magna cum laude, G.P.A. 3.89/4.00
8/2011 – PresentGraduate Research Assistant
Georgia State University, Department of Psychology
Laboratory of Health Promotion Research and Intervention
- Designed research protocols and completed IRB applications for two large-scale studies
- Oversaw participant recruitment, data collection, coding, and data entry
- Trained, mentored, and supervised five undergraduate research assistants
- Conducted extensive literature reviews and data analyses (both quantitative and qualitative)
- Prepared severalresearch proposals, professional presentations, and manuscripts for publication
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Project
- Designed an in-class letter-writing activity that is intended to increase students’ empathy towards rape survivor and create a more in-depth understanding of the topic of sexual assault
- Designed a research protocol and completed an IRB application for an experimental, in-class study intended to examine the merits of the afore-mentioned letter-writing activity
- Oversaw participant recruitment, compensation, and data collection
- Trained, mentored, and supervised one undergraduate research assistant
- Conducted extensive literature reviews and preliminary data analyses
- Prepared two professional presentations
08/2008 – 05/2011Undergraduate Research Assistant
University of Miami, Department of Psychology
Couples Laboratory
- Coded videos of first time parents for measures of co-parenting and couple functioning
- Attended weekly laboratory meetings for inter-rater reliability and reviewing of master codes
- Conducted data entry in Microsoft Excel
The Coming Out Project
- Performedteen participant and parent interviews in English and Spanish
- Conducted data entry, managed confidential participant information, and translatedmaterials from English to Spanish and Spanish to English
- Created posters for participant recruitment and managed the project’s Facebook site for community outreach
Psychology Research Initiatives Mentorship Experience (PRIME)
- Coded videos of children’s social interactions during a ‘clean-up’ task for compliance, effortful control, and affect, and attended bi-weekly meetings for inter-rater reliability
- Conducted data analyses examining the moderating role of parenting in the relation between effortful control and compliance behavior across contexts
- Presented results at two local conferences and completed a senior honors thesis
Social Development Laboratory, Department of Psychology.
- Entered and checked EEG error-related negativity data, WISCand WAIS scores, and performed preliminary data analyses of EEG data to identify ‘bad segments’
- Proctored questionnaires on participants’ autism symptomatology, family background, and daily functioning, and scored and entered collected data
- Prepared and monitored participantsduring EEG recording sessions
Fall 2014 – PresentInstructor of RecordGeorgia State University
Introduction to Human Sexuality (4 sections, 66-85 students each)
- Designed the course syllabus and developed original lecture, testing, and supplemental materials
- Delivered lectures and moderated in-class discussions
- Proctored and graded quizzes and exams, and graded final projects and in-class activities
- Held weekly office hours and appointments with students
Fall 2011– Summer 2014Teaching Assistant Georgia State University
Abnormal Psychology(1 section, 75 students)
Advanced Research Design(1 section, 25 students)
Drugs, Behavior and Society (1 section, 75 students)
Introduction to Human Sexuality (1 section, 75 students)
Introduction to Psychology (3 sections, 120 students each)
- Provided assistance and support with lectures, in-class activities, exams and assignments.
- Proctored exams and individual make-up tests, and calculated and posted grades.
- Held office hours and assisted students with class content.
- Prepared and delivered guest lectures.
Spring 2012– Spring 2013Guest LecturerGeorgia State University
“Abnormal Sexuality”Introduction to Human Sexuality (1 section, 75 students)
“Alcohol, Sex, and Aggression”Drugs, Behavior, and Society (1 section, 75 students)
“Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment”Abnormal Psychology(1 section, 75 students)
“Sexual and Gender Disorders” Abnormal Psychology(1 section, 75 students)
“Sexual Orientation”Multicultural Issues in Psychology (1 section, 66 students)
- Daboin, I., & Swartout, A. (2016, March). Creating Change: Examples of Action Teaching and How to Apply it in Your Classroom. Oral presentation at the 28thSoutheastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Atlanta, GA.
- Daboin, I., Peterson, J. L., & Parrott, D. J. (2015). Racial differences in sexual prejudice and its correlates among heterosexual men. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 21, 258-267.
- Daboin, I.,Calamaras, M. R., Remmert, B. C., & Baez, V. (2015, August). Assimilation ideology and depression in African American women.In N. Kaslow (Chair),Examining African American Mental Health Outcomes: Cultural and Contextual Influences.Symposiumto be conducted at theannualmeeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
- Daboin, I., Zuckerman, A., & Thomas, D. (2015, June). Culturally-Sensitive Mentoring: Supporting Future Community Psychologists of Color. Round-table presentation at the biennial meeting of the Society for Community Research and Action SCRA), Lowell, MA.
- Daboin, I. (2015, April). Writing Letters to Change Attitudes:Applying the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to an Action Teaching Example. Paper presentation at Georgia State University’s annualInstructional Effectiveness Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Daboin, I. (2015, February). Writing Letters to Survivors: Teaching College Students about Rape. Poster presented at the 27th Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Atlanta, GA.
- Daboin, I., Peterson, J.L., and Parrott, D.J. (2014, July). Racial Differences in Sexual Prejudice and Other Correlates of Anti-Gay Aggression. Poster presented at the 21st World Meeting of the International Society for Research on Aggression, Atlanta, GA.
- Daboin, I., & Peterson, J.L. (2014, June). Racial Centrality and its Varying Implications across Racial Groups. Poster presented at the third biennial Division 45 Research Conference, Eugene, OR.
- Geidner, A., Smallwood, M., Daboin, I., Peterson, J.L. (2014, May). Variations in participants’ definitions of heterosexuality and the association between non-heterosexual arousal and masculinity. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Georgia Psychological Association, Stone Mountain, GA.
- Daboin, I., Peterson, J.L., Parrott, D.J., & Swartout, K.M. (2013, August). Threats to Masculinity and Aggression towards Sexual Minorities. Poster presented at the 121st annual convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), Honolulu, HI.
- Daboin, I., & Peterson, J.L. (2013, June). Quantity or Quality? The effect of contact on sexual prejudice. Poster presented at thebiennial meeting of the Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA), Miami, FL.
- Smallwood, M., Daboin, I., Zuckerman, A., & Peterson, J. L. (2013, April). "In their own words": Heterosexual men's reports of their contact with sexual minorities. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Georgia Psychological Association, Stone Mountain, GA.
- Daboin, I., Peterson, J.L., & Parrott, D.J. (2012, October). Racial Differences in the Determinants of Anti-Gay Aggression in a Community Sample. Paper presented at the 12th annual Diversity Challenge of the Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture, Boston, MA.
- Daboin, I., & Peterson, J.L. (2016). The effects of contact on sexual prejudice: Development and validation of the Contact with Sexual Minorities Questionnaire. Manuscript in preparation.
- Daboin, I., Peterson, J.L, Parrott, D.J., & Swartout, K. M. (2016).Perceived threats, the black sheep effect, and sexual prejudice against gay men (Unpublished master’s thesis). Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.
- Daboin, I., Peterson, J.L, Parrott, D.J., & Swartout, K. M. (2016). Threats to masculinity and aggression towards sexual minorities in a community sample. Manuscript in preparation.
- Goodnight, B., Daboin, I., Kreus, C., Swartout, K., & Peterson, J. (2016). Openness to experience and bystander intervention: Reactions to anti-gay aggression. Manuscript in preparation.
- Johnson, S., Goodnight, B., Zhang, H., Daboin, I., & Kaslow, N. (2016). How compassion-based meditation works in African Americans: Self-criticism mediates changes in depression. Manuscript submitted for publication.
- Lecroix, R., Daboin, I., & Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J. (2016). The experience of parental sexual orientation disclosure. Manuscript submitted for publication.
- Daboin, I. (In press). Dialogues on Diversity: Lessons learned from the intersection of my own and others’ biases. The Diversity Factor.
- Daboin, I., Zuckerman, Z., Thomas, D., & Borgman, R. (2015). Culturally sensitive mentoring: Reflections from a SCRA roundtable. The Community Psychologist, 48, 28-30.
- Daboin, I. (2014). Making the invisible visible. The Community Psychologist, 47, 33-34.
8/2015 – PresentOglethorpe University Counseling Center
Training description: Provide weekly individual counseling to 8-10 undergraduate college students a semester, conduct intake interviews and psycho-diagnostic assessments, consult with other campus offices and departments, develop and facilitate 2-3 outreach events a semester, and attend other campus events as a Counseling Center representative.
8/2015 – PresentBrief Motivational Interventions Practicum
Training description: Provide brief,single-session, motivational-interviewing interventions toadult participants who endorse heavy-drinking as part of a research study on the impact of alcohol on intimate partner violence.
5/2012– 12/2015Georgia State University (GSU) Psychology Clinic
Training description: Provided individual and couples counseling to adults and adolescents with a of 3-4 cases a semester, conducted intake interviews and psycho- diagnostic assessments, provide vocational counseling and referral information.
8/2014 – 7/2015Grady Nia Project
Training description: Provided weekly individual counseling to 4 female adult patients with an extensive trauma history, conducted intake interviews, and co- led a Dialectical Behavior Therapy group.
7/2013 – 6/2015GSU Psychology Clinic – Intake Office
Training description: Conducted structured phone intake interviews with all potential clients seeking individual, couples, and family therapy services, provided referral information, met with clinicians and supervisors to discuss new client assignments, oriented beginning and junior clinicians to clinic policies and procedures, and performed clinic-wide chart reviews every fall and spring.
8/2014– 5/2014Grady Hospital Crisis Intervention Services
Training description: Led a weekly counseling group in the hospital’s Crisis Intervention Unit, and provided weekly individual peer-supervision.
8/2014 – 5/2015Regents Center for Learning Disorders at Georgia State University
Training description:Conducted clinical interviews and thorough neuro-psychological and psycho-diagnostic assessments, completed case presentations, feedback sessions, and extensive case reports with results and recommendations, and provided individual peer-supervision.
8/2013 – 5/2014Georgia Institute of Technology(GA Tech) Counseling Center
Training description: Provided short-term individual counseling to 8 undergraduate college students a semester, conducted intake interviews, co-led an interpersonal counseling group, consulted with other campus offices and departments, developed and facilitated 3 outreach events a semester, created and disseminated psycho-educational brochures for the greater campus community, and attended other campus events as a Counseling Center representative.
5/2012 – 7/2012GSU Psychology Clinic – Child Social Skills Group
Training description: Conducted initial phone screenings and parent intake interviews, contacted local school counties and teachers to advertise the group, prepared and delivered psycho-educational weekly group sessions for parents of children with social skill deficits, ADHD and/or ASD.
9/2011 – 7/2012Caminar Latino, Inc. – Healing Families, Ending Violence
Training description: Co-facilitated groupcounseling sessions in English and Spanish for children ages 4-7 as part of a comprehensive, culturally-informed, community-based program for Latino immigrant families affected by domestic violence, participated in weekly family-centeredgroup supervision and in-service trainings on responding to problematic behaviors and responding to reports of child abuse.
2016John Warkentin Memorial Award – Georgia State University
Awarded annually to a graduate student showing outstanding potential in psychotherapy. Nominated and selected by faculty members in the Clinical Psychology program.
2016Walter F. Daves Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award – Georgia State University
Awarded annually to a graduate student who has been an outstanding instructor in the Department of Psychology. Nominated and selected by faculty members.
2015ShaunDugginsPeer Award for Outstanding Service– Georgia State University
Awarded annually to a graduate student in psychology who has demonstrated excellence in mentorship, community building, service, leadership in diversity, and advocacy.Nominated by peers and selected by the executive board members of the Graduate Association of Student Psychologists.
2013APA Student Travel Award–American Psychological Association
Awarded annually to approximately 100 graduate students nationwide to travel to the APA convention to present their research.
2013Eric Rofes Scholarship – National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce
Awarded annually to a young activist wishing to attend the Creating Change conference of the National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce.
2016Alternative Relationship Education Workshop Event
Relationship Equality Foundation, Atlanta, GA.
2013QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) Suicide Prevention Training Georgia Institute of Technology Counseling Center, Atlanta, GA.
2012 – 2013Urban Fellows Program Center for the Comparative Study of Metropolitan Growth,
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.
2013Safe Zone Training Georgia State University Psychology Clinic, Atlanta, GA.
2012The State of Poverty and Public Health The Georgia Public Healthy Training Center, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.
2015Editorial Content Consultant
“Proud and Prepared”- APAGS Guide for LGBT Students
2015Fundraiser Committee Co-Chair
Grady Nia Project Annual Fundraiser
2013 – 2015Co-Chair and Outreach Coordinator
Clinic Diversity Committee, Georgia State University Psychology Clinic
2014Invited Panelist
Graduate Student Panel, Psi Chi, Georgia State University
2012 – 2014System Administrator of the GSU Psychology Online Recruitment Pool
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.
2013Invited Panelist
“Colorism” Panel, Rialto Student Ambassadors, Georgia State University
2012– 2013Executive Board Member
Graduate Association of Student Psychologists, Georgia State University
2012– 2013Graduate Student Representative
Student Library Advisory Committee Member, Georgia State University
2012– 2013Planning Committee
Community Psychology Brown Bag Lunch Series, Georgia State University
2012Program Evaluator
“Passport to Manhood” Program, Boys & Girls Club of Metropolitan Atlanta
- American Psychological Association (APA) – Student Affiliate
- American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS)
- APA Division 2: Society for the Teaching of Psychology
- APA Division 17: Society of Counseling Psychology
- APA Division 27: Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA)
- APA Division 44: Society for the Psychological Study of LGBT Issues
- APA Division 45: Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race
- APA Division 49: Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy
2008-2009Resident Assistant Stanford Residential College
University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL.
- Native Spanish speaker (born in Caracas, Venezuela)
- Proficient in French(Certified DELF (“Diplôme d'études en langue française”) B2 level)
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