
Approved MINUTES as amended

2014/2015 University ofWisconsin-WhitewaterFaculty Senate

Tuesday, March 10,2:15p.m.

University Center275A


1. Call to Order Chair Munro called the meeting to order at 2:15 PM.

2. Roll Call

1. Senators present: Ahmadi, Ambrose, Barger, Brady, Bren, Ciganek, Compas, Dugan, Gapinski, Gulig. Hartwick, Holmes, Hsu, Ivry, Kumpaty, Kopf, Levy-Navarro, Madan, Mandell, Munro, Portman, Sankaranarayanan, Schneider, Schultz, Splinter, Street, Toms, Veldkamp, Weston, Winchell, Zhang, Zhou

2. Senators absent: (*informed Secretary)Ghavamshahidi*, Mukherjee, Tillet, Zhao*

3. Approval ofMinutes:

1. Minutes of the 2014-2015 Faculty Senate Meeting, February10, 2015. (Action item) Approved on a Gulig/Kumpaty motion. FS1415-36

4. Reports ofCommittees: Chair Munro distributed a handout describing the functions of the committees.

1.Faculty Appeals, Grievances, and Disciplinary Hearing Committee

Chair Munro reviewed the responsibilities and level of activity of the Committees. Members must be tenured and service on three panels is considered a term. Half of the members are elected at large by the Senate and half are chosen by the Colleges.

2.University Standards Report is postponed until the April meeting.

3.Faculty budget committee Members of the Budget Committee gave a lengthy presentation on issues they had identified in campus funding distributions and the Governor’s budget. They distributed four handouts: expenditures by program and program cost, cuts proposed in the Governor’s budget, UWW revenue and expenditures comparisons, and a set of suggested guiding principles for budget cuts. They noted they we may be at the point where student programs will take six years to complete. They were to meet with the Chancellor on March 12. Several senators asked if they would be willing to meet with the individual colleges, and survey the faculty on budget issues

4.Assessment Committee Ed Frederick, chair, reported that the current members are trying to re-energize what has been a moribund committee and to redefine its’ function to reflect changes in assessment practices on the campus. They have been cooperating with Joan Cook’s assessment program on various projects. They have two sub-committees working at present; one on identifying current assessment practices and one reviewing and updating their mission statement. They expect to be submitting proposed changes to the Organization Committee for presentation to the entire faculty soon.

5. OldBusiness:

None A question was raised about the distribution to news outlets of our statement on the budget that was passed at the February meeting. Chair Munro explained that Marketing and Media Relations had declined to distribute it for us. Senators asked Chair Munro to send it out from the Senate directly.

6. NewBusiness:

  1. Appointment / election - Faculty Appeals, Grievances, and Disciplinary Hearing Committee (Action item) Chair Munro had received four names. Gulig/Portman moved to close nominations and accept those four names; passed. FS1415-37

Kathy Brady, Communication

Richard Cummings, Accounting

Rashiqa Kamal, Finance & Business Law

Richard Mason, Curriculum & Instruction

  1. Department standards: Portman/Mandell moved approval of all three as a group; approved with no discussion.FS1415-38
  2. Women’s and Gender Studies (action item: attached)
  3. Philosophy and Religious Studies (action item: attached)
  4. History (action item: attached)
  1. Personnel rules(action item: attached) FPRC Chair Portman explained the rationale for the proposed changes. Approved with no discussion on a Portman/Hartwick motion.FS1415-39
  1. Ratification of Joint UW Faculty Governance Communication (action item: attached) Chair Munro explained the events behind the creation the document. The Senate endorsed Chair Munro’s signature on a Gulig/Compas motion.FS1415-40

7. Announcements andInformation(no action unless noted otherwise)

  1. Report ofthe Chancellor: The Chancellor gave his impressions of the budget discussions at the previous week’s BOR meeting. The amount is really $348 million. Regent opinions are not uniform. The Governor wants a “dedicated revenue” stream for the System, but no one believes that the Legislature is willing to leave one alone. Chapter 36 is still under discussion, but we need it clearly stated as part of rules of the Authority (if Authority is created). Joint Finance has started is statewide hearings on the budget and met with UWS officials on March 3.

Chancellor Telfer has met with campus governance groups and has submitted our first round proposals to System. Our portion of the cut is about $8 million per year. He sees us as having three options: (1) try to increase revenue (graduate and out-of-state undergraduates) which is probably our best tactic; (2) use temporary savings we had originally put aside for other uses; and (3) base reductions. He is currently holding forty positions. He hopes to not cut student help funds.

  1. Report of the Provost: Provost Kopper and AVC Cook both had information to give us. Provost Kopper noted the UW System is studying how to decrease the number of students requiring remedial education and is sponsoring a series of regional conferences on the issue. One conference will be here on April 27; Dean Heyning will by our local coordinator.

She thanked the faculty for their comments on the report to interim VP Ward on workload last month. One senator asked about the workload items missing from the survey. Dr. Kopper sent in all comments she received.

AVC Cook announced that the HLC Committee will be meeting with governance groups for their input into the draft document that has been written. There is a website for the information collected, including the evidence files and aexecutive summary of the narrative document. There will be a LEARN Center meeting on April 7 to discuss the draft. A question was asked if the narrative should include the current budget situation; probably needs to be acknowledged was the conclusion.

Courseleaf is up and running. The UCC expects that it will review at least the first 9 proposals (and possibly 20) done in Courseleaf at its’ March 20 meeting. Authorization for use by all faculty is expected to be loaded by the end of the semester.

Functionality of the new course grid is being reviewed by the Registrar and governance groups.

  1. Report of the Senate Chair: Several members of the Board of Regents met with the faculty representatives group at the last BOR meeting. Regent Walsh urged caution on the public authority issue as he deals with the problems of the UW Hospital authority on a daily basis. The separate roles of faculty and academic staff will need to be examined and defined carefully. The BOR chair and vice-chair affirmed their support for faculty governance, the preservation of tenure, and sabbatical leaves. Chair Munro indicatedthat we need to get across the message that the University’s mission is more than job training – we need to emphasize the importance of general education and the LEAP program.

8. Future Meeting Dates andTimes

2014-2015 Senate Meeting Dates and Times

1. Faculty Senate: Meetings begin at 2:15 p.m. Faculty Senate meetings continue until business is finished, potentially 5 PM or later. Remaining 2014-2015 Faculty Senate meeting dates and locations Apr 14, 2015 in UC275B; May 5, 2015 in UC 259

2 .Faculty Senate Executive Committee: Meetings of the Executive Committee are typically at 2:15 on Tuesdays two weeks before Senate meetings and as needed. The location(s) of the Senate Executive Committee meetings for 2014-2015 Hyland hall 3303 Remaining2014-2015 scheduled Faculty Senate Executive meeting dates; Mar. 31, 2015; Apr. 21, 2015

9. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 4:31 PM on a Hartwick/Brady motion.