Pentecost Sunday

Sunday 8th June 2014

Email: Mobile: 087-8119770

Today we celebrate the great day of Pentecost when Christ filled the Church with the power of his Spirit and sent it out into the world to bring his peace, joy and forgiveness to all mankind.

Recently Deceased: Michael Curran Ballinskelligs R.I.P.

Declan O Connell Portmagee & Enniskillen R.I.P.

Jack Sullivan Chicago R.I.P.

Mass Intentions for the coming week:

Sat 7th Portmagee 7.30pm Nora & Denis Lyons

Sun 8th The Glen 10.00am Gerard O Sullivan

Dun Geagan 11.30am Con & Eileen O Sullivan

Mon 9th Portmagee 7.30pm Mary & Thomas O Connell

Tue 10th Dun Geagan 7.30pm John, Julia & Sean Sugrue

Wed 11th No Mass

Thu 12th No Mass

Fri 13th Portmagee 7.30pm Deceased members of the Casey Family

Sat 14th Portmagee 11.00am Mary Margaret O Driscoll (Months Mind)

7.30pm Fr Dan O Connell

Sun 15th The Glen 10.00am Paddy, Mary, Nora & Dolly Brennan

Dun Geagan 11.30am Donie Curran Mary & Daniel Curran

& Mary Barrett

Anniversaries: John O Connor R.I.P.

May God grant you always......

A sunbeam to warm you,

A moonbeam to charm you,

A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you.

·  Altar Servers for next weekend 14th / 15th June 2014

Dun Geagan: Mark King & Robyn Cournane

The Glen: Shane Casey & Teresa-Marie O Shea

Portmagee Mary Ellen & Bryan Bolger, Gabriella da Silva & Keith Brennan

·  Envelope Collection last weekend amounted to €612.19

Offertory Collection last weekend:

Dun Geagan €382.48 Portmagee €140.65 The Glen €123.89

Thank you for your support & kind generosity.

·  The Corpus Christi procession will take place on 21st June after 7.30pm mass in Portmagee. We invite all the First Holy Communion and Confirmation children of the parish to participate.

·  Graveyard Masses & blessing of the graves at 7.30pm will take place as follows:

Tues 24th Jun in Kinnard Graveyard Ballinskelligs, Fri 4th Jul Portmagee Graveyard & Fri 8th Aug The Glen Graveyard.

·  The Candelabras have been upgraded in the 3 Churches in the parish. The 5 main benefits of the new candelabras are:

(i) No more unprotected flames, (ii) No more smoke or soot damage, (iii) no more unsightly candelabras, (iv) supporting Irish jobs (v) no maintenance as St Killians maintain & service the candelabras.

·  Church Cleaners for the month of June:

Dun Geagan:Eileen O Sullivan Margaret O Driscoll Jackie Sugrue & Frank Curran

The Glen: Tina & Ciara O Sullivan, Teresa O Sullivan & Elaine O Shea

·  The Chiropodist will be in the Glen day centre at 12.30pm on Tues 10th June.

·  Portmagee Swim week Mon 21st July in Reencaheragh 11am, Safety week Mon 28th July in the comm. centre 10.30am. Registration for both swim & safety weeks will take place at the Portmagee Comm Centre on Mon 14th July at 8pm. Contact Marion 087-6739666 or Catriona 087-1241694 for more information.

·  Trip to Knock from Cahersiveen on June 22nd Contact: Christina 0876777148.

·  The Diocese of Kerry are holding a Course in Youth Ministry aimed at adults interested in developing the knowledge & skills to work with young people in nurturing & developing their faith. Youth Ministry is the response of the church to the needs of young people. Further details from Bernie McCaffrey 087 6484367

·  We ask God’s blessing on all those who are doing exams at this time, particularly those doing the Leaving Cert & Junior Cert exams. We remember and pray for them at this time.

Please respect an atmosphere of silence in the Church, especially after Mass. The Church is a sacred place. Thank You.