Organize a Legislative Briefing on Population.

Collaborators: 3


Milt T

Karen Gaia Pitts

by Karen Gaia Pitts

Organize a Legislative Briefing on Population

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Educate California legislators on the importance of a sustainable population.California is one of the world's 25 biodiversity hotspots, which, together, have 45% of the world's plant and animal species in just 4% of its land mass. California's population is growing at over 1%, fast enough to double in 60 years. California, along with the rest of the U.S., has a large unmet need for contraception and it's sex education program has suffered in recent years, both areas needing more funding to prevent unplanned births and lower teen pregnancy rates. Population growth has been the mantra of economics, but it is unsustainable and the bubble may have finally burst. We feel that many California legislators are unaware of the environmental impacts of population growth or of the solutions that will help ease the economic and social burdens that unplanned pregnancies place on young people while reducing the growth rate to reach a sustainable population. We hope to educate legislators so that they can find an acceptable, workable solution that will bring about a sustainable population.

Outline of project:
1. Discover when is the best time (in the legislative calendar) for such an event (Spring 2010?)

Anytime between now (March) through August. Friday is best if you focus on staff of legislators.
Actually the Legislative Women's Caucus recommends November, with us connecting with them again in October (I hope sooner, if possible).

2. Invite a nationally known population speaker

Perhaps John Seager of Population Connection (See resources blog). Or Bill Reyerson of Population Media.

3. Obtain a room for the event, one that is normally used for legislative briefings.

A friendly legislator may be able to help you get a room. Otherwise Westminster Presbyterian Church
is a good alternative. T he LWC might be able to help us get a room, but we should reserve Westminster just in case. A room in the Capitol is best, however.

4. Invite a lobbyist staff from Sierra Club California to speak briefly.

Bill Magavern thinks this should be no problem.

5. Invite someone from GPEP (Sierra Club's Global Population and Environment Program) to speak briefly.
6. Invite a friendly legislator to speak? Connect with friendly legislators.
7. Connect with Planned Parenthood to see what they need - funding for what kind of programs?
8. Connect with the Women's Caucus for a joint venture?

We connected about April 10th. They might be able to do a joint venture or at least pass the word. We need to get them to talk about this early - may be the best way to enlist friendly legislators.

9. Compile useful talking points for the speaker.

We have a blog on this project for this purpose.

10. Advertise!!! Personally invite legislators?

Invite staff of legislators and hold briefing on a Friday. Legislators don't usually attend unless there is a specific bill involved.

11. Make up a flyer.

Be sensitive to Latinos. Focus on reproductive health, sex ed, and young women's self esteem.
Leave no question - this is not about immigration.

12. Make copies of materials for speaker.
13. Hotel for speaker?
14. Provide refreshments.

Preferably lunch. This is a big attraction. Ladd has volunteered to provide a lunch or refreshments.