2013 Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan and Report

College: College of Education

Department: Reading and Elementary Education

Degree Program: BA – Initial Licensure in Elementary Education (Grades K-6)

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte offers 2 pathways to the Initial Teacher Licensure required to teach in North Carolina. Due to state regulations both must have the exact same student learning outcomes. Those pathways are a traditional BA degree in elementary education or a Graduate Certificate that is earned after completing a BA or BS degree.

Reflection on the Continuous Improvement of Student Learning
1. List the changes and improvements your program planned to implement as a result of last year’s student learning
outcomes assessment data.
2. Were all of the changes implemented? If not, please explain.
3. What impact did the changes have on student learning?
1.  The program has decided to integrate the curriculum from ELED 4111 into other 4000 level classes.
2.  The 4000 level course instructors have documented the teacher candidates’ writing concerns and have referred them to the writing center. This was discussed and addressed in faculty meetings, considering the electronic evidences are writing intensive.
3.  The 4000 level course instructors have documented ways for teacher candidates to take more responsibility for their work.
4.  The Integrated Methods Block is taken during the teacher candidates’ junior year. This second semester includes more intensive, early clinical experiences to better prepare candidates for the student teaching internship. Based on student performance on lesson plans and assignments, we have 2 reflective meetings as faculty to discuss how to continuously improve the IMB.
5.  We want our teacher candidates to know their content. We voted as a faculty to remove the lose concentrations from the program. Now, every teacher candidate must have a minor. We will encourage content areas that are taught for these minors (math, science, social studies, English, and our new Reading minor).
Student Learning Outcome 1
(knowledge, skill or ability to be assessed)
Initial teacher licensure candidates demonstrate knowledge of the important principles and concepts of the content they teach.
Changes to the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan: If any changes were made to the assessment plan (which includes the Student Learning Outcome, Effectiveness Measure, Methodology and Performance Outcome) for this student learning outcome since your last report was submitted, briefly summarize the changes made and the rationale for the changes.
The Impact on Student Learning Project (ISL) is no longer used to measure SLO #1. We are transitioning to edTPA.
The Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12) was revised in implemented beginning the fall of 2012. The instrument is now referred to as the Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12) and replaces the STAR. These changes resulted in changes in element numbering and wording.
Effectiveness Measure: Identify the data collection instrument, e.g., exam, project, paper, etc. that will be used to gauge acquisition of this student learning outcome and explain how it assesses the desired knowledge, skill or ability. A copy of the data collection instrument and any scoring rubrics associated with this student learning outcome are to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.
·  A common observation instrument, Student Teaching Assessment Rubric (STAR), is used with every student teacher at the end of his or her academic program while taking ELED 4420: Student Teaching/Seminar: K-6 Elementary Education. The final (fourth) administration of the STAR instrument is used specifically to measure SLO 1. Both the University Supervisor (US) and the school-based Cooperating Teacher (CT) observe the teacher candidate using the rubric. The rubric has a 3-point scale. Three elements included on the STAR rubric are used to measure SLO #1 (K2a: Demonstrates Knowledge of Content, K2b: Implements Interdisciplinary approaches and multiple perspectives for teaching content, E4a: Develops plans that are aligned with State and District).
·  The 8-10 page scholarly paper and companion website named the Content Knowledge Project(CKP) is required in ELED 3223: Social Studies Methods. The CKP is evaluated by the instructor using criteria described in the CKP rubric. The rubric has a 3 point scale. One element of the rubric is used to evaluate SLO 1: 3b1 Content Knowledge: Depth of understanding and application of content knowledge in the specialty area.
·  PRAXIS II is required (for now) for licensure in several of the disciplines within this program. The College uses the pass rate on this standardized test as a measure of content knowledge. We are transitioning to a new test required for licensure this summer.
Methodology: Describe when, where and how the assessment of this student learning outcome will be administered and evaluated. Describe the process the department will use to collect, analyze and disseminate the assessment data to program faculty and to decide the changes/improvements to make on the basis of the assessment data.
The Student Teaching Assessment Rubric (STAR) is used during the ELED 4420 course, the final semester a teacher candidate is in the program, to evaluate a student’s work and teaching. The University Supervisor (US) observes the student teacher in a school setting. The final administration of the instrument is collected and used to measure SLO #1.
The Content Knowledge Project (paper and website) is implemented in ELED 3223, a course taken prior to the final semester of the program. The CKP gives the student the opportunity to demonstrate breadth and depth of knowledge on a selected topic. Directions for the project are given at the beginning of the semester and final projects are uploaded by the student to Taskstream. The CKP is evaluated by the instructor of ELED 3223 using the CKP rubric.
The Instructional Unit Plan (IUP) assignment is implemented in ELED 4220 and is a required course for all teacher candidates in the Graduate Certificate in Elementary Education Program and taken the semester prior to student teaching. The work product requires candidate to develop a unit of instruction integrating content across the curriculum. Directions for the project are given at the beginning of the semester and final projects are uploaded by the student to Taskstream. The IUP gives the candidates the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have developed in their courses. The IUP is evaluated by the instructor of ELED 4220 using the IUP rubric.
The Praxis II assessments are taken during the final semester. The scores are sent by Educational Testing Services to the College of Education.
Scores are collected using the College’s electronic data management system and are analyzed at the college and program level. Simple descriptive statistics are used to analyze the scores, and disaggregated findings are reported by semester at three levels (College, Program and Licensure Area). Once a year results from all assessments administered by the programs are disseminated to the faculty in the College of Education. The data is discussed during a final faculty meeting and next steps determined to address any needs identified. All strategies determined during this closing the loop discussion are implemented during the next academic year. All data reports created by the College of Education are housed on a secure website which is accessible to all faculty within the College of Education.
Performance Outcome: Identify the percentage of students assessed that should be able to demonstrate proficiency in this student learning outcome and the level of proficiency expected. Example: 80% of the students assessed will achieve a score of “acceptable” or higher on the Oral Presentation Scoring Rubric. (Note: a copy of the scoring rubric, complete with cell descriptors for each level of performance, is to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.)
The program expects 80% of its teacher candidates to score “2” or better (target/exemplary or proficient/accomplished) on a 3point scale on the respective rubrics. [Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12), Content Knowledge Paper (CKP), and Instructional Unit Plan (IUP)]
2011Assessment Data / 2012 Assessment Data
Semester / Spring
2012 / Summer
2012 / Fall 2012 / Spring 2013 / Summer 2013 / Fall 2013
Count / 119 / 66 / 90 / 42
STAR (US): 1A Demonstrates Knowledge of Content
STAR12 (US) K2a / 98.3% / 100% / 53.3%
Proficient / 42.9%
STAR (US): 1B Implements Interdisciplinary Approaches and Multiple Perspectives for Teaching Content
STAR12 (US) K2b / 95% / 98.5% / 50%
Proficient / 45.2%
STAR (US): 7A Bases Purposeful Learning Activities on Essential Skills and District Curriculum
STAR12 (US): E4a: Develops plans that are aligned with State and District / 96.6% / 100% / 73.3%
Proficient / 59.5%
Count / 92 / 27 / 31 / 100 / 3 / 64
CKP: 3b1. Content Knowledge: depth of understanding and application of content knowledge in the specialty area. / 100% / 100% / 100% / 78%
Not met / 100%
Accomplished / 68.8%
29.7 %
Not met
Count / 86 / 99 / 24 / 11 / 74
IUP: 2. B.3. Understands the influence of diversity and plans instruction accordingly / 4.2%
Proficient / 36.4%
Proficient / 18.9%
IUP: 3a1. Develops and applies lessons / 100% / 100% / 0
Proficient / 0
Proficient / 55.4%
IUP: 3c1. Demonstrates knowledge of links between grade/subject / 100% / 100% / 4.2%
Proficient / 90.9%
Proficient / 43.2%

Praxis II Scores for Elementary Education Student Teachers and Graduate Interns

% Passing / % Passing / %
Licensure Area / 2010-2011 / 2011-2012 /
Elementary Education / 100%
Plans for 2013-14: Based upon the 2012 assessment data included in this annual report, what changes/improvements will the program implement during the next academic year to improve performance on this student learning outcome?
All performance outcomes were met.
Assessment Lead’s Comments on Student Learning Outcome 1:
This will be completed summer of 2014 by the Assessment Coordinator.
Student Learning Outcome 2
(knowledge, skill or ability to be assessed)
Initial teacher licensure candidates demonstrate thorough understanding of the relationship between clear, meaningful presentation of content and content-specific pedagogy through the appropriate use of multiple explanations, instructional strategies, and technologies.
Changes to the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan: If any changes were made to the assessment plan (which includes the Student Learning Outcome, Effectiveness Measure, Methodology and Performance Outcome) for this student learning outcome since your last report was submitted, briefly summarize the changes made and the rationale for the changes.
The Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12) was revised in implemented beginning the fall of 2012. The instrument is now referred to as the Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12) and replaces the STAR. These changes resulted in changes in element numbering and wording.
Effectiveness Measure: Identify the data collection instrument, e.g., exam, project, paper, etc. that will be used to gauge acquisition of this student learning outcome and explain how it assesses the desired knowledge, skill or ability. A copy of the data collection instrument and any scoring rubrics associated with this student learning outcome are to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.
The Student Teaching Assessment Rubric (STAR).is required to measure SLO2. The rubric has a 3-point scale. Four elements are used to measure SLO #2 (K1a: Individualizes the instructional environment, K2b: Makes content relevant and accessible to all learners, K1b: Sets Expectations for Learning and Achievement, E5e: Varies the instructional role, E5d: Integrates Technology with Instruction).
A common work sample, the Instruction Unit Plan (IUP) is required of every teacher education candidate. The work product is scored by the instructor of READ 5300. The rubric has a 3-point scale. Five elements of the rubric are used to evaluate SLO 2: (3d.1; Integrates 21st century skills in instruction 4d.1: Integrates technology with instruction; 4e.1: Integrates strategies for critical thinking; 4f.1: Organizes teams for cooperation, collaboration, and leadership; 5c.1: Uses a variety of approaches to improve teaching and learning.)
Methodology: Describe when, where and how the assessment of this student learning outcome will be administered and evaluated. Describe the process the department will use to collect, analyze and disseminate the assessment data to program faculty and to decide the changes/improvements to make on the basis of the assessment data.
The Student Teaching Assessment Rubric (STAR) is used during the ELED 4420 course, the final semester a teacher candidate is in the program, to evaluate a student’s work and teaching. The University Supervisor (US) observes the student teacher in a school setting.
The Instructional Unit Plan (IUP) assignment is implemented in ELED 4220 and is a required course for all teacher candidates in the BA in Elementary Education Program and taken the semester prior to student teaching. The work product requires candidate to develop a unit of instruction integrating content across the curriculum. Directions for the project are given at the beginning of the semester and final projects are uploaded by the student to Taskstream. The IUP gives the candidates the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have developed in their courses. The IUP is evaluated by the instructor of ELED 4220 using the IUP rubric.
Scores are collected using the College’s electronic data management system and are analyzed at the college and program level. Simple descriptive statistics are used to analyze the scores, and disaggregated findings are reported by semester at three levels (College, Program and Licensure Area). Once a year results from all assessments administered by the programs are disseminated to the faculty in the College of Education. The data is discussed during a final faculty meeting and next steps determined to address any needs identified. All strategies determined during this closing the loop discussion are implemented during the next academic year. All data reports created by the College of Education are housed on a secure website which is accessible to all faculty within the College of Education.