TABS ITO (Expert) Group meeting 15th April 2014 (1.30 – 4.30pm)

Apologies: Philippa Robb (Advance Cycle Training),Joe Finlay (DfT), Jackie Bratley (Durham County Council), Colin Savage (Devon County Council), Paul Robison (Cycle Training Alliance),

Attendees: Eric Chasserey (Kingston Council), Vicky Spencer (British Cycling), David Showell (Cycle Confident), Rupert Gardner (Advance CycleTraining), Paul Lowe (Cycle Instructor), James Hancox (Cycle Training East), Jacqui Wilcox (Life Cycle UK), Nick Truran (East Region ITO), Jenny Hotchkiss (British Cycling), Julie Fox (Cycle Experience), Julie Milne (Wiltshire Council), Judith Billingham (Wiltshire Council), Greg Woodford (CTC), Francesca Flaxton (Haddenham Cycle Training), Isobel Stoddart (TABS), Liz Clarke (BikeRight!), David Dansky (Cycle Training UK)(Chair), Michael Frearson (Outspoken Training), Paul Lever (CTWM), Ken Woodhouse (Pedal Ready), Phillip Darnton (TABS, Chair), David Shannon (Islington Council)

Item 1 – Welcome / introductions (Chair) / ACTION BY
David thanked Islington Council for hosting the meeting and gave apologies.
Item 2 – Previous minutes/matters arising (Chair)
ACTION: Send SDG/DfT copy of final Instructor Assessment Form that has been revised based on comments provided and get agreement that ITOs will be using the same set of outcomes, albeit different designs of form.
ACTION: Add to workplan for future ITO operational meetings (see later notes for background) – How to observe and assess National Standard Instructors, and post question on TABS Forum for discussion.
Paul Lowe said that he would be writing in response re. outcomes and observation process in regard to the 3 day course.
ACTION: Circulate guidance from SDG re. 80/20 rule
Francesca Flaxton circulated table with feedback from ITO'sre. 3 alongside 4 day course, but as an exception to the rule for up to 3 delegates. Most ITO's were in support of the proposal and severalreported that although they couldn’t support a 3 day course,they wouldnotblock further development of the idea. The Board of one ITO have blocked the proposal. It was agreed that Francesca should progress with writing up a summary report tonotify CTSB and SDG of the level of support amongstITO'sand ask if this is sufficienttowarrant preparing a full proposal.
ACTION: add review of the course proposal to the workplan schedule
Michael Frearson gave an update on the school survey, said some of the data would be presented at the conference and said there was still time for more schools to participate. ACTION: Call for ITOs to send Michael contact details for schools that have untrained Y5 and trained Y6 children to survey.
David D mentioned that the DfT update would, in future be presented at the Board meeting, and key items fed through to working groups, including the ITO group.
ACTION: David D still to produce paper to discuss CPD requirements for presentation to DfT – speak to DfT to see if they would fund this developmental work
ACTION: Liz Clarke still to produce process map
David D reported that Cycle Training UK had undergone their ITO assessment by SDG but were still waiting for the report. Only one other ITO had heard from SDG and had date booked for assessment.
ACTION: Still to follow up with Steve Garidis re. NSIT qualification within a wider qualification framework
It was confirmed that Lisa Buchannan is head of Bikeability at SDG. / David D
David D / Isobel S
David D
Francesca F
David D / Isobel S
David D
Liz Clarke
David D
Item 3 – Restructure of ITO / TABS (presented by Michael Frearson)
Michael Frearson gave an overview of the 2 page paper produced by a working group comprising of TABS Board members and there was a discussion about the relative pros and cons of the new working structure proposed. There were some concerns about the need to pay freelance instructors to attend, how the decision making/sign-off process on key issues would work .
It was agreed that the proposal should be taken forward with the following criteria:
  • Depending on the proposed subject matter of the working group ITOs should make their own decision about who is most appropriate to send – either an instructor or a manager, but needs to be someone who can speak on behalf of the ITO on the topic being discussed.
  • The ITO group should only be involved in instructor based discussions – other groups will be set up to discuss other topics.
  • TABS Board member will chair the ITO discussion groups
  • The agenda / discussion items for the ITO group will be agreed as part of an overall ‘work plan’ for the next 6-12 months, in full consultation with all TABS members.
ACTION: After the conference, aworkplan for the next 12 - 24 months will be drawn up and circulated for consultation.
At that point a decision will be made about how often the ITO Group needs to meet but it was confirmed that the ITOs would attend the forthcoming meeting in September and would be welcome to attend future Board meetings. / TABS Board to co-ordinate
Item 4 – TABS update(Isobel Stoddart)
Isobel S reported back on membership renewal/sign up figures and reminded all present to renew if not already done so.
Isobel S reported that TABS would be setting up a discussion group of commissioning local authorities to raise the profile of the ‘quality’ kitemark and get a better understanding of how its value can be raised.
Agreed that a section on the TABS website is needed to explain to commissioning LAs about TABS members and the value they offer.
Agreed that a section on the TABS website is needed to list CPD courses accompanied by a Twitter strategy to promote the courses and training.
ACTION: ITOS to send Isobel details of CPD courses offered so she can populate the website page
ACTION: TABS to talk to DfT re TABS/ITO task and finish group to scope out and recommend core and additional CPD courses and development options for instructors
Isobel gave an update on the conference.
ACTION: James Hancox and Eric Chasserey to email Isobel S with Buzz Group topics that they are prepared to lead.
Paul Lowe suggested that the conference workshops should be audio recorded.
ACTION: Paul to provide 2 digital tape recorders on the day. Isobel S to ask delegates for volunteers to provide additional recorders.
ACTION: Isobel S to consider issuing CPD certificates of attendance at the conference for all delegates
ACTION: Isobel S to consider issuing membership numbers to all TABS members / Isobel S
Isobel S
David D
James Hancox / Eric Chasserey
Paul Lowe/ Isobel S
Isobel S
Isobel S
Item 5 – AOB (Chair)
Action: Agreed that the minutes of the TABS Board meeting should be circulated to the ITO group.
Add to working group programme – clarification of NSITS and how go from provisional to being qualified. / Isobel
Item 6 – Dates of next meetings(Chair)
The next meeting date is confirmed for:
Tuesday 16th Sept, 2014 – at British Cycling offices, Manchester (2 – 4.30pm) (lunch from 1pm)
NB – David Dansky’s birthday!
ACTION: Isobel to circulate provisional date in December for following meeting. / ALL TO NOTE

The Association of Bikeability Schemes CIC Co. no: 07903754 (Cycle Hub, Ouseburn, East Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1BU)