Selection 2014
Independent Schools
Application Form
Dear Candidate,
Welcome to Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata! We are delighted that you are considering applying for one of the scholarship places at independent schools in the United Kingdom and Austria. Each of our partner schools has a distinctive character but sharesin the same mission, ethos and values.
TowarzystwoSzkółZjednoczonegoŚwiata receives a number of places from our partner schools each year. These may include a scholarship, a bursary and/or partial scholarship or a fee-paying place - usually covering 75-100% of the total costs. The main goal of our association is to select most suitable candidates for these places. Our scholars enter into either a two-year A-level programme or graduate with an International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma.
For more information please visit
Should you have any additional questions, you may contact us at .
Independent Schools
Selection Committee 2014
Selection process:
Please note that the closing date for applications is: January 15, 2014.
Our selection process has three stages.
1st stage: Each application is carefully reviewed by several members of the selection committee who are programme alumni. From the initial list of applicants a shortlist of candidates is invited to the second round and the results are published on our website.
2nd stage: In the second round, the candidate pool is narrowed further after face-to-face interviews and other forms of assessment. Approximately 20-25 candidates are invited to attend the final round.
3rd stage (final): This selection round is entirely based on a formal interview. Interviewers may include, upon availability, headmasters of several partner schools.
Nomination process:
Following the final stage of the selection process, students are nominated for places at specific schools and colleges. There is an almost 100% acceptance rate of our candidates among schools and colleges, however headmasters always reserve the right to make the final decision for every candidate.
Additional notes:
Please use English when filling out the form, unless stated otherwise. The form consists of six sections.
In Section I, we ask candidates to provide basic personal information. Before we sent your application our evaluators (primarily alumni of the programme), this section is removed to ensure that your application is evaluated purely on merit.
In Section II, please provide detailed academic information.
In Section III, we are interested to hear about your accomplishments, achievements and experience.
Please note that sections IV and V are the most important parts of your application. These sections give us an insight into your character, the way you think and the way you look at the world. Strong applicants will use these sections effectively to provide detailed information about their ambitions, dreams, plans, etc. In our selection process we seek people with genuine passions.
Section VIincludes final administrative details.
Good luck!
SECTION I - Personal Information
Last Name:First Name(s):
Date of Birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Country of Birth:
First Language:
Other Languages:
Home Address
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Post code:
Phone numbers
SECTION II - Academic Records
II.1. – High School Information
High School: / [pełna nazwa szkoły średniej w języku polskim]Major: / [profil]
School Address
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Post Code:
Phone number:
WWW (if available):
School city population: / [przybliżona liczba mieszkańców]
Tutor: / [wychowawca]
II.2. – Middle School Information
Middle School: / [pełna nazwa gimnazjum w języku polskim]School Address
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Post Code:
Phone number:
WWW (if available):
School city population: / [przybliżona liczba mieszkańców]
Tutor: / [wychowawca]
II.3. - Please list your middle school subjects [świadectwo z gimnazjum] and your final grades (using the Polish grade scale of 1-6). Please add missing subjects in the empty boxes.
Polish Literature: / English Language:Mathematics: / Foreign Language______:
Biology: / Foreign Language______:
Chemistry: / Art:
Physics: / Music:
History: / PhysicalEducation:
Social Studies: [WOS]
IT / Computer Science: / Conduct: / [zachowanie]
Pleaseindicateyour GPA: [średnia do dwóch miejsc po przecinku]
II.4. - Please list your middle school exam results [wynikegzaminugimnazjalnego] - using percentage scores.
% / Source (delete as appropriate)Humanities
Polish: / Test taken / Subject olympiad
History and Social Studies: / Test taken / Subject olympiad
Mathematics and Sciences
Mathematics: / Test taken / Subject olympiad
Sciences: / Test taken / Subject olympiad
SECTION III - Accomplishments, Achievements and Experience
In this section please use original names of competitions, olympiads and other educational programs (do not translate them into English). Remember to provide the level at which the competition was held, e.g. class / school / city / county / voivodship / national / international.
Please list any significant academic achievements (olympiads, competitions, awards).
(max. 300 words)
Do you participate in any extra-curricular clubs or activities at school, for example creative activities, sports, volunteer projects etc.? Please list up to 5 areas of involvement indicating the level and time of involvement, and responsibilities.
(max. 75 words per activity)
What are your favourite activities outside of school? How do you spend your leisure time? For example, creative activities, employment, sports, volunteer projects or other hobbies. Please list up to 5 areas of involvement indicating the level and time of involvement, and responsibilities. (max. 75 words per activity)
SECTION IV - Questionnaire
Complete the sentence: In 10 years from now, I see myself...
(max. 25 words)
Complete the sentence: If I could solve one problem facing the world today it would be…
(max. 25 words)
Complete the sentence: If I could do something with no risk of failing, I would...
(max. 25 words)
SECTION V - Cover Letter
Please note that this section carries the greatest weight in the selection process. Please review the instructions carefully and think about your answers before writing them up. Good luck!
In the space below, please write a statement explaining why you are interested in pursuing your education abroad. Please try to structure your answer around three main paragraphs in which you include:
-adescription of your academic and personal ambitions (supported by your actions, achievements and involvement in extracurricular activities to date) - what does really motivate and drive you? what is important to you in life?;
-a description both of what you might contribute to the school life and what you would hope to gain from the experience - each of our partner schools is unique and offers tremendous opportunities for personal growth, but requires of each individual student to take an active part in school life - how will you enrich it with your presence and talents?;
-a clear answer to the question of why YOU should be awarded a place on the programme - the selection process is competitive - how do you stand out among the other applicants?
(max. 500 words)
SECTION VI - Additional information
How didyoufirsthearabout Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata im. prof. Pawła Czartoryskiego? Please give us as much detail as possible.
a)absolwent - imię i nazwisko
b)stypendysta - imię i nazwisko
c)plakat - gdzie?
d)internet - strona?
e)telewizja - program?
f)radio - stacja?
g)prasa - czasopismo i artykuł?
h)inne - jak?
Hereby I declare that:
a)I have discussed all aspects of the commitment involved in applying for entry to a school/college abroad with my parent(s)/guardian(s).
b)Should I be admitted to the next stage of the selection process, I agree for my full name and current city of residence to be disclosed online at as well as to be made available to the media.
c)Should the application be successful, I hereby undertake to observe the rules, regulations and guidelines of the school/college. I recognise that the school/college has the right to exclude me for violations of such rules, regulations and guidelines.
d)All information provided in this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and I understand that if it is proven otherwise my application will be automatically removed from the selection process and my scholarship (should the application be successful) might be revoked.
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata im. prof. Pawła Czartoryskiego z siedzibą w Warszawie moich danych osobowych w celu przeprowadzenia konkursu stypendialnego (zgodnie z przepisami ustawy z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych – tj. Dz.U. z 2002 r. Nr 101, poz. 926 z późn. zm.)
Jestem świadomy/a dobrowolności podania danych oraz zgody do ich przetwarzania, oraz, zostałem/łam poinformowany/a o prawie wglądu do moich danych oraz możliwości ich poprawiania.
Podpis kandydata: [Prosimy o wpisanie swojego pełnego imienia i nazwiska. Własnoręczny podpis nie jest wymagany]